Welcome to the 2005 Symposium on VLSI Circuits
You are cordially invited to attend the 2005 Symposium on VLSI
Circuits, to be held on June 16-18th, 2005, at the Rhiga Royal Hotel
Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan. Following the tradition of the last several
years, the Symposium on VLSI Circuits will follow the Symposium
on VLSI Technology at the same location.
The Symposium will mark its 19th anniversary. The Symposium has
established itself as a major international forum for presenting and
exchanging important ideas and new developments in VLSI circuit
design. We have expanded the scope to include new concepts in
VLSI, such as MEMS, novel Memory, and Quantum Computing, in
addition to the traditional Analog, Digital, Memory, Signal
Processing, and Communications circuits. Contributions to the
Symposium come from both industry and academia around the
Preceding the Symposium on June 15th, a one-day Short Course on
VLSI circuits will be held. This short course will focus on “Multi-
GHz Clocking Technologies for Microprocessors” where six wellknown
experts will give talks on advanced techniques for clock
generation, distribution, and synchronization.
This year, the technical program committee reviewed 259 papers,
and selected 92 papers for presentation. These papers disclose new
and interesting circuit design concepts for digital, memory, analog,
wireless, and wireline circuits.
We have also invited four distinguished speakers to describe recent
advances and new challenges related to VLSI circuits and
technology in the areas of entertainment robotics, Ultra Wide Band
(UWB) wireless communications, integrated circuits for the robotics
exploration of the solar system, and Flash Memory for
mobile/consumer applications.
To complement the formal talks, we have arranged four evening
rump sessions on interesting and provocative subjects to give you an
opportunity to participate in the discussions and mix with the
participants. The rump sessions explore: “Variability has Stopped
Scaling: Who will Conquer the Issues of Variability?”, “Low Power
Design: Process Puzzle or Design Dilemma?”, “The Roadblock to
the TeraBit (1012 bits) Memory Era: Is It Technology or Design?”,
and “Digitizing the Radio to the Antenna - Will Radios Still Need
Analog in 2010?”.
The rich technical content of the program will undoubtedly interest
you, and we certainly hope that the Symposium will be a fruitful and
enjoyable experience.
This booklet contains the advance program together with forms for
the Symposium registration and hotel reservations. Please complete
and return these forms or visit our website for online registration at
/16web/symposia.html. Although on-site
registration will be available at the conference, pre-registration will
facilitate Symposium planning.
We look forward to meeting with you at the Symposium in Kyoto.
 Tadahiro Kuroda |
 Stephen Kosonocky |
Program Chair |
Program Co-Chair |

Tuesday, June 14 |

8:00-17:00 |

Registration |
Wednesday, June 15 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:40-12:20 |
Short Course [Suzaku] |
14:00-16:50 |
Short Course [Suzaku] |
18:00-20:00 |
Reception [Suzaku I] |
20:00-22:00 |
Technology and Circuits Joint Rump Session [Suzaku, Shunju] |
Thursday, June 16 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:30-10:15 |
Session 1 |
Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku] |
10:30-12:10 |
Session 2 |
Microprocessor [Suzaku I, II] |
Session 3 |
Ultra-Wideband Techniques [Suzaku III] |
13:50-15:30 |
Session 4 |
PLLs [Suzaku I] |
Session 5 |
Imagers, Biochip and MEMS [Suzaku II] |
Session 6 |
RF Building Blocks [Suzaku III] |
15:50-17:30 |
Session 7 |
PLL and On-Chip Interconnect [Suzaku I] |
Session 8 |
Analog Techniques [Suzaku II] |
Session 9 |
Multi-GHz Wireline Building Blocks [Suzaku III] |
20:00-22:00 |
Rump Sessions [Suzaku I,II,III] |
Friday, June 17 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:30-10:00 |
Session 10 |
Plenary Session II [Shunju] |
10:30-12:10 |
Session 11 |
SRAM and NV-memory [Shunju I] |
Session 12 |
High Quality Audio Chips [Shunju II] |
Session 13 |
High Speed I/O's [Shunju III] |
13:50-15:30 |
Session 14 |
Signal Processors [Shunju I] |
Session 15 |
Drivers and Sensors [Shunju II] |
Session 16 |
Oscillators and PLLs [Shunju III] |
15:50-17:30 |
Session 17 |
Digital Blocks [Shunju I] |
Session 18 |
Substrate Analysis and Devices [Shunju II] |
Session 19 |
WLAN RF ICs [Shunju III] |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner [Suzaku] |
Saturday, June 18 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:30-10:10 |
Session 20 |
Low Power Design [Shunju I] |
Session 21 |
Data Converters [Shunju II] |
Session 22 |
DTV Tuner and Wireless Interconnect Techniques [Shunju III] |
10:30-12:10 |
Session 23 |
Emerging DRAMs [Shunju I] |
Session 24 |
Wireline Receivers and Transmitters [Shunju II] |
Session 25 |
Cellular RF ICs [Shunju III] |
Wedensday, June 15 20:00-22:00 |

Joint Rump Session with Technology |
 J-R |
 Variability Has Stopped Scaling: Who Will Conquer the Issues
of Variability?
-Will Technology People Be Able to Keep the Device Variability?
