Welcome to the 2009 Symposium on VLSI Circuits
You are cordially invited to attend the 2009 Symposium on VLSI
Circuits, to be held on June 16-18th, 2009, at the Rihga Royal Hotel
Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan. We are repeating last year’s successful two
day overlap with the Technology symposium to foster greater
communication between these two key gatherings. The juxtaposition
of these two conferences is one of the unique features that
distinguish the Symposia from other gatherings. The Symposium
brings experts and experienced engineers and scientists from around
the world together to discuss the present and future challenges in
VLSI Circuits and Technology.
Preceding the Symposium on June 15th, a one-day Short Course will
be held. This short course will focus on “Energy Management for
Green SoC’s and SiP’s” where experts will give educational talks on
this timely topic in VLSI circuits. On the same day, we have a
Workshop on “MM-Wave and Multi-Gigabit Transceivers for High-
Speed Wireless Communication.” With a single Short Course/
Workshop registration fee you can select to attend either session.
The new highlight of the conference is the Luncheon. This year’s
speaker will be Kosuke Hayakawa from Central Japan Railway
Company with a talk on “The Series N700 and the Tokaido
Shinkansen”. This is a great opportunity to hear from one of the
developers of this icon of Japanese transportation on its history and
future. This year, the technical program committee reviewed 313
papers and selected 110 papers for presentation covering a range of
topics from Digital Circuits and Systems, Memories, Analog, Data
Converters, Wireless and Wireline Communications. The core
tradition of the Symposium is the paper quality and this year the
committee has selected very high quality papers representing the
scope of the symposium. We have also invited four distinguished
speakers to describe recent advances and new challenges in the areas
of Nanotechnology, Medical Electronics, Mobile and Personal
Communication and Networking. To complement the formal talks,
we have arranged two evening sessions on interesting and
provocative subjects to give you an opportunity to participate in the
discussions and mix with the participants. The evening sessions
explore: “Energy Efficiency: How is ‘Green’ Implemented in
Reality?” and “32nm SoC and Beyond – Reliable or Not?” The rich
technical content of the program will undoubtedly interest you, and
we certainly hope that the Symposium will be a fruitful and
enjoyable experience. This booklet contains the advance program
together with forms for the Symposium registration and hotel
reservations. Please complete and return these forms or visit our
website for online registration at http://www.vlsisymposium.
org/symposia.html. Although on-site registration will be available at
the conference, preregistration will facilitate Symposium planning.
We look forward to meeting with you at the Symposium in Kyoto.

Masayuki Mizuno |

Ajith Amerasekera |
Program Chair |
Program Co-Chair |

Sunday, June 14 |

8:00-17:00 |

Registration |
Monday, June 15 |
7:30-17:00 |
Registration |
8:10-12:00 |
Short Course [Suzaku I] / Workshop [Suzaku III] |
13:30-17:15 |
Short Course [Suzaku I] / Workshop [Suzaku III] |
20:00-22:00 |
Joint Rump Session [Suzaku I,II] |
Tuesday, June 16 |
7:30-17:00 |
Registration |
8:30-10:05 |
Session 1 |
Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku I, II] |
10:30-12:35 |
Session 2 |
CDRs and Limiting Amplifiers [Suzaku I] |
Session 3 |
Non-Volatile and Fuse Memories [Suzaku II] |
Session 4 |
Biomedical and Personal Technology [Suzaku III] |
12:35-13:55 |
Lunch |
13:55-16:00 |
Session 5 |
Transmitters and Receivers [Suzaku I] |
Session 6 |
Biomedical and Sensors [Suzaku III] |
13:55-15:10 |
Speci al Session [Shunju I, II] |
16:10-17:50 |
Session 7 |
Sigma-Delta ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Session 8 |
Special Non-Volatile Memories [Suzaku II] |
Session 9 |
Data Interconnect Technology [Suzaku III] |
19:00-21:00 |
Joint Dinner |
Wednesday, June 17 |
8:00-17:00 |
Registration |
8:45-10:05 |
Session 10 |
Plenary Session II [Suzaku I, II] |
10:30-12:35 |
Session 11 |
Reliability and Security [Suzaku I] |
Session 12 |
Clock Generators [Suzaku III] |
12:35-14:20 |
Lunch |
Luncheon Talk [Suzaku II](12:45-14:05) |
14:20-16:00 |
Session 13 |
DRAM and Interface [Suzaku I] |
Session 14 |
Discrete-Time Analog [Suzaku III] |
16:15-17:55 |
Session 15 |
SRAMS and Clock Circuits [Suzaku I] |
Session 16 |
DC-DC Converters [Suzaku III] |
20:00-22:00 |
Rump Sessions [Suzaku I, II, III] |
Special Evening Session |
Thursday, June 18 |
8:00-15:00 |
Registration |
8:30-10:10 |
Session 17 |
Image Sensors [Suzaku I] |
Session 18 |
Frequency Synthesizers [Suzaku II] |
Session 19 |
Power Management and High-Efficiency Logic
[Suzaku III] |
10:30-12:10 |
Session 20 |
Analog Techniques [Suzaku I] |
Session 21 |
Advanced Equalizers [Suzaku II] |
Session 22 |
Clock Generation Techniques [Suzaku III] |
12:10-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-15:10 |
Session 23 |
Low Power ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Session 24 |
MM-Wave Techniques [Suzaku II] |
Session 25 |
Media Processor Architecture [Suzaku III] |
15:25-17:05 |
Session 26 |
High-Speed ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Session 27 |
Wireless Transceivers [Suzaku II] |
Session 28 |
Signal Processing [Suzaku III] |
 Session 1 |
 Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku I, II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Mizuno, NEC Corp.
A. Amerasekera, Texas Instruments |
 8:30 |
 1-1 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
K. Yano, Hitachi, Ltd.
K. Nakamura, Analog Devices, Inc. |
 8:45 |
 1-2 |
Challenges in Nanoelectronics: Dream or Reality? |
Invited |
N. Yokoyama, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. |

9:25 |
 1-3 |
Creating Support Circuits for the Brain: VLSI for
Brain Machine Interfacing |
Invited |
T. Denison, Medtronic, Inc. |
 Session 2 |

CDRs and Limiting Amplifiers [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
J. Lee, National Taiwan Univ.
K. Chang, Rambus Inc. |

10:30 |
 2-1 |
A 2 x 22Gb/s SFI5.2 CDR/Deserializer in 65nm
CMOS Technology |
Abstract |
N. Nedovic*, S. Parikh*, A. Kristensson*, N. Tzartzanis*, W. Walker*,
S. Reddy*, H. Tamura**, S. McLeod*, T. Yamamoto**, Y. Doi**, J. Ogawa**, M. Kibune**, T. Shibasaki**, T. Hamada**, Y. Tomita**, T. Ikeuchi***,**** and
N. Kuwata***,**** |
*Fujitsu Laboratories of America,USA, **Fujitsu
Laboratories Ltd., ***Fujitsu Ltd. and ****OITDA,
Japan |

