Welcome to the 2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology
Welcome to the 2011 Symposium on VLSI Technology On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology which will be held from June 15-17 in Kyoto, Japan. This symposium has been recognized as one of the premiere technical conferences on the latest research and developments in the field of VLSI technologies and their applications, and this year is no exception.
The Program Committee of this year has selected 82 top quality papers addressing a wide range of topics from 205 submitted papers, and has organized 22 technical sessions for the Kyoto symposium.
We are also delighted to have two very distinguished invited speakers for the plenary session. Dr. Ken-ichiro Mogi of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. will present a talk on “The Brain Science Collaborating with Semiconductor Technology (tentative)” and Dr. T. C. Chen of IBM T. J. Watson Research Center will give a talk on “Device Technology Innovation for Exascale Computing”.
Furthermore, this year we introduce three new sessions which consist of “Focus Session” to be held in the morning of June 15 and two “Special Sessions” to be held in the mornings of June 16 and 17. In the Focus session, 3D-System Integration technologies, which have become ever increasingly important for future technology generations, will be presented and discussed by 5 excellent invited speakers. They are Dr. S. Borkar of Intel, Dr. S.S. Iyer of IBM, Prof. M. Koyanagi of Tohoku University, Dr. S. Arkalgud of SEMATECH and Dr. W.-C. Lo of ITRI.
There are two topics covered in the Special Sessions: Explorative Research (ER) and Beyond CMOS (BC). “Explorative Research” deals with advances in physical analysis, materials science, and
modeling/simulation of VLSI. “Beyond CMOS” covers new functional devices beyond CMOS with a path for VLSI implementation and Theories and fundamentals related to such devices.
For the ER session, Prof. K. Shiraishi of Univ. of Tsukuba and Prof. S. Stemmer of UCSB are going to give invited talks. And Prof. H. Ohno of Tohoku University and Prof. J. Appenzeller of Purdue University are going to give invited talks for the BC session. Three regular papers are going to be presented for each session.
Three Rump Sessions are planned for the evening of June 15 as a means to facilitate informal discussion among attendees. Two of the Rump Sessions are regular sessions covering specific technology related topics of timely interest:
1. The Path Towards Sub 30nm Non Volatile Memories.
2. Key Technology Options for 16nm CMOS and Beyond.
3. A joint Session with the Symposium on VLSI Circuits focusing on the “3D-IC and Adv. Packaging”.
A one-day Short Course, scheduled for June 14 will cover “Outlook for 32/28/22nm Manufacturing”. This should be an excellent opportunity for experienced as well as new engineers to broaden their technical base.
The symposium registration fee covers all of the sessions including the Rump Sessions, the symposium proceedings, the symposium banquet, and a CD-ROM containing all of the contents of the Digests.
Registration for the Short Course includes the attendance to the short course as well as a booklet containing the short course presentation materials. The detailed registration fees and hotel reservation schedules are included in the Advance Program.
We look forward to seeing you at this very exciting symposium in beautiful Kyoto and we are sure that you will find the conference exciting and rewarding. |

Masaaki Niwa |

Ming-Ren Lin |
Program Chair |
Program Co-Chair |
Saturday, June 13 |
8:00-17:00 |
Registration |
Sunday, June 14 |
8:10-12:00 |
Short Course [Shunju I] |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-17:15 |
Short Course [Shunju I] |
Monday, June 15 |
8:30-10:05 |
Session 1 |
Welcome and Plenary Session [Shunju I, II] |
10:40-12:20 |
Session 2A |
Strain Engineering [Shunju I] |
Session 2B |
Resistance Memory [Shunju II] |
12:20-13:40 |
Lunch |
13:40-15:45 |
Session 3A |
Advanced Gate Stack [Shunju I] |
3B |
Random Telegraph Noise and Shot Noise [Shunju II] |
16:00-18:05 |
4A |
Focus Session-3D System Integration [Shunju I] |
4B |
Ge MOSFET [Shunju II] |
20:00-22:00 |
Rump Sessions |
Tuesday, June 16 |
8:30-10:10 |
Session 5A |
Nanowire FETs [Shunju I] |
5B |
Source / Drain Contact Technology [Shunju II] |
10:30-12:35 |
6A |
Variability I [Shunju I] |
6B |
Special Session-Beyond CMOS [Shunju II] |
12:35-13:55 |
Lunch |
13:55-15:35 |
Session 7 |
Highlights [Shunju I, II] |
16:10-17:50 |
8A |
Variability II [Shunju I] |
8B |
Advanced Source / Drain Engineering [Shunju II] |
19:00-21:00 |
Joint Dinner |
Wednesday, June 17 |
8:30-10:10 |
9A |
Process Technology [Shunju I] |
9B |
Non-classical Transisters [Shunju II] |
10:30-12:35 |
10A |
NAND Flash Memory [Shunju I] -12:10 |
10B |
Special Session-Explorative Research [Shunju II] |
12:35-14:20 |
Lunch |
14:20-16:00 |
11A |
CMOS Device Integration [Shunju I] |
11B |
Novel Memory [Shunju II] |
16:15-17:55 |
12A |
Floating Body DRAM and MRAM [Shunju I] |
12B |
High Mobility Devices [Shunju II] |

Session 1 |

Welcome and Plenary Session [Shunju I, II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Niwa, Panasonic Corp.