-Will Design Technology Take the Further Device Variability into
Account? |
Organizers |
K. Ishibashi, Renesas Technology
H. Masuda, STARC
B. Nikolic, University of California, Berkeley
R. Rakkhit, Cypress Semiconductor
Moderators |
H.-S.P. Wong, Stanford University
 Panelists |

M. Hashimoto, Osaka Univ.
H. Ando, Fujitsu
T. Hiramoto, Univ. of Tokyo
H. Oyamatsu, Toshiba
S. Naffziger, Intel
M. Pelgrom, Philips
C. Wann, IBM
With further minimization of features in CMOS technology it
becomes apparent that the tolerances on minimum features do not
track scaling of features. There are increasing wafer-to-wafer, chipto-
chip and within-chip variations due to line-width variations, edge
roughness or dopant fluctuations. In order to achieve predictable
product performance there is a need for changes in the requirements
for new devices, circuit designs or tool flows. Should the technology
focus on developing the devices with better control rather than better
average performance? Should the designers be those who absorb the
variability in their designs? Or, will the problem be solved by the
tools that allow for statistical IC design? Our panel of experts will
present their opinions on these topics and discuss the breakthrough
to overcome the issue.
 Session 1 |
 Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kuroda, Keio Univ. S. Kosonocky, IBM |
 8:30 |
 1-1 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
T. Nishimura, Renesas Technology B. Gieseke, AMD |
 8:45 |
 1-2 |
Development of Entertainment Robot and Its Future (Invited) |
K. Sabe, Sony Intelligence Dynamics Laboratories, Inc. |
 9:30 |
 1-3 |
Ultra Wide Bandwidth (UWB): Gigabit Wireless
Communications for Battery Operated Consumer
Applications (Invited) |
J. McCorkle, Freescale Semiconductor |
 Session 2 |
 Microprocessor [Suzaku I, II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Matsui, Toshiba Corp. S. Butler, AMD |
 10:30 |
 2-1 |
A 1.5 GHz 90 nm Embedded Microprocessor Core |
F. Ricci, L.T. Clark*, T. Beatty, W. Yu, A. Bashmakov,
S. Demmons, E. Fox, J. Miller, M. Biyani and J. Haigh |
Intel Corporation and *Arizona State University, USA |
 10:55 |
 2-2 |
Enhancing Microprocessor Immunity to Power
Supply Noise with Clock/Data Compensation |
T. Rahal-Arabi, G. Taylor, J. Barkatullah, K.L. Wong
and M. Ma |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 11:20 |
 2-3 |
The Circuits and Physical Design of the Synergistic
Processor Element of a CELL Processor |
O. Takahashi, R. Cook, S. Cottier, S.H. Dhong,
B. Flachs, K. Hirairi****, A. Kawasumi*****,
H. Murakami*****, H. Murakami*****, H. Noro*****,
H. Oh, S. Onishi*, J. Pille**, J. Silberman*** and
S. Yong |
IBM Systems and Technology Group, USA, *IBM
Engineering and Technology Services, Japan, **IBM
Entwicklung GmbH, Germany, ***IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center, ****Sony Computer Entertainment
of America and *****Toshiba America Electronic
Components, USA |
 11:45 |
 2-4 |
A Fully-Pipelined Single-Precision Floating Point
Unit in the Synergistic Processor Element of a
CELL Processor |
H.-J. Oh, S.M. Mueller*, C. Jacobi*, K.D. Tran,
S.R. Cottier, B.W. Michael, H. Nishikawa**,
Y. Totsuka***, T. Namatame****, N. Yano****,
T. Machida**** and S.H. Dhong |
IBM System and Technology Group, USA, *IBM
Entwicklung GmbH, Germany, **IBM Engineering
and Technology Services, Japan, ***Sony Computer
Entertainment of America and ****Toshiba America
Electronic Components, USA |
 Session 3 |
 Ultra-Wideband Techniques [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kamei, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. M. Huang, Freescale Semiconductor |
 10:30 |
 3-1 |
A CMOS Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Transceiver
for 1Mb/s Data Communications and ±2.5cm Range
Findings |
T. Terada, S. Yoshizumi, Y. Sanada and T. Kuroda |
Keio University, Japan |
 10:55 |
 3-2 |
A Miller Divider Based Clock Generator for
MBOA-UWB Application |
T.-C. Lee and Y.-C. Huang |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 11:20 |
 3-3 |
Subharmonic Direct Frequency Synthesizer for
Mode-1 MB-OFDM UWB System |
C.-C. Lin and C.-K. Wang |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 11:45 |
 3-4 |
A DLL-Based Frequency Multiplier For MBOA-UWB
System |
T.-C. Lee and K.-J. Hsiao |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 Session 4 |
 PLLs [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