10:55 |
 2-2 |
Adaptation of CDR and Full Scale Range of ADCBased
SerDes Receiver |
Abstract |
E.-H. Chen*, W. Leven**, N. Warke**, A. Joy***,
S. Hubbins**, A. Amerasekera**
and C.-K. K. Yang* |
*University of California, Los Angeles, **Texas
Instruments, Dallas, USA and ***Texas Instruments,
Northampton, United Kingdom |

11:20 |
 2-3 |
A Reference-Free, Digital Background Calibration
Technique for Gated-Oscillator-Based CDR/PLL |
Abstract |
C.-F. Liang, S.-C. Hwu, Y.-H. Tu, Y.-L. Yang and
H.-S. Li |
MediaTek, Taiwan |

11:45 |
 2-4 |
A Digital Offset-Compensation Scheme for an LA
and CDR in 65-nm CMOS |
Abstract |
S. McLeod*, A. Sheikholeslami*, T. Yamamoto**, N. Nedovic***,
H. Tamura** and W.W. Walker*** |
*University of Toronto, Canada, **Fujitsu
Laboratories Limited, Japan and ***Fujitsu
Laboratories of America, USA |

12:10 |
 2-5 |
A 10-Gb/s Burst-Mode Limiting Amplifier Using a
Two-Stage Active Feedback Circuit |
Abstract |
M. Nogawa, K. Nishimura, J. Terada, M. Nakamura,
S. Nishihara and Y. Ohtomo |
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan |
 Session 3 |

Non-Volatile and Fuse Memories [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
H. Yamauchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
G. Lehmann, Infineon Technologies AG |

10:30 |
 3-1 |
Multi-Stacked 1G Cell/Layer Pipe-Shaped BiCS
Flash Memory |
Abstract |
T. Maeda, K. Itagaki, T. Hishida, R. Katsumata, M. Kito, Y. Fukuzumi, M. Kido, H. Tanaka, Y. Komori, M. Ishiduki, J. Matsunami, T. Fujiwara, H. Aochi, Y. Iwata and Y. Watanabe |
Toshiba Corporation, Semiconductor Company, Japan |

10:55 |
 3-2 |
Dynamic Vpass ISPP Scheme and Optimized Erase
Vth Control for High Program Inhibition in MLC
NAND Flash Memories |
Abstract |
K.-T. Park, M. Kang, S. Hwang, Y. Song, J. Lee, H. Joo, H.-S. Oh, J.-h. Kim, Y.-t. Lee, C. Kim and
W. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea |

11:20 |
 3-3 |
Digital Rosetta Stone: A Sealed Permanent
Memory with Inductive-Coupling Power and Data
Link |
Abstract |
Y. Yuxiang*, N. Miura*, S. Imai**, H. Ochi*** and
T. Kuroda* |
*Keio University, **Sharp Corporation and ***Kyoto
University, Japan |

11:45 |
 3-4 |
High-Density 3-D Metal-Fuse PROM Featuring
1.37μm2 1T1R Bit Cell in 32nm High-k Metal-Gate
CMOS Technology |
Abstract |
S.H. Kulkarni, Z. Chen, J. He, L. Jiang, B. Pedersen
and K. Zhang |
Intel Corporation, USA |

12:10 |
 3-5 |
A 1.25μm2 Cell 32Kb Electrical Fuse Memory in
32nm CMOS with 700mV Vddmin and
Parallel/Serial Interface |
Abstract |
S. Chung, T.-W. Chung, P.-Y. Ker and F.-L. Hsueh |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., Taiwan |
 Session 4 |

Biomedical and Personal Technology [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
S. Mutoh, NTT Corp.
T. Kwan, Broadcom Corp. |

10:30 |
 4-1 |
Asymmetric RF Tags for Ingestible Medication
Compliance Capsules |
Abstract |
H. Yu, C.-M. Tang and R. Bashirullah |
University of Florida, USA |

10:55 |
 4-2 |
A 490uW Fully MICS Compatible FSK
Transceiver for Implantable Devices |
Abstract |
J. Bae, N. Cho and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |

11:20 |
 4-3 |
A Super-Regenerative ASK Receiver with ΔΣ
Pulse-Width Digitizer and SAR-Based Fast
Frequency Calibration for MICS Applications
Abstract |
Y.-H. Liu, H.-H. Liu and T.-H. Lin |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |

11:45 |
 4-4 |
A 0.2mm2, 27Mbps 3mW ADC/FFT-Less FDM
BAN Receiver with Energy Exploitation Capability |
Abstract |
H. Ishizaki and M. Mizuno |
NEC Corporation, Japan |

12:10 |
 4-5 |
A Dynamic Real-Time Capacitor Compensated
Inductive Coupling Transceiver for Wearable Body
Sensor Network |
Abstract |
S. Lee, J. Yoo, H. Kim and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |
 Session 5 |

Transmitters and Receivers [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
C. Kim, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
J. Wieser, National Semiconductor Corp. |

13:55 |
 5-1 |
A 0.6mW/Gbps, 6.4-8.0Gbps Serial Link Receiver
Using Local Injection-Locked Ring Oscillators in
90nm CMOS |
Abstract |
K. Hu*, T. Jiang*, J. Wang*, F. O’Mahony** and
P.Y. Chiang* |
*Oregon State University and **Intel Corporation,

14:20 |
 5-2 |
A 40-Gb/s Transmitter with 4:1 MUX and
Subharmonically Injection-Locked CMU in 90-nm
CMOS Technology |
Abstract |
H. Wang and J. Lee |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |

14:45 |
 5-3 |
A 21-Gb/s 87-mW Transceiver with
FFE/DFE/Linear Equalizer in 65-nm CMOS
Technology |
Abstract |
H. Wang*, C.-C. Lee**, A.-M. Lee** and J. Lee* |
*National Taiwan University and **Realtek
Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan |

15:10 |
 5-4 |
A 12-Gb/s Transceiver in 32-nm Bulk CMOS |
Abstract |
S. Joshi, J. T.-S. Liao, Y. Fan, S. Hyvonen,
M. Nagarajan, J. Rizk, H.-J. Lee and I. Young |
Intel Corporation, USA |

15:35 |
 5-5 |
Self-Calibrating Transceiver for Source
Synchronous Clocking System with On-Chip TDR
and Swing Level Control Scheme |
Abstract |
Y.-C. Jang, J.-Y. Park, S. Shin, H. Choi, K. Lee,
B. Woo, H. Park, W.-S. Kim, Y. Choi, J. Kim, H.-K. Kim, J. Kim, S. Lim, S.-J. Chung, S. Kim, J. Yoo and C. Kim |
Samsung Electronics Co., LTD, Korea |
 Session 6 |