8:30 |

1-1 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
T. Mogami, Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies, Inc.
C. Dennison, Ovonyx Technologies, Inc. |

8:45 |

1-2 |
The Systematic Turn in Cognitive Neuroscience |
Invited |
K. Mogi, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. |

9:25 |

1-3 |
Device Technology Innovation for Exascale Computing |
Invited |
T.C. Chen, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |

Session 2A |

Strain Engineering [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
S. Takagi, The Univ. of Tokyo
O. Faynot, CEA-LETI |

10:40 |

2A-1 |
Comparative Study Between Si (110) and (100) Substrates on Mobility and Velocity Enhancements for Short-Channel Highly-Strained PFETs |
abstract |
S. Mayuzumi*,**, S. Yamakawa*, D. Kosemura**, M. Takei**, K. Nagata**, H. Akamatsu**, K. Aamari*, Y. Tateshita*, H. Wakabayashi*, M. Tsukamoto*, T. Ohno*, M. Saitoh*, A. Ogura** and N. Nagashima* |
*Sony Corporation and **Meiji University, Japan |

11:05 |

2A-2 |
New Experimental Insight into Ballisticity of Transport in Strained Bulk MOSFETs |
abstract |
D. Fleury*,**, G. Bidal*,**, A. Cros*, F. Boeuf*, T. Skotnicki* and G. Ghibaudo** |
*STMicroelectronics, **IMEP-LAHC and ***Parvis Louis Néel, France |

11:30 |

2A-3 |
Comprehensive Understanding of Surface Roughness Limited Mobility in Unstrained- and Strained-Si MOSFETs by Novel Characterization Scheme of Si/SiO2 Interface Roughness |
abstract |
Y. Zhao*, H. Matsumoto**, T. Sato**, S. Koyama**, M. Takenaka* and S. Takagi* |
*The University of Tokyo and **Hitachi High- Technologies Corporation, Japan |

11:55 |

2A-4 |
Analyses and Optimization of Strained-SiGe on Si pMOSFETs by Using Full-Band Device Simulation |
abstract |
H. Takeda*, M. Kawada**, K. Takeuchi* and M. Hane*
*NEC Electronics Corporation and **NEC Informatec Systems, Ltd, Japan |

Session 2B |
Resistance Memory [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
R. Yamada, Hitachi, Ltd.
F. Irrera, Sapienza Univ. of Rome |

10:40 |

2B-1 |
Cross-Point Phase Change Memory with 4F² Cell Size Driven by Low-Contact-Resistivity Poly-Si Diode |
abstract |
Y. Sasago, M. Kinoshita, T. Morikawa, K. Kurotsuchi, S. Hanzawa, T. Mine, A. Shima, Y. Fujisaki, H. Kume, H. Moriya, N. Takaura and K. Torii |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |

11:05 |

2B-2 |
Vertical Cross-Point Resistance Change Memory for Ultra-High Density Non-Volatile Memory Applications |
abstract |
H.S. Yoon, I.-G. Baek, J. Zhao, H. Sim, M.Y. Park, H. Lee, G.-H. Oh, J.C. Shin, I.-S. Yeo and U-I. Chung |
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea |

11:30 |

2B-3 |
NiO Resistance Change Memory with a Novel Structure for 3D Integration and Improved Confinement of Conduction Path |
abstract |
B. Lee and H.-S.P. Wong |
Stanford University, USA |

11:55 |

2B-4 |
Oxide-Based RRAM: Uniformity Improvement Using A New Material-Oriented Methodology |
abstract |
B. Gao*, H.W. Zhang*, S. Yu*, B. Sun*, L.F. Liu*, X.Y. Liu*, Y. Wang*, R.Q. Han*, J.F. Kang*, B. Yu** and Y.Y. Wang*
*Peking University, China and **State University of New York, USA |

Session 3A |

Advanced Gate Stack [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
B.H. Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
M. Khare, IBM Corp. |