C. Kim, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. K. Nowka, IBM |
 13:50 |
 4-1 |
An Area-Efficient PLL Architecture in 90-nm CMOS |
P.J. Lim |
Nvidia Corporation, USA |
 14:15 |
 4-2 |
A 5.0Gbps/pin Packet-Based DRAM with Low
Latency Receiver and Process Insensitive PLL |
J.-H. Choi, Y.-S. Sohn, C.-K. Kim, W.-K. Park,
J.-H. Lee, U. Kang, G.-S. Byun, I.-S. Park, B.-C. Kim,
H.-S. Hwang, C.-H. Kim and S.-I. Cho |
Samsung Electronics Company, Korea |
 14:40 |
 4-3 |
A -90dBc@10kHz Phase Noise Fractional-N Frequency
Synthesizer with Accurate Loop Bandwidth Control
Circuit |
T. Morie, S. Dosho, K. Okamoto, Y. Yamada and
K. Sogawa |
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, Japan |
 15:05 |
 4-4 |
A Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer with Single-Stage Delta-Sigma Interpolator and Current-Steering DAC |
W. Ni, F.F. Dai*, Y. Shi and R.C. Jaeger* |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and *Auburn
University, USA |
 Session 5 |
 Imagers, Biochip and MEMS [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ikeda, University of Tokyo S. Natarajan, ATMOS |
 13:50 |
 5-1 |
A Sensitivity and Linearity Improvement of a 100
dB Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor Using a
Lateral Overflow Integration Capacitor |
N. Akahane, S. Sugawa, S. Adachi*, K. Mori*,
T. Ishiuchi* and K. Mizobuchi* |
Tohoku University and *Texas Instruments Japan,
Japan |
 14:15 |
 5-2 |
The 1T Photo Pixel Cell Using the Tunneling Field
Effect Transistor (TFET) |
T. Nirschl*,**, A. Bargagli-Stoffi*, J. Fischer*,
S. Henzler*, P.-F. Wang*,**, M. Sterkel*,
W. Hansch* and D. Schmitt-Landsiedel* |
*Technical University Munich and **Infineon
Technologies, Germany |
 14:40 |
 5-3 |
Active CMOS Biochip for Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Detection |
G. Patounakis, K.L. Shepard and R. Levicky |
Columbia University, USA |
 15:05 |
 5-4 |
A High-Voltage CMOS VLSI Programmable Fluidic
Processor Chip |
K. Current, K. Yuk, C. McConaghy*, P. Gascoyne**,
J. Schwartz**, J. Vykoukal** and C. Andrews*** |
University of California, *Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, **University of Texas and ***Lynntech, Inc.,
 Session 6 |
 RF Building Blocks [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
H. Sato, Renesas Technology Corp. T. Blalock, University of Virginia |
 13:50 |
 6-1 |
Low Power Programmable-Gain CMOS Distributed
LNA for Ultra-Wideband Applications |
F. Zhang and P. Kinget |
Columbia University, USA |
 14:15 |
 6-2 |
A Phase-Coherent Transformer Enabled 2:1
Frequency Divider with 7dB Phase Noise Reduction
and Speed×Gain/Power F.O.M. of 2×102 (pico-
Joule)-1 |
D. Huang*, W. Hant*, W.-K. Yeh*, J.-K. Ma***,
C. Chien*,** and M.F. Chang* |
*University of California at Los Angeles, **SST
Communications Corp., USA and ***Industrial
Technology Research Institute, Taiwan |
 14:40 |
 6-3 | An Integrated 5 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier with 5.5 kV
HBM ESD Protection in 90 nm RF CMOS |
D. Linten*, S. Thijs, W. Jeamsaksiri, J. Ramos,
A. Mercha, M.I. Natarajan, P. Wambacq*,
A.J. Scholten** and S. Decoutere |
Inter-university Micro-Electronics Center (IMEC),
*the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium and **Philips
Research, Netherlands |
 15:05 |
 6-4 |
A DC-2.5GHz Wide Dynamic-Range Attenuator in
0.13µm CMOS Technology |
H. Dogan, R.G. Meyer and A.M. Niknejad |
University of California, USA |
 Session 7 |
 PLL and On-Chip Interconnect [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Matsui, Toshiba Corp. V. De, Intel Corp. |
 15:50 |
 7-1 |
A Spread Spectrum Clock Generation PLL with Dualtone
Modulation Profile |
D.-S. Kim and D.-K. Jeong |
Seoul National University, Korea |
 16:15 |
 7-2 |
4.0GHz 0.18µm CMOS PLL Based on an Interpolative
Oscillator |
F.H. Gebara, J.D. Schaub*, A.J. Drake*, K.J. Nowka* and
R.B. Brown** |
University of Michigan, *IBM Austin Research Lab,
and **University of Utah, USA |
 16:40 |
 7-3 |
Adaptive Network-on-Chip with Wave-Front Train
Serialization Scheme |
S.-J. Lee, K. Kim, H. Kim, N. Cho and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |
 17:05 |
 7-4 |
Near Speed-of-Light On-Chip Interconnects Using
Pulsed Current-Mode Signalling |
A.P. Jose, G. Patounakis and K.L. Shepard |
Columbia University, USA |
 Session 8 |
 Analog Techniques [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Nagata, Kobe University P. Kinget, Columbia University |