Biomedical and Sensors [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
K. Nakahara, Sharp Corp.
J. Dawson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |

13:55 |
 6-1 |
A 190μW-915MHz Active Neural Transponder
with 4-Channel Time Multiplexed AFE |
Abstract |
Z. Xiao, C.-M. Tang, C.-C. Peng, H. Yu and
R. Bashirullah |
University of Florida, USA |

14:20 |
 6-2 |
A 2.6-μW Sub-Threshold Mixed-Signal ECG SoC |
Abstract |
S. C. Jocke, J. F. Bolus, S. N. Wooters, A. D. Jurik, A. C. Weaver, T. N. Blalock and B. H. Calhoun |
University of Virginia, USA |

14:45 |
 6-3 | A Micro-Power EEG Acquisition SoC with
Integrated Seizure Detection Processor for
Continuous Patient Monitoring |
Abstract |
N. Verma, A. Shoeb, J.V. Guttag and
A.P. Chandrakasan |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |

15:10 |
 6-4 |
A CMOS Accelerometer Using Bondwire Inertial
Sensing |
Abstract |
Y.-T. Liao, W. Biederman and B. Otis |
University of Washington, USA |

Special Session |

Technology Highlights [Shunju I, II] |
Chairpersons |
S.S. Chung, National Chiao Tung Univ.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

13:55 |

T7-1 |
Pipe-Shaped BiCS Flash Memory with 16 Stacked
Layers and Multi-Level-Cell Operation for Ultra
High Density Storage Devices |
R. Katsumata*, M. Kito*, Y. Fukuzumi*, M. Kido*, H. Tanaka*, Y. Komori*, M. Ishiduki*, J. Matsunami*, T. Fujiwara*, Y. Nagata***, L. Zhang**, Y. Iwata*, R. Kirisawa*, H. Aochi* and
A. Nitayama* |
*Toshiba Corporation, Semiconductor
Company,**Toshiba Corporation and ***Toshiba
Information Systems (Japan) Corporation, Japan |

14:20 |

T7-2 |
Extremely Scaled Gate-First High-k/Metal Gate
Stack with EOT of 0.55 nm Using Novel Interfacial
Layer Scavenging Techniques for 22nm Technology
Node and Beyond |
K. Choi*, H. Jagannathan**, C. Choi***, L. Edge**, T. Ando***, M. Frank***, P. Jamison***, M. Wang***, E. Cartier***, S. Zafar***, J. Bruley***, A. Kerber*, B. Linder***, A. Callegari***, Q. Yang***, S. Brown***, J. Stathis***, J. Iacoponi*, V. Paruchuri** and
V. Narayanan*** |
*Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., **IBM Research
Division and ***IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson
Research Center, USA |

14:45 |

T7-3 |
High Performance 32nm SOI CMOS with High-k/
Metal Gate and 0.149μm2 SRAM and Ultra Low-k
Back End with Eleven Levels of Copper |
B. Greene*, Q. Liang*, K. Amarnath**, Y. Wang*, J. Schaeffer***, M. Cai*, Y. Liang*, S. Saroop*, J. Cheng**, A. Rotondaro*, S-J. Han*, R. Mo*, K. McStay*, S. Ku*, R. Pal**, M. Kumar*, B. Dirahoui*, B. Yang**, F. Tamweber*, W-H. Lee*, M. Steigerwalt*, H. Weijtmans**, J. Holt*, L. Black**, S. Samavedam***, M. Turner***, K. Ramani**, D. Lee**, M. Belyansky*, M. Chowdhury***, D. Aimé***, B. Min***, H. van Meer**, H. Yin*, K. Chan*, M. Angyal*, M. Zaleski***, O. Ogunsola*, C. Child**, L. Zhuang*, H. Yan*, D. Permana**, J. Sleight*, D. Guo*, S. Mittl*, D. Ioannou*, E. Wu*, M. Chudzik*, D-G. Park*, D. Brown**, S. Luning**, D. Mocuta*, E. Maciejewski*, K. Henson* and
E. Leobandung* |
*IBM Semiconductor Research and Development
Center (SRDC), **Advanced Micro Devices Inc,
***Freescale Semiconductor, USA |

15:10 |

T7-4 |
Characteristics of sub 5nm Tri-Gate Nanowire
MOSFETs with Single and Poly Si Channels in SOI
Structure |
S.D. Suk, M. Li, Y.Y. Yeoh, K.H. Yeo, J. K. Ha, H. Lim, H.W. Park, D.-W. Kim, T.Y. Chung, K.S. Oh
and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |
 Session 7 |

Sigma-Delta ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Song, Dongguk Univ.
U.-K. Moon, Oregon State Univ. |
 16:10 |
 7-1 |
A 5th-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator with Single-
Opamp Resonator |
Abstract |
K. Matsukawa*, Y. Mitani*, M. Takayama*, K. Obata*, S. Dosho* and A. Matsuzawa** |
*Panasonic Corporation and **Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan |

16:35 |
 7-2 |
A 500kHz-10MHz Multimode Power-Performance
Scalable 83-to-67dB DR CTΔΣ in 90 nm Digital
CMOS with Flexible Analog Core Circuitry |
Abstract |
P. Crombez*,**, G. Van der Plas*, M. Steyaert** and
J. Craninckx* |
*IMEC and **ESAT-MICAS, Belgium |

17:00 |
 7-3 |
Technology Portable, 0.04mm2, Ghz-Rate ΣΔ
Modulators in 65nm and 45nm CMOS |
Abstract |
R.H.M. van Veldhoven, N. Nizza and L.J. Breems |
NXP Semiconductor, The Netherlands |

17:25 |
 7-4 |
A 79dB 80MHz 8X-OSR Hybrid Delta-
Sigma/Pipeline ADC |
Abstract |
O. Rajaee*,T. Musah*, S. Takeuchi**, M. Aniya**, K. Hamashita**, P. Hanumolu* and U. Moon* |
*Oregon State University, USA and **Asahi Kasei
EMD Corporation, Japan |
(Joint Dinner 19:00-21:00) |
 Session 8 |

Special Non-Volatile Memories [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
S.C. Chung, TSMC
O. Jungroth, Intel Corp. |

16:10 |
 8-1 |
Ferroelectric(Fe)-NAND Flash Memory with Non-
Volatile Page Buffer for Data Center Application
Enterprise Solid-State Drives (SSD) |
Abstract |
T. Hatanaka*, R. Yajima*, T. Horiuchi**, S. Wang**,
X. Zhang**, M. Takahashi**, S. Sakai** and
K. Takeuchi* |
*The University of Tokyo and **National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan |

16:35 |
 8-2 |
Fabrication of a Nonvolatile Lookup-Table Circuit
Chip Using Magneto/Semiconductor-Hybrid
Structure for an Immediate-Power-Up Field
Programmable Gate Array |
Abstract |
D. Suzuki*, M. Natsui*, S. Ikeda*, H. Hasegawa*, K. Miura*,**, J. Hayakawa**, T. Endoh*, H. Ohno*
and T. Hanyu* |
*Tohoku University and **Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |

17:00 |
 8-3 |
A 5ns Fast Write Multi-Level Non-Volatile 1 K Bits
RRAM Memory with Advance Write Scheme |
Abstract |
S.-S. Sheu*,**, P.-C. Chiang*, W.-P. Lin*, H.-Y. Lee*,****, P.-S. Chen***, Y.-S. Chen*, T.-Y. Wu*, F.T. Chen*, K.-L. Su*, M.-J. Kao*, K.-H. Cheng** and M.-J. Tsai* |
*ITRI, **National Central University, ***MingShin
University of Science & Technology and ****National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |

17:25 |
 8-4 |
32-Mb 2T1R SPRAM with Localized Bi-Directional
Write Driver and ‘1’/‘0’ Dual-Array Equalized
Reference Cell |
Abstract |
R. Takemura*, T. Kawahara*, K. Miura*,**, H. Yamamoto*,**, J. Hayakawa*,
N. Matsuzaki*, K. Ono*, M. Yamanouchi*, K. Ito*, H. Takahashi*, S. Ikeda**, H. Hasegawa*,**, H. Matsuoka* and
H. Ohno** |
*Hitachi, Ltd. and **Tohoku University, Japan |
(Joint Dinner 19:00-21:00) |
 Session 9 |

Data Interconnect Technology [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
H. Kabuo, Panasonic Corp.
J. Holst, Cisco Systems |

16:10 |
 9-1 |
Crosstalk-Aware PWM-Based On-Chip Global
Signaling in 65nm CMOS |
Abstract |
J.-s. Seo, D. Sylvester and D. Blaauw |
University of Michigan, USA |

16:35 |
 9-2 |
A Simultaneous Tri-Band On-Chip RF-Interconnect
for Future Network-on-Chip |
Abstract |
S.-W. Tam, E. Socher, A. Wong and M.-C.F. Chang |
University of California Los Angeles, USA |

17:00 |
 9-3 |
A 4.7Gb/s Inductive Coupling Interposer with Dual
Mode Modem |
Abstract |
S. Kawai, H. Ishikuro and T. Kuroda |
Keio University, Japan |

17:25 |
 9-4 |
A Scalable 3D Processor by Homogeneous Chip
Stacking with Inductive-Coupling Link |
Abstract |
Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, S. Saito,
Y. Hasegawa, T. Sano, K. Kasuga,
Y. Yoshida, K. Niitsu, N. Miura, H. Amano and T. Kuroda |
Keio University, Japan |
(Joint Dinner 19:00-21:00) |
 Session 10 |
 Plenary Session II [Suzaku I, II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Mizuno, NEC Corp. A. Amerasekera, Texas Instruments |
 8:45 |
 10-1 |
Future of Mobile Devices - Challenges for Energy
Efficient Sensing, Computing and Communication |
Invited |
T. Rynahen, Nokia Strategic Research |
 9:25 |
 10-2 |
A Human - Area Networking Technology as a
Universal Interface – Communication through
Natural Human Actions: Touching, Holding,
Stepping – |
Invited |
Y. Kado, NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories |

Session 11 |

Reliability and Security [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kobayashi, Kyoto Univ.
A. Bhavnagarwala, IBM TJ Watson Research Center |

10:30 |
 11-1 |
An All-In-One Silicon Odometer for Separately
Monitoring HCI, BTI, and TDDB |
Abstract |
J. Keane, D. Persaud and C.H. Kim |
University of Minnesota, USA |

10:55 |
 11-2 |
Post-Silicon Tuning Capabilities of 45nm Low-
Power CMOS Digital Circuits |
Abstract |
M. Meijer*, B. Liu**, R. van Veen* and
J.P. de Gyvez*,** |
*NXP Semiconductors and **Technical University of
Eindhoven, The Netherlands |

11:20 |

11-3 |
Tunable Replica Circuits and Adaptive Voltage-
Frequency Techniques for Dynamic Voltage,
Temperature, and Aging Variation Tolerance |
Abstract |
J. Tschanz, K. Bowman, PS. Walstra,
M. Agostinelli, T. Karnik and V. De |
Intel, USA |

11:45 |

11-4 |
Tunable Duplex LSIs Achieved by Multiple Phase-
Modulated Clocks Capable of Predicting Delay-
Increase and -Decrease Faults |
Abstract |
Y. Kameda and M. Mizuno |
NEC Corporation, Japan |

12:10 |

11-5 |
Silicon Physical Unclonable Function Resistant to a
1025-Trial Brute Force Attack in 90 nm CMOS |
Abstract |
S. Stanzione and G. Iannaccone |
Università di Pisa, Italy |
 Session 12 |
 Clock Generators [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
S. Dosho, Panasonic Corp. J. Barth, IBM Microelectronics |
 10:30 |
 12-1 |
Multi-Decade Carrier Generation for Cognitive
Radios |
Abstract |
B. Razavi |
University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
 10:55 |
 12-2 |
A 1.3GHz 350mW Hybrid Direct Digital Frequency
Synthesizer in 90nm CMOS |
Abstract |
H.C. Yeoh, J.-H. Jung, Y.-H. Jung and K.-H. Baek |
Chung-Ang University, Korea |
 11:20 |
 12-3 |
A Bandwidth Tracking Technique for a 65nm
CMOS Digital Phase-Locked Loop |
Abstract |
P.-H. Hsieh, J. Maxey* and C.-K. Ken Yang |
University of California, Los Angeles and *Texas
Instruments, USA |
 11:45 |
 12-4 |
CMOS Frequency Generation System for W-Band
Radars |
Abstract |
N. Zhang and K.K. O |
Univ. of Florida, USA |
 12:10 |
 12-5 |
A 5GHz Phase-Locked Loop Using Dynamic Phase-Error Compensation Technique for Fast Settling in
0.18-μm CMOS |
Abstract |
W.-H. Chiu, Y.-H. Huang and T.-H. Lin |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Wednesday, June 17,
12:45-14:05 (Separate Registration Required) |