13:40 |

3A-1 |
Gate First High-k/Metal Gate Stacks with Zero SiOx Interface Achieving EOT=0.59nm for 16nm Application |
abstract |
J. Huang*, D. Heh*, P. Sivasubramani**, P. D. Kirsch*, G. Bersuker*, D. C. Gilmer*, M.A. Quevedo-Lopez**, M. M. Hussain*, P. Majhi***, P. Lysaght*, H. Park*, N. Goel***, C. Young*, C.S. Park*, C. Park*, M. Cruz*, V. Diaz*, P. Y. Hung*, J. Price*, H.-H. Tseng* and R. Jammy* |
*SEMATECH, **Intel assignee and ***UT Dallas, USA |

14:05 |

3A-2 |
Cost-Effective 28-nm LSTP CMOS Using Gate- First Metal Gate/High-k Technology |
abstract |
T. Tomimatsu*, Y. Goto*, H. Kato*, M. Amma*, M. Igarashi*, Y. Kusakabe*, M. Takeuchi*, S. Ohbayashi**, S.Sakashita*, T. Kawahara*, M. Mizutani*, M. Inoue*, M. Sawada*, Y. Kawasaki*, S. Yamanari*, Y. Miyagawa*, Y. Takeshima*, Y. Yamamoto*, S. Endo*, T. Hayashi*, Y. Nishida*, K. Horita*, T. Yamashita*, H. Oda*, K. Tsukamoto*, Y. Inoue**, H. Fujimoto*, Y. Sato**, K. Yamashita**, R. Mitsuhashi**, S. Matsuyama**, Y. Moriyama**, K. Nakanishi**, T. Noda**, Y. Sahara**, N. Koike**, J. Hirase**, T. Yamada**, H. Ogawa** and M. Ogura** |
*Renesas Technology Corp. and **Semiconductor Company, Panasonic Corporation, Japan |

14:30 |

3A-3 |
Optimized Ultra-Low Thermal Budget Process Flow for Advanced High-K / Metal Gate First CMOS Using Laser-Annealing Technology |
abstract |
C. Ortolland*, L.-Å. Ragnarsson*, P. Favia*, O. Richard*, C. Kerner*, T. Chiarella*, E. Rosseel*, Y. Okuno**, A. Akheyar***, J. Tseng****, J.-L. Everaert*, T. Schram*, S. Kubicek*, M. Aoulaiche*, M.J. Cho**,*****, P.P. Absil*, S. Biesemans* and T. Hoffmann* |
*IMEC, **assignee at IMEC from Panasonic, ***Infineon, ****TMSC and *****KU Leuven, Belgium |

14:55 |

3A-4 |
Impact of Area Scaling on Threshold Voltage Lowering in La-Containing High-k/Metal Gate NMOSFETs Fabricated on (100) and (110)Si |
abstract |
M. Inoue*, Y. Satoh**, M. Kadoshima*, S. Sakashita*, T. Kawahara*, M. Anma*, R. Nakagawa**, H. Umeda*, S. Matsuyama**, H. Fujimoto** and H. Miyatake* |
*Renesas Technology Corporation and **Panasonic Corporation, Japan |

15:20 |

3A-5 |
pFET Vt Control with HfO2 /TiN/Poly-Si Gate Stack Using a Lateral Oxygenation Process |
abstract |
E. Cartier*, M. Steen*, B. P. Linder*, T. Ando*, R. Iijima**, M. Frank*, J.S. Newbury*, Y. H. Kim*, F. R. McFeely*, M. Copel*, R. Haight*, C. Choi*, A. Callegari*, V. K. Paruchuri* and V. Narayanan* |
*IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center (SRDC) and **Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., USA |

Session 3B |

Random Telegraph Noise and Shot Noise [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
T. Hiramoto, The Univ. of Tokyo
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics |

13:40 |

3B-1 |
New Insights into Oxide Traps Characterization in Gate-All-Around Nanowire Transistors with TiN Metal Gates Based on Combined Ig-Id RTS Technique |
abstract |
L. Zhang*, J. Zhuge*, R. Wang*, R. Huang*, C. Liu*, D. Wu*, Z. Kang*, D.-W. Kim**, D. Park** and Y. Wang* |
*Peking University, China and **Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

14:05 |

3B-2 |
The First Observation of Shot Noise Characteristics in 10-nm Scale MOSFETs |
abstract |
J. Jeon*, J. Lee*, J. Kim*, C. H. Park**, H. Lee***, H. Oh***, H.-K. Kang***, B.-G. Park* and H. Shin* |
*Seoul National University, **Kwangwoon University and ***Samsung Electronics, Korea |

14:30 |

3B-3 |
Increasing Threshold Voltage Variation Due to Random Telegraph Noise in FETs as Gate Lengths Scale to 20 nm |
abstract |
N. Tega*, H. Miki*, F. Pagette***, D. J. Frank***, A. Ray***, M. J. Rooks***, W. Haensch*** and K. Torii** |
*Hitachi America Ltd., **Hitachi Ltd. and ***T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM, USA |

