SESSION 12 – Tapa 1
Joint Focus Session - Design Enablement in Scaled CMOS
Thursday, June 14, 1:30 p.m.
Chairpersons: K.
Wilcox, AMD
Nose, Renesas Electronics Corp.
12.1 - 1:30 p.m.
22nm Dynamically Adaptive Clock Distribution for Voltage Droop Tolerance, K. Bowman, C. Tokunaga, T. Karnik, V.
De, J. Tschanz, Intel
An all-digital dynamically adaptive clock distribution
mitigates the impact of high-frequency supply voltage (Vcc) droops on
microprocessor performance and energy efficiency. Silicon measurements from a
test chip in a 22nm tri-gate technology demonstrate simultaneous throughput
gains and energy reductions ranging from 14% and 3% at 1.0V to 31% and 15% at
0.6V, respectively, for a 10% Vcc droop.
12.2 - 1:55 p.m.
Droop Reduction Using Throttling Controlled by Timing Margin Feedback, M. Floyd, A. Drake*, R. Berry, H.
Chase, R. Willaman, J. Pena, IBM System and Technology Group, *IBM Austin
Research Lab
An active processor throttling control loop was enabled in
the shipping POWER7™ based P775 supercomputer to mitigate voltage droop.
Critical path measurement circuits built into the POWER7 processor chips are
used to dynamically measure and react to loss of timing margin. This technique
was used to save power without dropping frequency and to only engage if a worst-case
droop event occurred in the system. As a result, worst-case workload-induced
voltage droop events are reduced by around 50% compared to the system operating
without the control loop. The reduction in operating voltage afforded by this
technique translates to significant yield improvement, reduced failure rates
(around 60% FIT reduction), and improved power efficiency (32W per processor
chip, which translates into more than $600 per node per year, which is well
more than $250,000 per year in a proposed 512 node installation).
12.3 - 2:20 p.m.
On-Die All-Digital Delay Measurement Circuit with 250fs Accuracy, M. Mansuri, B. Casper, F. O'Mahony,
Intel Corporation
This paper demonstrates an in-situ delay measurement circuit
which precisely characterizes key clocking circuits such as full phase rotation
interpolators. This on-die all-digital circuit produces a digital output value
proportional to the relative delay between two clocks, normalized to the clock
period. This circuit requires no calibration for variation or process, voltage,
temperature (PVT) and measures the delay with 250fs absolute accuracy and
repeatability of 10fs-rms.
12.4 - 2:45 p.m.
47% Access Time Reduction with a Worst-Case Timing-Generation Scheme Utilizing
a Statistical Method for Ultra Low Voltage SRAMs, A.
Kawasumi, Y. Takeyama, O. Hirabayashi, K. Kushida, F. Tachibana, Y. Niki, S.
Sasaki, T. Yabe, Toshiba
A variation tolerant sense amplifier timing generator which
utilizes a statistical method is proposed. The circuit monitors all the bitline
delays and generates the worst timing from the delay distribution. The timing
generating circuits have been implemented in 28nm and 40nm SRAMs. The 47%
access time improvement at 0.5V has been confirmed in measured results.