 15:50 |
 8-1 |
An All CMOS 84dB-Linear Low-Power Variable Gain
Amplifier |
Q.-H. Duong, L.-Quan and S.-G. Lee |
Information and Communications University, Korea |
 16:15 |
 8-2 |
A 1V Supply 50nV/√Hz Noise PSD CMOS Amplifier
Using Noise Reduction Technique of Autozeroing and
Chopper Stabilization |
T. Yoshida, Y. Masui, T. Mashimo, M. Sasaki and A. Iwata |
Hiroshima University, Japan |
 16:40 |
 8-3 |
Managing Leakage in Charge-Based Analog
Circuits with Low-VTH Transistors by Analog T-Switch
(AT-Switch) and Super Cut-off CMOS |
K. Ishida, K. Kanda, A. Tamtrakarn, H. Kawaguchi and T.
Sakurai |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
 17:05 |
 8-4 |
A CMOS Oversampling D/A Converter with Multibit
Semi-Digital Filtering and Boosted Subcarrier
SNR for ADSL Central Office Modems |
A.C.Y. Lin, D.K. Su, R.K. Hester* and B.A. Wooley |
Stanford University and *Texas Instruments Inc., USA |
 Session 9 |
 Multi-GHz Wireline Building Blocks [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
N. Lu, Etron Technology, Inc. W. Lee, Texas Instruments |
 15:50 |
 9-1 |
A 34Gb/s 2:1 MUX/CMU Based on a Distributed
Amplifier Using 0.18µm CMOS |
U. Singh, L. Li and M.M. Green |
University of California, Irvine, USA |
 16:15 |
 9-2 |
A 20-Gb/s 2-to-1 MUX and a 40-GHz VCO in 0.18-µm CMOS Technology |
J. Lee, J.-Y. Ding and T.-Y. Cheng |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 16:40 |
 9-3 |
Design and Analysis of a 20-GHz Clock Multiplication
Unit in 0.18-µm CMOS Technology |
J. Lee and S. Wu |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 17:05 |
 9-4 |
A 20-GHz Phase-Locked Loop for 40Gb/s Serializing
Transmitter in 0.13µm CMOS |
J. Kim, J.-K. Kim, B.-J. Lee, N. Kim*, D.-K. Jeong
and W. Kim |
Seoul National University, Korea and *Silicon Image,
Inc., USA |

Rump Sessions |
 Organizers |
Mamoru Ugajin, NTT C.K. Ken Yang, UCLA |
R-1 |
Digital Rump Session Low Power Design: Process Puzzle or Design Dilemma? [Suzaku I] |
 Organizer |
Y. Oowaki, Toshiba
J. Farrell, AMD
 Moderator |
S. Borkar, Intel
 Panelists |
K. Imai, NEC Electronics
H. Mizuno, Hitachi
D. Scott, Texas Instruments
T. Hook, IBM
R. Stephany, AMD
C. Diaz, TSMC
In all designs today, whether it is a high-end microprocessor for
servers, or cell phone DSP, power reduction is a priority goal for the
design team.
The previous decades have seen a steady increase in transistor
performance despite an equivalent reduction in supply voltages. Is
this a trend that the design teams can continue to count on? An
accompanying increase in leakage currents has required new design
techniques to minimize the impact.
Will body-biasing, footer transistors, Vt substitution, and other
design tricks allow circuit designers to meet their goals using
transistors that are more like resistors? The panel will consider the
roadmap of future devices and debate if technology can deliver the
types of transistors and memory elements that can be used for
thermally-challenged microprocessors and battery-limited consumer
products. Techniques will be debated on their merits for high-power
vs low-power products or memory-intensive vs logic-dominated
designs. |
 R-2 |
Memory Rump Session The Roadblock to the TeraBit (1012 bits) Memory Era: Is it
Technology or Design? [Suzaku II] |
 Organizers |
T. Ishii, Hitachi
H. Pon, Intel
 Moderator |
A. Fazio, Intel
 Panelists |
K.-N. Kim, Samsung
B. Stipe, Hitachi Global Storage
S. Tanaka, Matsushita
E. Elefheriou, IBM
M.N. Kozicki, Axon
The density of non-volatile memory will reach 100Gb/chip by 2010
based on current scaling estimates. A new era of terabit non-volatile
memory is approaching that promises 1 terabit (1012 bits) of nonvolatile
memory that can store 200 CD's, or 25 DVD's, or about
2,000 hours of MP3 music, but what is the delay? Are the current
non-volatile memory incumbents of Flash, optical, and magnetic
drive memory systems availability, technology scaling, and even
resources weighing down the progress of the next revolutionary
terabit memory solutions? Or is it the design resources,
methodologies, and CAD tools that are holding back the progress of
terabit memory solutions? The evening panel discussion allows the
memory technology design incumbents and the terabit-class memory
technologist to square off and determine which side is to blame for
the wait, the technological development or design, and which
technology will lead the way.
 R-3 |
Analog Rump Session Digitizing the Radio to the Antenna - Will Radios Still Need Analog
in 2010? [Suzaku III] |
Organizers |
A. Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology
M. Huang, Freescale
Moderator |
P. Kinget, Columbia University
 Panelists |
T. Arnaud, STMicroelectronics
Q. Huang, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
C.-M. Hung, Texas Instruments
H. Kobayashi, Gunma University
I. Mehr, Analog Devices
S. Tanaka, Hitachi
It is becoming more challenging to maintain analog circuit
performance and yield as device technology is scaled. Some scaling
trends that significantly impact analog circuits include: reduction in
supply voltage, decreased GmRo ratio, increased device leakage, and
the impact of high-k gate dielectric materials and non-planar device
structures on 1/f noise and transistor matching. Additionally, the
inability to scale the area of passive components such as capacitors
and inductors makes it progressively more and more expensive to
incorporate analog functions on digital heavy mixed signal chips
such as communication transceivers.