Luncheon Talk [Suzaku II]
The Series N700 and the Tokaido Shinkansen
T. Minami, Central Japan Railway Company
Does the term “eco-business trip” sound familiar?
Tokaido Shinkansen is an extremely environmentally friendly
mode of transportation and with the debut of the Series N700 this
friendliness has been bettered further. As a way to deal with global
warming, we are promoting “eco-business trips”: the selection of
environmentally friendly mode of transport for business trips to
reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
The history of Tokaido Shinakansen rolling stock is a history of
epoch-making events. The inauguration of the Tokaido Shinakansen
in 1964 with the Series 0, needless to say, is the first high-speed
railway in the world. With the debut of the Series 300 in 1992, we
managed to adopt the bolsterless bogie and to reduce the weight of
the train-set by almost 200 tons. It is with this series that we
managed to increase the maximum operating speed from 220km/h to
270km/h. Then came the Series 700 in 1999, with which we
managed to better ride comfort significantly by using new vibration
damping technology. And finally in July 2007 came the truly energy
efficient Series N700. The first Shinkansen rolling stock equipped
with the body inclining system that allows it to travel through curves
without decreasing speed.
This talk will center on the aspects of the Series N700 while
touching on the characteristics and history of the Tokaido Shinkansen.
*To register for the Luncheon Talk please refer to the registration
form for fee information. |
 Session 13 |
 DRAM and Interface [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kajigaya, Elpida Memory, Inc. M. Clinton, Texas Instruments |
 14:20 |
 13-1 |
A 31ns Random Cycle VCAT-Based 4F2 DRAM
with Enhanced Cell Efficiency |
Abstract |
K.-W. Song, J.-Y. Kim, H. Kim, H.-W. Chung, H. Kim, K. Kim, H.-W. Park, H.C. Kang, S. Kim, N.-k. Tak, D. Park, W.-S. Kim, Y.-T. Lee, Y.C. Oh, G.-Y. Jin, J. Yoo, K. Oh, C. Kim and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |
 14:45 |
 13-2 |
A Sub-0.9V Logic-Compatible Embedded DRAM
with Boosted 3T Gain Cell, Regulated Bit-Line
Write Scheme and PVT-Tracking Read Reference
Bias |
Abstract |
K.C. Chun, P. Jain, J.H. Lee* and C.H. Kim |
University of Minnesota, USA and *Samsung Electronics, Korea |
 15:10 |
 13-3 |
A 4.3GB/s Mobile Memory Interface With Power-
Efficient Bandwidth Scaling |
Abstract |
R. Palmer, J. Poulton, B. Leibowitz, Y. Frans, S. Li, A. Fuller, J. Eyles, J. Wilson, M. Aleksic, T. Greer, M. Bucher and N. Nguyen |
Rambus Inc., USA |
 15:35 |
 13-4 |
Wide-Range Fast-Lock Duty-Cycle Corrector with
Offset-Tolerant Duty-Cycle Detection Scheme for
54nm 7Gb/s GDDR5 DRAM Interface |
Abstract |
D. Shin, K.-J. Na, D. Kwon, J.-H. Kang,
T. Song, H.-D. Jung, W.-Y. Lee, K.-C. Park, J.-H. Park, Y.-S. Joo, J.-H. Cha, Y. Jung, Y. Kim, D. Han, B.-J. Choi, G.-I. Lee, J.-H. Cho and Y.-J. Choi |
Hynix Semiconductor Inc., Korea |
 Session 14 |
 Discrete-Time Analog [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
K. Agawa, Toshiba Corp. B. Nauta, Univ. of Twente |
 14:20 |
 14-1 |
A Highly Reconfigurable 400-1700MHz Receiver
Using a Down-Converting Sigma-Delta A/D with
59-dB SNR and 57-dB SFDR Over 4-MHz
Bandwidth |
Abstract |
R. Winoto and B. Nikolié |
University of California, Berkeley, USA |
 14:45 |
 14-2 |
A RF Receiver Front-End with Adaptive Discrete-Time Charge-Transfer Filter and Passive Gain-
Boosting in 90nm CMOS |
Abstract |
M.-C. Lee, K. Muhammad and C.-M. Hung |
Texas Instruments, USA |
 15:10 |
 14-3 |
A 1.28mW 100Mb/s Impulse UWB Receiver with
Charge-Domain Correlator and Embedded Sliding
Scheme for Data Synchronization |
Abstract |
L. Liu, T. Sakurai and M. Takamiya |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
 15:35 |
 14-4 |
A 73.1dB SNDR Digitally Assisted Subsampler for
RF Power Amplifier Linearization Systems |
Abstract |
S.W. Chung and J.L. Dawson |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 Session 15 |
 SRAMS and Clock Circuits [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Yamaoka, Hitachi, Ltd.
M. Whately, Cypress Semiconductor |
 16:15 |
 15-1 |
A 45nm 24MB On-Die L3 Cache for the 8-Core
Multi-Threaded Xeon® Processor |
Abstract |
J. Chang, S.-L. Chen, W. Chen, S. Chiu, R. Faber,
R. Ganesan, M. Grgek, V. Lukka, W.W. Mar,
J. Vash, S. Rusu and K. Zhang |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 16:40 |
 15-2 |
Clock Generation & Distribution for a 45nm, 8-
Core Xeon® Processor with 24MB Cache |
Abstract |
S. Tam, J. Leung and R. Limaye |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 17:05 |
 15-3 |
A Differential Data Aware Power-Supplied (D2AP)
8T SRAM Cell with Expanded Write/Read
Stabilities for Lower VDDmin Applications |
Abstract |
M.-F. Chang*, J.-J. Wu*, K.-T. Chen* and
H. Yamauchi** |
*National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and
**Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan |
 17:30 |
 15-4 |
A 45nm 0.6V Cross-Point 8T SRAM with Negative
Biased Read/Write Assist |
Abstract |
M. Yabuuchi, K. Nii, Y. Tsukamoto, S. Ohbayashi, Y. Nakase and H. Shinohara |
Renesas Technology Corp., Japan |
 Session 16 |
 DC-DC Converters [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
M. Nomura, NEC Electronics Corp. J. Lloyd, Analog Devices |
 16:15 |
 16-1 |
20mV Input Boost Converter for Thermoelectric
Energy Harvesting |
Abstract |
E. Carlson, K. Strunz and B. Otis |
University of Washington, USA |
 16:40 |
 16-2 |
Single-Inductor Dual Buck-Boost Output
(SIDBBO) Converter with Adaptive Current
Control Mode (ACCM) and Adaptive Body Switch
(ABS) for Compact Size and Long Battery Life in
Portable Devices |
Abstract |
M.-H. Huang and K.-H. Chen |
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |
 17:05 |
 16-3 |
A Hybrid DC-DC Converter for Sub-Microwatt
Sub-1V Implantable Applications |
Abstract |
M. Wieckowski, G.K. Chen, M. Seok, D. Blaauw and
D. Sylvester |
University of Michigan, USA |
 17:30 |
 16-4 |
High-Efficiency, 12V-to-1.5V DC-DC Converter
Realized with Switched-Capacitor Architecture |
Abstract |
V.W. Ng, M.D. Seeman and S.R. Sanders |
University of California, Berkeley, USA |

Rump Sessions
R-1 |
Special Evening Session:
“Energy Efficiency: How is ‘Green’ Implemented in
Reality?” [Suzaku I, II] |

Organizers |
M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo
G. Van der Plas, IMEC |

Moderator |
M. Nomura, NEC Electronics Corp.

