The VLSI Symposia is an international conference on semiconductor technology and circuits that offers an opportunity to interact and synergize on topics spanning the range from process technology to system-on-chip.
What's New
- → June 15, 2015
- The presenter of Circuits Plenary session has been changed from Michael Fausten to Christian Bräuchle, Robert Bosch GmbH.
- → June 12, 2015
- Program at a glance is updated!
Last minute information is made available.
Hope to see you soon in Kyoto. - → June 4, 2015
- Registration Page is updated. Registration Schedule at a venue is now available.
- → June 4, 2015
- Online Registration for VLSI is now closed.
You may still register onsite. See you soon in Kyoto. - → June 4, 2015
- Media Page is updated.
- → May 28, 2015
- Hotel Reservation System maintenance has finished.
- → May 28, 2015
- Press Release Timing Information is updated on Authors page and Media page.
- → May 18, 2015
- Hotel Reservation is extended to May 29, 2015.
- → May 12, 2015
- Online Late Registration Period has been started today!
We are still accepting your registration, see you soon in Kyoto. - → May 11, 2015
- Online early registration deadline is today!
Do not forget to get the discount for early bird prices! - → May 11, 2015
- Satellite Workshops & Event page is updated.
-2015 Spintronics Workshop on LSI website
-IEEE Solid-States Circuits Society Young Professionals and Grad Students Mentoring and Career coaching event - → May 8, 2015
- Program at a glance is available.
- → April 24, 2015
- 2015 Press Kit / Highlight Papers is now available.
Please get the conference highlight information here. - → April 8, 2015
- Technical Programs for Technology and Circuits Symposia are now available.
- → April 3, 2015
- Online Registration is now available.
- → March 26, 2015
- Hotel Reservation is now available.
- → March 18, 2015
- Documents for accepted authors are available in Authors Page.
Please submit Copyright Transfer Form and Speaker's Reply Form (Circuits only) by the due date. - → March 11, 2015
- The list of accepted papers are now available for both Technology and Circuits.
*The corresponding authors of the accepted papers will receive an official acceptance email including the presentation date and time on March 18, 2015. - → February 26, 2015
- Late News submission for Technology is now available.
- → February 26, 2015
- 2015 VLSI poster is now available.
- → January 28, 2015
- Online submission is now closed.
- → January 26, 2015
- Paper submission for Technology is extended for another day. The final deadline is January 27, 2015, 23:59 JST.
For Circuits submission, NO extension is allowed. - → December 22, 2014
- Online Submission is opened.
Best Student Paper Award is updated. - → November 14, 2014
- Following page is updated.
COURSES & WORKSHOPS - Satellite workshops
2015 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop website is available - → November 12, 2014
- The 2nd Call for Papers are available.
- → October 17, 2014
- Details on Emerging System Directions, new initiative in the Symposium on VLSI Circuits, are available.
- → October 17, 2014
- Following pages are available.
- The 1st Call for Paper are available.
- → September 5, 2014
- 2015 VLSI Symposia website open.
Important Dates
- May 11, 2015
- Early Registration Deadline
- May 29, 2015
- Advance Registration Deadline
- June 15, 2015
- Symposia begins
To find out more about the VLSI Technical Programs, click here.

Toshiro Hiramoto - 2015 Technology Symposium Chair
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to attend the 2015 Symposium on VLSI Technology and the Short Course, which will be held from June 15th - 18th at Rihga Royal Hotel in Kyoto, Japan. The VLSI Technology Symposium is one of the worldwide premiere technical conferences on semiconductor integrated circuits, offering state-of-the-art semiconductor technology.

Hideyuki Kabuo - 2015 Circuits Symposium Chair
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a hearty invitation to you to attend the 2015 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. As the host of this year's symposium, I am delighted to serve this prestigious event held for the 29th time here in Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto in Japan.