Recent research on replacing traditional analog and RF functions
with digital circuits holds out the promise of a low-cost, single chip,
all CMOS digital radio supporting multiple standards. Can the radio
function indeed be “digitized” up to the antenna? How to realize
such a radio? Or are analog and RF functions such as low noise
amplifiers, mixers and filters, irreplaceable by digital circuits?
 Session 10 |
 Plenary Session II [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kuroda, Keio University S. Kosonocky, IBM |
 8:30 |
 10-1 |
Design Challenges and Methodology for Developing
New Integrated Circuits for the Robotics Exploration
of the Solar System (Invited) |
M. Mojarradi, B. Blalock*, E. Kolawa and R. Johnson** |
California Institute of Technology, *University of
Tennessee and **Auburn University |
 9:15 |
 10-2 |
Non-volatile Memory Technologies for Beyond 2010 |
Y. Shin |
Samsung Electronics |
 Session 11 |
 SRAM and NV-memory [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kawahara, Hitachi Ltd. S. Natarajan, ATMOS |
 10:30 |
 11-1 |
Experimental Verification of Row-by-Row Variable
VDD Scheme Reducing 95% Active Leakage Power
of SRAM’s |
F.R. Saliba, H. Kawaguchi and T. Sakurai |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
 10:55 |
 11-2 |
A Low Leakage SRAM Macro with Replica Cell
Biasing Scheme |
Y. Takeyama, H. Otake, O. Hirabayashi, K. Kushida
and N. Otsuka |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
 11:20 |
 11-3 |
Selective-Capacitance Constant-Charge-Injection
Programming Scheme for High-Speed Multilevel AGAND
Flash Memories |
K. Otsuga, H. Kurata, K. Kozakai*, S. Noda*, Y. Sasago,
T. Arigane, T. Kawamura and T. Kobayashi |
Hitachi, Ltd., and *Renesas Technology Corp., Japan |
 11:45 |
 11-4 |
A Novel Voltage Sensing 1T/2MTJ Cell with Resistance
Ratio for Highly Stable and Scalable MRAM |
M. Aoki, H. Iwasa and Y. Sato |
Fujitsu Laboratories LTD., Japan |
 Session 12 |
 High Quality Audio Chips [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Song, Dongguk University P. Kinget, Columbia University |
 10:30 |
 12-1 |
A 106dB Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter
Employing Segment Flipping Technology Combined
with Cascaded Dynamic Element Matching |
T. Ido, S. Ishizuka and T. Hamasaki |
Texas Instruments Japan Limited, Japan |
 10:55 |
 12-2 |
An Energy-Efficient Analog Front-End Circuit for
a Sub-1V Digital Hearing Aid Chip |
S. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Song, N. Cho and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |
 11:20 |
 12-3 |
A 1-V, 1-MS/s, 88-dB Sigma-Delta Modulator in
0.13-µm Digital CMOS Technology |
L. Yao, M. Steyaert and W. Sansen |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
 11:45 |
 12-4 |
On-line Calibration and Digital Correction of
Multi-bit Sigma-delta Modulators |
A. Fornasari, F. Borghetti, P. Malcovati and F. Maloberti |
University of Pavia, Italy |
 Session 13 |
 High Speed I/O's [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kobayashi, Kyoto University W. Lee, Texas Instruments |
 10:30 |
 13-1 |
A 3-Tap Digitally Programmable Transversal Filter
in 90 nm CMOS for Equalization up to 30 Gb/s |
J. Sewter and A.C. Carusone |
University of Toronto, Canada |
 10:55 |
 13-2 |
Gain-Phase Co-Equalization for Widely-Used High-
Speed Cables |
Y. Hidaka, W. Gai, H. Osone, Y. Koyanagi, J.H. Jiang
and T. Horie |
Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., USA |
 11:20 |
 13-3 |
A 3.125-Gb/s Sub-Milliwatt CMOS Signal Detector
Circuit |
J. Savoj and P. Roo |
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc., USA |
 11:45 |
 13-4 |
A Multi-Rate 9.953-12.5GHz 0.2µm SiGe BICMOS
LC Oscillator with -120dBc/Hz Phase Noise at 1MHz
Offset Using a Variable Resistor Based Varactor |
A. Maxim |
Maxim Integrated Products, USA |
 Session 14 |
 Signal Processors [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
H. Kabuo, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. B. Nikolic, University of California, Berkeley |
 13:50 |
 14-1 |
Galois Field Computation LSI: A Reconfigurable
Chip for High-Speed Communication |
N. Endou, Y. Kasai*, M. Iwata*, E. Takahashi* and
T. Higuchi* |
ASET and *AIST, Japan |
 14:15 |