Speakers |
“Doing Nothing Well”
J. Rabaey, Univ. of California, Berkeley
“Vibration-Driven Energy Harvesting Using High-Performance Polymer Electret”
Y. Suzuki, The Univ. of Tokyo
“Energy Harvesting for Green Electronics”
M. Kiziroglou, Imperial College
“Wearable Green SoC - Beyond Portable Low
Power SoC”
H.-J. Yoo, KAIST
In today’s world, green is everywhere. Energy efficiency is a critical
feature of any system.
In this session, 4 experts will give an overview of state-of-the-art
techniques that are used today to implement energy efficient
systems. These techniques will proliferate to more and more systems
in the future.
Topics that will be covered include energy scavenging, efficient
power conversion techniques and design techniques for efficient
circuits and systems. Energy scavenging from the environment is the
ultimate energy efficiency. These devices and their associated power
converters will be discussed in detail. Sensor interface systems and
efficient wireless circuits found in, for instance, body sensor systems
are an excellent example of energy efficient system design and will
also be covered.
Attending this session will give you a broad view on how green
electronics are realized today and in the future. |

R-2 |
32nm SoC and Beyond - Reliable or Not? [Suzaku III] |

Organizers |
M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo
K. Chang, Rambus Inc.

Moderator |
S. Borkar, Intel Corp.

Panelists |
D. Scott, TSMC
S. Yamamichi, NEC Corp.
J. Warnock, IBM Corp.
J. Stinson, Intel Corp.
Y. Urakawa, Toshiba Corp.
S. Mitra, Stanford Univ.
*Please be informed that the Pauelists has been changed from the Advance Program.
Moore’s law continues to push us to the 32nm regime for billion
transistor SoCs. This causes major concerns in reliability and
dependability due to increase in process variability, and
design/architecture complexity. Where are the major bottlenecks for
achieving high yield and low product return on 32nm SoCs? Which
is more important - system architecture, circuit design,
manufacturing, modeling, package design, test, or perhaps all? This
panel discusses different aspects of the design world and tries to
identify who should take a bigger role and assume more
responsibility in solving the reliability problems of migration to
32nm and beyond. |

Joint Rump Session with Technology
J-R |
Is TSV 3D LSI’s and Packaging Finally Ready or Is It Just
Another Fantasy? [Suzaku I, II] |

Organizers |
M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo
M. Clinton, Texas Instruments, Inc
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG
K-W. Lee, Tohoku Univ. |

