2006 VLSI Technology Call For Papers
Sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society and the Japan Society of Applied Physics
In Cooperation with the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Honolulu, Hawaii
June 13 - 15, 2006
The 2006 Symposium on VLSI Technology welcomes submission of papers on all aspects of VLSI technology. The scope of the symposium is: |
- new concepts and breakthroughs in VLSI devices and processes
- new functional devices including quantum effect devices with possible VLSI implementation
- materials innovation for MOSFET and interconnect in VLSI
- advanced lithography and fine patterning technologies for high density VLSI
- process/device modeling of VLSI devices
- packaging and reliability of VLSI devices
- theories and fundamentals related to the above devices
- new concepts and technologies for VLSI manufacturing
Prospective authors must submit papers in the format of two pages of camera-ready copy to the web page: /16web
Please note that a postal submission in hard copy will NOT be accepted.
Those interested in submitting papers should access the above web. Detailed instructions will be updated in November. The papers are to be submitted in final form and, if accepted, will be published as submitted.
To improve the probability for acceptance of a submitted paper, the paper should describe original work with specific results from experiments or simulations. The content of the paper must not be announced or published prior to the Symposium.
Submissions from universities are encouraged. Partial travel expense support for students who are presenting papers is available upon request.
Paper Submission Deadline is 22:00, January 8, 2006 (EST) |
Prospective attendees can obtain further information and forms for Symposium registration and hotel reservations by contacting their respective secretariats. |
A one-day short course will be held on June 12, 2006. Details will be given in the VLSI Technology Symposium Advance Program, which will be issued toward the end of March, 2006. |
2006 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop will be held on June 11-12, 2006 as a satellite workshop at the same location. |
Following this Symposium, the 2006 Symposium on VLSI Circuits
will be held at the same location. See the reverse side. |
Secretariat for VLSI Symposia (USA)
Widerkehr and Associates
Suite 312
16220 S. Frederick Ave.
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 USA
Tel: +301-527-0900 ext. 103
Fax: +301-527-0994
E-mail: vlsi@vlsisymposium.org
Secretariat for VLSI Symposia (Japan)
c/o ICS Convention Design, Inc.
Sumitomo Corp., Jinbocho Bldg.
3-24, Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8449, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3219-3541
Fax: +81-3-3292-1811
E-mail: vlsisymp@ics-inc.co.jp