 14-2 |
A 95mW MPEG2 MP@HL Motion Estimation
Processor Core for Portable High Resolution Video
Application |
Y. Murachi, T. Matsuno, K. Hamano, J. Miyakoshi*,
M. Miyama and M. Yoshimoto* |
Kanazawa University and *Kobe University, Japan |
 14:40 |
 14-3 |
AES-Based Cryptographic and Biometric Security
Coprocessor IC in 0.18-µm CMOS Resistant to
Side-Channel Power Analysis Attacks |
K. Tiri, D.D. Hwang, A. Hodjat, B.-C. Lai, S. Yang,
P. Schaumont and I. Verbauwhede |
University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
 15:05 |
 14-4 |
An Image Filtering Processor for Face/Object
Recognition Using Merged/Mixed Analog-Digital
Architecture |
K. Korekado*, T. Morie*, O. Nomura*,**, T. Nakano*,
M. Matsugu**, and A. Iwata*** |
*Kyushu Institute of Technology, **Canon Inc. and
***Hiroshima University, Japan |
 Session 15 |
 Drivers and Sensors [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
S. Sugawa, Tohoku University H. Pon, Intel Corp. |
 13:50 |
 15-1 |
A Low-Power Write Driver for Hard Disk Drives |
T. Kawashimo, H. Yamashita, M. Yagyu and F. Yuki |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |
 14:15 |
 15-2 |
A Pseudo-differential Current-mode Interface with
Point-to-point Cascade Bus Architecture (WiseBus™)
for Large Panel LCD Systems |
I.K. Chang, Y.W. Jeon, J.S. Lee, J.H. Hong, J.T. Kim,
C.S. Choi and S. Kim* |
Samsung Electronics and *Korea University, Korea |
 14:40 |
 15-3 |
An Autonomous SRAM with On-Chip Sensors in
an 80nm Double Stacked Cell Technology |
K. Sohn, N. Cho, H. Kim, K. Kim, H.-S. Mo*, Y.-H. Suh*,
H.-G. Byun* and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST and *Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea |
 15:05 |
 15-4 |
A 12-bits Resolver-to-Digital Converter Using
Complex Twin PLL for Accurate Mechanical Angle
Measurement |
M. Katakura, A. Toda, Y. Takagi, N. Suzuki,
T. Kadoyama and H. Kushihara* |
Sony Corporation and *Tamagawa Seiki Co. LTD,
Japan |
 Session 16 |
 Oscillators and PLLs [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
Kamei, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. B. Zhao, Skyworks Solutions |
 13:50 |
 16-1 |
A 90-GHz Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with a 2.2-
GHz Tuning Range in a 130-nm CMOS Technology |
C. Cao and K.K. O |
University of Florida, USA |
 14:15 |
 16-2 |
Fully Integrated 1.7GHz, 188dBc/Hz FoM, 0.8V,
320µW LC-tank VCO and Frequency Divider |
J. Midtgaard, T. Jeppesen, K.T. Christensen*, E. Bruun
and P. Andreani |
Technical University of Denmark and *Oticon A/S,
Denmark |
 14:40 |
 16-3 |
A-86dBc Reference Spurs 1-5GHz 0.13µm CMOS
PLL Using a Dual-Path Sampled Loop Filter
Architecture |
A. Maxim |
Crystal Semiconductor, USA |
 15:05 |
 16-4 |
A 1-V, 9.7mW CMOS Frequency Synthesizer for
WLAN 802.11a Transceivers |
L.L.K. Leung and H.C. Luong |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong |
 Session 17 |
 Digital Blocks [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kobayashi, Kyoto University G. Taylor, Intel Corp. |
 15:50 |
 17-1 |
A Self-Tuning DVS Processor Using Delay-Error
Detection and Correction |
S. Das, S. Pant, D. Roberts, S. Lee, D. Blaauw, T. Austin,
T. Mudge and K. Flautner* |
University of Michigan, USA and *ARM Inc., UK |
 16:15 |
 17-2 |
Bitline Leakage Compensation (BLC) and Leakage
Reduction (BLR) Techniques for 2-3GHz On-Chip
Cache Arrays in Microprocessors on 90nm Logic
Technology |
M. Khellah, Y. Ye, D. Somasekhar, D. Casper,
B. Bloechel, T. Nguyen, G. Dermer, K. Zhang,
G. Pandya, A. Farhang and V. De |
Intel, USA |
 16:40 |
 17-3 |
A 1.88ns 54×54-bit Multiplier in 0.18µm CMOS
Based on Multiple-Valued Differential-Pair Circuitry |
A. Mochizuki and T. Hanyu |
Tohoku University, Japan |
 17:05 |
 17-4 |
A Six-Port 57GB/s Double-Pumped Nonblocking
Router Core |
S. Vangal*,**, N. Borkar* and A. Alvandpour** |
*Intel Corporation, USA and **Linkoping University,
Sweden |
 Session 18 |
 Substrate Analysis and Devices [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ikeda, University of Tokyo K. Roy, Purdue University |
 15:50 |
 18-1 |
Weak Inversion MOS Varactors for 0.5 V Analog
Integrated Filters |
S. Chatterjee, T. Musah, Y. Tsividis and P. Kinget |
Columbia University, USA |