Moderator |
M. Koyanagi, Tohoku Univ.
S. Arkalgud, SEMATECH

Panelists |
S. Borkar, Intel Corp.
J. Knickerbocker, IBM Corp.
L. Durodami, Qualcomm Inc.
T. Kuroda, Keio Univ.
C. Berry, Amkor Technology
B. Haba, Tessera Inc.
3D LSI integration and packaging have been discussed for decades.
Is TSV just the latest buzz-word or will it become a mainstream
process? The panel will discuss which applications (memory,
processor, memory+processor, imager, mixed-signal, FPGA or
others) are driving the development of TSV and what types of
applications could benefit from TSV in the future. The panel will
debate how these applications get an advantage in the marketplace
from TSV, which they cannot get from other 3D LSI integration or
packaging technologies in manufacturing today.
We have assembled a distinguished panel of experts who will
discuss and debate these questions and more as they explore the
prospects of TSV for 3D LSI and packaging.
- Does TSV offer design, test, performance, yield, thermal / power or
cost advantages over existing 3D technologies?
- What are main challenges and limitations for the acceptance in
mainstream applications?
- Who will offer TSV as a design solution; IDM’s, Foundries and/or
*This session will be held at 20:00-22:00 on Monday, June 15. |
 Session 17 |
 Image Sensors [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ikeda, The Univ. of Tokyo V. De, Intel Corp. |
 8:30 |
 17-1 |
A 0.45-0.7V Sub-Microwatt CMOS Image Sensor
for Ultra-Low Power Applications |
Abstract |
S. Hanson and D. Sylvester |
University of Michigan, USA |
 8:55 |
 17-2 |
A 0.75V CMOS Image Sensor Using Time-Based
Readout Circuit |
Abstract |
K. Cho, D. Lee, J. Lee and G. Han |
Yonsei University, Korea |
 9:20 |
 17-3 |
A Color-Independent Saturation, Linear Response,
Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor With
Retinal Rod-and Cone-Like Color Pixels |
Abstract |
S. Kawada*, S. Sakai*, N. Akahane*, K. Mizobuchi**
and S. Sugawa* |
*Tohoku University and **Texas Instruments, Japan |
 9:45 |
 17-4 |
A CMOS Image Sensor With 2.5-e– Random Noise
and 110-ke– Full Well Capacity Using Column
Source Follower Readout Circuits |
Abstract |
T. Kohara*, W. Lee*, N. Akahane*, K. Mizobuchi**
and S. Sugawa* |
*Tohoku University and **Texas Instruments, Japan |
 Session 18 |
 Frequency Synthesizers [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo L. Breems, NXP Semiconductors |
 8:30 |
 18-1 |
A Compact 0.8-6GHz Fractional-N PLL with
Binary-Weighted D/A Differentiator and Offset-Frequency Δ-Σ Modulator for Noise and Spurs
Cancellation |
Abstract |
H.-Y. Jian*,**, Z. Xu**, Y.-C. Wu** and F. Chang* |
*University of California, Los Angeles and **SST
Communications, USA |
 8:55 |
 18-2 |
A 320fs-RMS-Jitter and 300kHz-BW All-Digital
Fractional-N PLL with Self-Corrected TDC and
Fast Temperature Tacking Loop for
WiMax/WLAN 11n |
Abstract |
H.-H. Chang, C.-H. Fu and M. Chiu |
MediaTek Inc., Taiwan |
 9:20 |
 18-3 |
A Direct Digital Frequency Modulation PLL with
All Digital On-Line Self-Calibration for Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Transmitter |
Abstract |
C.-H. Wang, P.-Y. Wang, L.-W. Ke, D.-Y. Yu, B.-H. Ong, C.-H. Sun, H.-H. Chen, Y.-Y. Chen, C.-M. Kuo, J.-C. Lin, T.-P. Wang and Y.-H. Chen |
MediaTek Inc., Taiwan |
 9:45 |
 18-4 |
A Low-Voltage, 9-GHz, 0.13-μm CMOS Frequency
Synthesizer With a Fractional Phase-Rotating and
Frequency-Doubling Topology |
Abstract |
C.-H. Chang and C.-Y. Yang |
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan |
 Session 19 |
 Power Management and High-Efficiency Logic
[Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
T. Shiota, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. J. Gealow, MediaTek Wireless, Inc. |
 8:30 |
 19-1 |
Multi-Phase 1GHz Voltage Doubler Charge-Pump
in 32nm Logic Process |
Abstract |
D. Somasekhar, B. Srinivasan, G. Pandya,
F. Hamzaoglu, M. Khellah, T. Karnik and K. Zhang |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 8:55 |
 19-2 |
A 82% Efficiency 0.5% Ripple 16-Phase Fully
Integrated Capacitive Voltage Doubler |
Abstract |
T.V. Breussegem and M. Steyaert |
ESAT-MICAS, Belgium |
 9:20 |
 19-3 |
Dual-Power-Path RF-DC Multi-Output Power
Management Unit for RFID Tags |
Abstract |
J. Yi, W.-H. Ki, P. K.T. Mok and C.-Y. Tsui |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
China |
 9:45 |
 19-4 |
A 187MHz Subthreshold-Supply Robust FIR Filter
with Charge-Recovery Logic |
Abstract |
W.-H. Ma*, J.C. Kao*, V.S. Sathe*,** and
M. Papaefthymiou* |
*University of Michigan and **Advanced Micro
Devices, USA |
 Session 20 |
 Analog Techniques [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Nagata, Kobe Univ. A. Abidi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
 10:30 |
 20-1 |
A 28.1dBm Class-D Outphasing Power Amplifier in
45nm LP Digital CMOS |
Abstract |
H. Xu, Y. Palaskas, A. Ravi, M. Sajadieh, M. Elmala
and K. Soumyanath |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 10:55 |
 20-2 |
Time Difference Amplifier Using Closed-Loop Gain
Control |
Abstract |
T. Nakura, S. Mandai, M. Ikeda and K. Asada |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
 11:20 |
 20-3 |
A Chopper and Auto-Zero Offset-Stabilized CMOS
Instrumentation Amplifier |
Abstract |
J.F. Witte, J.H. Huijsing and K.A.A. Makinwa |
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands |
 11:45 |
 20-4 |
Complex IIP2 Improvement Through Active
Cancellation of LO Leakage |
Abstract |
H. Choo, K. Muhammad and M.-C. Lee |
Texas Instruments Inc., USA |
 Session 21 |
 Advanced Equalizers [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
K. Nose, NEC Corp. K. Chang, Rambus Inc. |
 10:30 |
 21-1 |
A 19Gb/s 38mW 1-Tap Speculative DFE Receiver
in 90nm CMOS |
Abstract |
D.Z. Turker*, A. Rylyakov**, D. Friedman**,
S. Gowda** and E. Sánchez-Sinencio* |
*Texas A&M University and **IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center, USA |
 10:55 |
 21-2 |
A 40Gb/s Decision Feedback Equalizer Using Back-Gate Feedback Technique |
Abstract |
C.-L. Hsieh and S.-I. Liu |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 11:20 |
 21-3 |
A Data Pattern-Tolerant Adaptive Equalizer Using
Spectrum Balancing Method |
Abstract |
H.-Y. Joo, K.-S. Ha and L.-S. Kim |
KAIST, Korea |
 11:45 |
 21-4 |
A Fractionally Spaced Linear Receive Equalizer
with Voltage-to-Time Conversion |
Abstract |
S. Song, B. Kim and V. Stojanović |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 Session 22 |
 Clock Generation Techniques [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
J.-Y. Sim, Pohang Univ.
J. Farrell, AMD |
 10:30 |
 22-1 |
A 10MHz 80μW 67 ppm/°C CMOS Reference
Clock Oscillator with a Temperature Compensated
Feedback Loop in 0.18μm CMOS |
Abstract |
J. Lee and S.H. Cho
KAIST, Korea |
 10:55 |
 22-2 |
A 0.114-mW Dual-Conduction Class-C CMOS
VCO with 0.2-V Power Supply |
Abstract |
K. Okada, Y. Nomiyama, R. Murakami and
A. Matsuzawa |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
 11:20 |
 22-3 |
A 132.7-to-143.5GHz Injection-Locked Frequency
Divider in 65nm CMOS |
Abstract |
B.-Y. Lin and S.-I. Liu |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
 11:45 |
 22-4 |
A 12-Bit Vernier Ring Time-to-Digital Converter in
0.13μm CMOS Technology |
Abstract |
J. Yu, F.F. Dai and R.C. Jaeger |
Auburn University, USA |
 Session 23 |
 Low Power ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
A. Wada, SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. G. Van der Plas, IMEC |
 13:30 |
 23-1 |
A 0.92mW 10-Bit 50-MS/s SAR ADC in 0.13μm
CMOS Process |
Abstract |
C.-C. Liu, S.-J. Chang, G.-Y. Huang and Y.-Z. Lin |
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
 13:55 |
 23-2 |
A 6-Bit 50-MS/s Threshold Configuring SAR ADC
in 90-nm Digital CMOS |
Abstract |
P. Nuzzo*,**, C. Nani*,***, C. Armiento*,****,
A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli**, J. Craninckx* and
G.V. der Plas* |
*IMEC, Belgium, **University of California at
Berkeley, USA, ***NXP, The Netherlands and
****University of Pisa, Italy |
 14:20 |
 23-3 |
A 12b 11MS/s Successive Approximation ADC with
Two Comparators in 0.13μm CMOS |
Abstract |
J.J. Kang*,** and M.P. Flynn* |
*University of Michigan and **Marvell Technology
Group, USA |
 14:45 |
 23-4 |
A 1.3μW 0.6V 8.7-ENOB Successive
Approximation ADC in a 0.18μm CMOS |
Abstract |
S.-K. Lee, S.-J. Park, Y. Suh, H.-J. Park and J.-Y. Sim |
Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH), Korea |
 Session 24 |
 MM-Wave Techniques [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
J. Lee, National Taiwan Univ. C.-M. Hung, Texas Instruments, Inc |
 13:30 |
 24-1 |
A 77 GHz 90 nm CMOS Transceiver for FMCW
Radar Applications |
Abstract |
T. Mitomo, N. Ono, H. Hoshino, Y. Yoshihara,
O. Watanabe and I. Seto |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
 13:55 |
 24-2 |
60-GHz Hybrid Transmit/Receive Switch Using p-n
Diode and MOS Transistors |
Abstract |
C. Mao and K.K. O |
University of Florida, USA |
 14:20 |
 24-3 |
60GHz RF-Path Phase-Shifting Two-Element
Phased-Array Front-End in Silicon |
Abstract |
A. Natarajan*, M.-D. Tsai** and B. Floyd* |
*IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA and
**MediaTek Inc., Taiwan |
 14:45 |
 24-4 |
36mW 63GHz CMOS Differential Low-Noise
Amplifier with 14GHz Bandwidth |
Abstract |
Y. Natsukari and M. Fujishima |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
 Session 25 |
 Media Processor Architecture [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
M. Igarashi, Sony Corp. S. Tam, Intel Corp. |
 13:30 |
 25-1 |
3D System Integration of Processor and Multi-
Stacked SRAMs by Using Inductive-Coupling
Links |
Abstract |
K. Osada*, M. Saen*, Y. Okuma*, K. Niitsu**,
Y. Shimazaki**,***, Y. Sugimori**, Y. Kohama**,
K. Kasuga**, I. Nonomura***, N. Irie*, T. Hattori***,
A. Hasegawa*** and T. Kuroda** |
*Hitachi, Ltd.,**Keio University and ***Renesas
Technology Corp., Japan |
 13:55 |
 25-2 |
A 116fps 74mW Mobile Heterogeneous 3D-Media
Processor for 3D Display Contents |
Abstract |
S.-H. Kim*, H.-Y. Kim*, Y.-J. Kim*, K. Chung*,
D. Kim** and L.-S. Kim* |
*KAIST, Korea and **Qualcomm Inc., USA |
 14:20 |
 25-3 |
A 22.8GOPS 2.83mW Neuro-Fuzzy Object
Detection Engine for Fast Multi-Object Recognition |
Abstract |
M. Kim, J.-Y. Kim, S. Lee, J. Oh and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |
 14:45 |
 25-4 |
A 1080p@60fps Multi-Standard Video Decoder
Chip Designed for Power and Cost Efficiency in a
System Perspective |
Abstract |
D. Zhou*, Z. You**, J. Zhu**, J. Kong**, Y. Hong**,
X. Chen**, X. He**, C. Xu**, H. Zhang**, J. Zhou*,
N. Deng**, P. Liu** and S. Goto* |
*Waseda University, Japan and **Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China |

