Details on Emerging System Directions

This year, the Symposium will step forward on emerging system directions of VLSI Circuits. Submission of papers, not limited to circuits inside a chip but also on module/chassis level, in following focus areas are highly welcome: 1) IoT sensing modules, 2) Industrial electronics, 3) Big data processing/storage systems, and 4) Robotics and smart cars. New focus sessions comprising invited and contributed papers will be offered.

Following list explains representative topics in each of the four focus areas:
IoT sensing modules
Sensory swarm, RFID tag, smart meter, xEMS, various smart sensing/monitoring modules, etc.
Industrial electronics
Industrial Internet, Internet 4.0, M2M system, etc.
Big data processing/storage systems
Smart memory/storage controllers, datacenter accelerators, data-centric computing architecture, machine learning hardware, secure processing system, etc.
Robotics and smart cars
Autonomous motion/driving control, battery management, distributed embedded sensing/processing system, etc.

The submitted papers will be considered based on technical innovation, advances relative to previously published work, credibility of claims, and quality of writing and illustrations. Though the "Emerging System Directions" submission is not limited to circuits inside a chip, if silicon implementation and/or measurement is necessary to reasonably support the credibility of claims, such as those in analog circuit design studies, the paper would be evaluated from that aspect.