 16:15 |
 18-2 |
Isolation Strategy against Substrate Coupling in
CMOS Mixed-Signal/RF Circuits |
D. Kosaka, M. Nagata, Y. Hiraoka*, I. Imanishi*,
M. Maeda*, Y. Murasaka**, A. Iwata** |
Kobe University, *Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,
Ltd. and **A-R-Tec Corporation, Japan |
 16:40 |
 18-3 |
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Substrate
Coupling and Isolation Techniques in Mixed-Signal
ICs on a Lightly-Doped Substrate |
G.Van der Plas*, C. Soens*,**, M. Badaroglu*,
P. Wambacq*,** and S. Donnay* |
*IMEC and **The Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium |
 17:05 |
 18-4 |
Feedforward Active Substrate Noise Cancelling
Technique Using Power Supply di/dt Detector |
T. Nakura, M. Ikeda and K. Asada |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
 Session 19 |
 WLAN RF ICs [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ugajin, NTT Microsystem Integration Labs. M. Huang, Freescale Semiconductor |
 15:50 |
 19-1 |
A Fully Integrated Multi-Band MIMO WLAN
Transceiver RFIC |
J.W.M. Rogers, D.G. Rahn**, M.S. Cavin**, F.F. Dai*,
N. Fong**, R. Griffith**, J. Macedo**, D. Moore** and
M. Toner** |
Carleton University, Canada, *Auburn University,
USA and **Cognio Canada, Canada |
 16:15 |
 19-2 |
A 1.4V, 2.4/5 GHz, 90nm CMOS System in a Package
Transceiver for Next Generation WLAN |
A. Ravi, B.R. Carlton, Y. Palaskas, G. Banerjee,
R.E. Bishop, M.A. Elmala, R.B. Nicholls, I.A. Rippke,
H. Lakdawala, L.M. Franca-Neto, S.S. Taylor and
K. Soumyanath |
Intel Corp., USA |
 16:40 |
 19-3 |
A Low-IF CMOS Single-Chip Bluetooth EDR
Transmitter with Digital I/Q Mismatch Trimming
Circuit |
D. Miyashita, H. Ishikuro, T. Shimada, T. Tanzawa,
S. Kousai, H. Kobayashi, H. Majima, K. Agawa,
M. Hamada and F. Hatori |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
 17:05 |
 19-4 |
A Highly Linear Filter and VGA Chain with Novel
DC-Offset Correction in 90nm Digital CMOS Process |
M. Elmala, B. Carlton, R. Bishop and K. Soumyanath |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 Session 20 |
 Low Power Design [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Seno, Sony Corp. J. Farrell, AMD |
 8:30 |
 20-1 |
The Cross Charge-Control Flip-Flop: a Low-Power
and High-Speed Flip-Flop Suitable for Mobile
Application SoCs |
A. Hirata, K. Nakanishi, M. Nozoe and A. Miyoshi |
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan |
 8:55 |
 20-2 |
Monitoring Scheme for Minimizing Power
Consumption by Means of Supply and Threshold
Voltage Control in Active and Standby Modes |
M. Nomura, Y. Ikenaga, K. Takeda, Y. Nakazawa,
Y. Aimoto* and Y. Hagihara |
NEC Corporation and *NEC Electronics Corporation,
Japan |
 9:20 |
 20-3 |
Optimal Zigzag (OZ): An Effective yet Feasible
Power-Gating Scheme Achieving Two Orders of
Magnitude Lower Standby Leakage |
K.-W. Choi, Y. Xu and T. Sakurai |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
 9:45 |
 20-4 |
Ultra-Low Voltage Power Management and
Computation Methodology for Energy Harvesting
Applications |
C.-Y. Tsui, H. Shao, W.-H. Ki and F. Su |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong |
 Session 21 |
 Data Converters [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Takano, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. K. Nakamura, Analog Devices |
 8:30 |
 21-1 |
A 6GS/s, 4-bit Receiver Analog-to-Digital Converter
with Embedded DFE |
A. Varzaghani and C.-K.K. Yang |
University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
 8:55 |
 21-2 |
A Reconfigurable Pipelined ADC in 0.18µm CMOS |
M. Anderson, K. Norling*, A. Dreyfert* and J. Yuan |
Lund University and *Wavebreaker AB, Sweden |
 9:20 |
 21-3 |
A 14bit Digitally Self-Calibrated Pipelined ADC
with Adaptive Bias Optimization for Arbitrary
Speeds up to 40MS/s |
H. Matsui, M. Ueda, M. Daito and K. Iizuka |
SHARP, Japan |
 9:45 |
 21-4 |
A Low-Power, Low-Voltage (11mW/8.4mW, 1.2V)
DAC+Filter for Multistandard (WLAN/UMTS)
Transmitters |
N. Ghittori, A. Vigna, P. Malcovati, S. D'Amico* and
A. Baschirotto* |
University of Pavia and *University of Lecce, Italy |
 Session 22 |
 DTV Tuner and Wireless Interconnect Techniques
[Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