Session 26 |

High-Speed ADCs [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Ito, Renesas Technology Corp.
J. Savoj, Qualcomm Inc |

15:25 |

26-1 |
A Self-Background Calibrated 6b 2.7GS/s ADC
with Cascade-Calibrated Folding-Interpolating
Architecture |
Abstract |
Y. Nakajima*, A. Sakaguchi*, T. Ohkido**,
T. Matsumoto* and M. Yotsuyanagi* |
*NEC Electronics Corporation and **NEC Micro
Systems, Japan |

15:50 |

26-2 |
A 7.5-GS/s 3.8-ENOB 52-mW Flash ADC with
Clock Duty Cycle Control in 65nm CMOS |
Abstract |
H. Chung*, A. Rylyakov**, Z.T. Deniz**,
J. Bulzacchelli**, G.-Y. Wei* and D. Friedman** |
*Harvard University and **IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA |

16:15 |

26-3 |
A 1.5-GHz 63dB SNR 20mW Direct RF Sampling
Bandpass VCO-Based ADC in 65nm CMOS |
Abstract |
Y.-G. Yoon and S.H. Cho |
KAIST, Korea |

16:40 |

26-4 |
A Dual-Channel 10b 80MS/s Pipeline ADC with
0.16mm2 Area in 65nm CMOS |
Abstract |
X. Yu, F. Lin, K. Li, S. Ranganathan and T. Kwan |
Broadcom Corporation, USA |

Session 27 |

Wireless Transceivers [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
H. Ishikuro, Keio Univ.
B. Nikolic, Univ. of California, Berkeley |

15:25 |

27-1 |
528mW Zero-IF Full-Segment ISDB-T CMOS
Tuner with 10th-Order Channel Filters |
Abstract |
T. Kamata*,**, K. Okui*, M. Fukasawa*, K. Tanaka*,
C. Go*, N. Motoyama*, T. Matsuoka** and
K. Taniguchi** |
*RfStream Corporation and **Osaka University,
Japan |

15:50 |

27-2 |
A 2×VDD-Enabled TV-Tuner RF Front-End
Supporting TV-GSM Interoperation in 90nm
Abstract |
P.-I. Mak* and R.P. Martins** |
*University of Macau, China and **On leave from
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal |

16:15 |

27-3 |
A Frequency Translation Technique for SAW-Less
3G Receivers |
Abstract |
A. Mirzaei, X. Chen, A. Yazdi, J. Chiu, J. Leete and
H. Darabi |
Broadcom Corporation, USA |

16:40 |

27-4 |
A 4-Stream 802.11n Baseband Transceiver in 0.13
μm CMOS |
Abstract |
A. Burg*,**, S. Haene*,**, M. Borgmann**,
D. Baum**, T. Thaler**, F. Carbognani**,
S. Zwicky**, L. Barbero**, C. Senning*,
P. Greisen*,**, T. Peter*, C. Foelmli**,
U. Schuster**, P. Tejera** and A. Staudacher |
*ETH Zurich and **Celestrius AG, Switzerland |

Session 28 |

Signal Processing [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
M. Hariyama, Tohoku Univ.
K. Shepard, Columbia Univ. |

15:25 |

28-1 |
A 47 Gb/s LDPC Decoder with Improved Low
Error Rate Performance |
Abstract |
Z. Zhang, V. Anantharam, M.J. Wainwright and
B. Nikoli´c |
University of California, Berkeley, USA |

15:50 |

28-2 |
A 188-size 2.1mm2 Reconfigurable Turbo Decoder
Chip with Parallel Architecture for 3GPP LTE
System |
Abstract |
C.-C. Wong, Y.-Y. Lee and H.-C. Chang |
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |

16:15 |

28-3 |
A 58-μW Single-Chip Sensor Node Processor Using
Synchronous MAC Protocol |
Abstract |
T. Takeuchi, S. Izumi, T. Matsuda, H. Lee, Y. Otake,
T. Konishi, K. Tsuruda, Y. Sakai, H. Fujiwara,
C. Ohta, H. Kawaguchi and M. Yoshimoto |
Kobe University, Japan |

16:40 |

28-4 |
A 200Mbps+ 2.14nJ/b Digital Baseband Multi
Processor System-on-Chip for SDRs |
Abstract |
V. Derudder, B. Bougard, A. Couvreur, A. Dewilde,
S. Dupont, L. Folens, L. Hollevoet, F. Naessens,
D. Novo, P. Raghavan, T. Schuster, K. Stinkens,
J.-W. Weijers and L. Van der Perre |
IMEC, Belgium |