Hilton Hawaiian Village,
Honolulu, HI
June 11-15, 2002
About the Symposia
Professors Shoji Tanaka and Walter Kosonocky,
founders of the Symposia, first organized the
VLSI Technology Symposium in 1981 with the hope
of offering an opportunity for world's top
technologists to engage in an open exchange of
ideas on what was quickly becoming a revolution
in the world's industrial capability. Since then,
the Symposium has been held annually and has
grown up to an important and valuable event for
people working in the VLSI business. The
presentation of high-quality papers has made it
possible for attendees to learn about new
directions in the development of VLSI technology.
The friendly atmosphere has made this an
enjoyable learning experience. |
The Symposium on VLSI Technology has
alternated each year between sites in US and
Japan. In 1987, the first Symposium on VLSI
Circuits was held in conjunction with the
Technology Symposium in recognition of the
growing interest to provide the same small but
intense and open forum for discussing circuit and
system implementations. Since then, this annual
meeting has increased its value over the past 15
years. We are confident that so many new
technologies and circuits were introduced in the
past Symposia and thus have contributed to the
prosperity of the world. Its sponsors continue to
be the IEEE Electron Devices Society and
Solid-State Circuits Council, and the Japan
Society of Applied Physics in cooperation with
the Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers. |
For many reasons, these meetings have
remained linked for the past years to provide
opportunities for technology people and circuit
and system designers to interact each other.
These interactions are augmented with workshops,
invited speakers and several evening rump
sessions. In recognition of the efforts of
organizers, authors and participants to make the
Symposia successful, there is ample banquet and
entertainment prearranged. |
The 2001 meeting was held in Kyoto, Japan.
This year it will be returning to the Hawaiian
Hilton Village Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii in June
2002. |
Craig Lage
2002 Symposium Chairman,
VLSI Technology |
David Scott
2002 Symposium Chairman,
VLSI Circuit |
Symposia in the Past
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001