H. Yamazaki, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. B. Zhao, Skyworks Solutions |
 8:30 |
 22-1 |
A Dual-Conversion Tuner for Multi-Standard
Terrestrial and Cable Reception |
I. Mehr, S. Rose, S. Nesterenko, D. Paterson, R. Schreier,
H. L'Bahy, S. Kidambi, M. Elliott and S. Puckett |
Analog Devices, USA |
 8:55 |
 22-2 |
A 13 dB IIP3 Improved Low-Power CMOS RF
Programmable Gain Amplifier Using Differential
Circuit Transconductance Linearization for
Various Terrestrial Mobile D-TV Applications |
T.W. Kim, B. Kim*, Y. Cho*, B. Kim* and K. Lee |
KAIST and *Integrant Technologies, Korea |
 9:20 |
 22-3 |
A 0.95mW/1.0Gbps Spiral-Inductor Based Wireless
Chip-Interconnect with Asynchronous Communication
Scheme |
M. Sasaki and A. Iwata |
Hiroshima University, Japan |
 9:45 |
 22-4 |
2.8Gb/s Inductively Coupled Interconnect for 3-D ICs |
J. Xu, J. Wilson, S. Mick, L. Luo and P. Franzon |
North Carolina State University, USA |
 Session 23 |
 Emerging DRAMs [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kawahara, Hitachi Ltd. S. Natarajan, ATMOS |
 10:30 |
 23-1 |
An 8Mbit DRAM Design Using a 1TBulk Cell |
P. Malinge, P. Candelier, F. Jacquet, S. Martin, R. Ranica,
A. Villaret, P. Mazoyer, R. Fournel and B. Allard* |
STMicroelectronics and *CEGELY, INSA, France |
 10:55 |
 23-2 |
A 0.4-V High-Speed, Long-Retention-Time DRAM
Array with 12-F2 Twin Cell |
R. Takemura, K. Itoh, T. Sekiguchi, S. Akiyama,
S. Hanzawa, K. Kajigaya* and T. Kawahara |
Hitachi, Ltd. and *Elpida Memory, Inc., Japan |
 11:20 |
 23-3 |
0.5V Asymmetric Three-Tr. Cell (ATC) DRAM Using
90nm Generic CMOS Logic Process |
M. Ichihashi*, H. Toda**, Y. Itoh*** and K. Ishibashi* |
STARC, *Renesas Technology, **Toshiba and
***Toshiba Microelectronics, Japan |
 11:45 |
 23-4 |
A 512Mbit, 1.6Gbps/pin DDR3 SDRAM Prototype
with CIO Minimization and Self-Calibration
Techniques |
C. Park, H. Chung, Y.-S. Lee, J.-K. Kim, J.-J. Lee,
M.-S. Chae, D.-H. Jung, S.-H. Choi, S.-Y. Seo,
T.-S. Park, J.-H. Shin, J.-H. Cho, S. Lee, K.-H. Kim,
J.-B. Lee, C. Kim and S.-I. Cho |
Samsung Electronics Company, Korea |
 Session 24 |
 Wireline Receivers and Transmitters [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Mizuno, NEC Corp. A. Amerasekera, Texas Instruments |
 10:30 |
 24-1 |
A 1-10Gbps PAM2, PAM4, PAM2 Partial Response
Receiver Analog Front End with Dynamic Sampler
Swapping Capability for Backplane Serial
Communications |
B. Garlepp*, A. Ho*, V. Stojanovi�Lc*,**, F. Chen*,
C. Werner*, G. Tsang*, T. Thrush*, A. Agarwal* and
J. Zerbe* |
*Rambus, Inc. and **Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, USA |
 10:55 |
 24-2 |
A 22 Gbit/s PAM-4 Receiver in 90nm CMOS-SOI
Technology |
T. Toifl, C. Menolfi, M. Ruegg*, R. Reutemann*,
P. Buchmann, M. Kossel, T. Morf and M. Schmatz |
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory and *Miromico AG,
Switzerland |
 11:20 |
 24-3 |
A Quad 3.125Gbps Transceiver Cell with All-Digital Data Recovery Circuits |
B.-J. Lee, M.-S. Hwang, J. Kim, D.-K. Jeong and W. Kim |
Seoul National University, Korea |
 11:45 |
 24-4 |
CMOS Transmitter Using Pulse-Width Modulation
Pre-Emphasis Achieving 33dB Loss Compensation
at 5-Gb/s |
J.H.R. Schrader, E.A.M. Klumperink, J.L. Visschers*
and B. Nauta |
University of Twente and *NIKHEF, The Netherlands |
 Session 25 |
 Cellular RF ICs [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ugajin, NTT Microsystem Integration Labs. T. Blalock, University of Virginia |
 10:30 |
 25-1 |
A Dual Band 1.8GHz/900MHz, 750kb/s GMSK
Transmitter Utilizing a Hybrid PFD/DAC Structure
for Reduced Broadband Phase Noise |
S.E. Meninger and M.H. Perrott |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 10:55 |
 25-2 |
A Temperature Stabilized CMOS VCO for Zero-IF
Cellular CDMA Receivers |
Y. Wu and V. Aparin |
Qualcomm Inc., USA |
 11:20 |
 25-3 |
A First RF Digitally-Controlled Oscillator for SAWless
TX in Cellular Systems |
C.-M. Hung, N. Barton, R.B. Staszewski, M.-C. Lee
and D. Leipold |
Texas Instruments Inc., USA |
 11:45 |
 25-4 |
A 0.13 um CMOS Front-End for DCS1800/UMTS/
802.11b-g with Multi-band Positive Feedback Low
Noise Amplifier |
A. Liscidini, M. Brandolini, D. Sanzogni and R. Castello |
Universitá degli Studi di Pavia, Italy |