14:55 |

3B-4 |
A New Observation of Strain-Induced Slow Traps in Advanced CMOS Technology with Process- Induced Strain Using Random Telegraph Noise Measurement |
abstract |
M.H. Lin*, E.R. Hsieh*, S.S. Chung*, C.H. Tsai**, P.W. Liu**, Y.H. Lin**, C.T. Tsai** and G.H. Ma** |
*National Chiao Tung University and **United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Taiwan |

15:20 |

3B-5 |
Single-Charge-Based Modeling of Transistor Characteristics Fluctuations Based on Statistical Measurement of RTN Amplitude |
abstract |
K. Takeuchi, T. Nagumo, S. Yokogawa, K. Imai and Y. Hayashi |
NEC Electronics Corporation, Japan |

Session 4A |

Focus Session-3D System Integration [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
T. Tanaka, Tohoku Univ.
R. Jammy, SEMATECH |

16:00 |

4A-1 |
3D Integration for Energy Efficient System Design |
Invited |
S. Borkar, Intel Corp. |

16:25 |

4A-2 |
Process-Design Considerations for Three Dimensional Integration |
Invited |
S. S. Iyer, IBM Corp. |

16:50 |

4A-3 |
New 3D Integration Technology and 3D System LSIs |
Invited |
M. Koyanagi, Tohoku Univ. |

17:15 |

4A-4 |
3D System Integration |
Invited |
S. Arkalgud, SEMATECH |

17:40 |

4A-5 |
3D-LSI and System |
Invited |
W.-C. Lo, ITRI |

Session 4B |

Ge MOSFET [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
K. Shibahara, Hiroshima Univ.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

16:00 |

4B-1 |
Vth Variation and Strain Control of High Ge% Thin SiGe Channels by Millisecond Anneal Realizing High Performance pMOSFET Beyond 16nm Node |
abstract |
S-H. Lee*,******, J. Huang*, P. Majhi*,**, P.D. Kirsch*, B-G. Min***, C-S. Park*, J. Oh*, W-Y. Loh*, C.-Y. Kang*, B. Sassman*, P.Y. Hung*, S. McCoy****, J. Chen****, B. Wu*****, G. Moori*****, D. Heh*, C. Young*, G. Bersuker*, H-H. Tseng*, S.K. Banerjee****** and R. Jammy* |
* SEMATECH, **Intel, ***Jusung Engineering, ****Mattson Engineering, *****Poongsan Engineering and ******The University of Texas, USA |


4B-2 |
High Quality GeO2/Ge Interface Formed by SPA Radical Oxidation and Uniaxial Stress Engineering for High Performance Ge NMOSFETs |
abstract |
M. Kobayashi*, T. Irisawa*, B.M. Kope*, Y. Sun**, K. Saraswat*, H.-S.P. Wong*, P. Pianetta** and Y. Nishi* |
*Stanford University and **Stanford Liner Accelerator Center, USA |

16:50 |

4B-3 |
New Approach to Form EOT-Scalable Gate Stack with Strontium Germanide Interlayer for High-k/ Ge MISFETs |
abstract |
Y. Kamata*, A. Takashima**, Y. Kamimuta* and T. Tezuka* |
*MIRAI-Toshiba and **Toshiba Corporation, Japan |

17:15 |

4B-4 |
Physical Origins of Mobility Enhancement of Ge pMISFETs with Si Passivation Layers |
abstract |
N. Taoka*, W. Mizubayashi*, Y. Morita*, S. Migita*, H. Ota* and S. Takagi*,** |
*MIRAI-NIRC, AIST and **The University of Tokyo, Japan |

17:40 |

4B-5 |
Impact of EOT Scaling Down to 0.85nm on 70nm Ge-pFETs Technology with STI |
abstract |
J. Mitard*,****, C. Shea*****, B. DeJaeger*, A. Pristera******, G. Wang*,****, M. Houssa****, G. Eneman*,*******, G. Hellings*,********, W-E. Wang**, J.C. Lin***, F.E. Leys*, R. Loo*, G. Winderickx*, E. Vrancken*, A. Stesmans****, K. DeMeyer*,****, M. Caymax*, L. Pantisano*, M. Meuris* and M. Heyns*,**** |
*IMEC, Bergium, **Intel, USA, ***TSMC, Taiwan, ****KULeuven, Bergium, *****Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, ******Univ. Calabria, Italy, *******FWO and ********IWT, Bergium |

Rump Sessions
Organizers |
Y. Akasaka, Tokyo Electron Ltd.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

J-R |

Is TSV 3D LSI’s and Packaging Finally Ready or Is It Just Another Fantasy? [Suzaku I, II] |

Organizers |

M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo
M. Clinton, Texas Instruments, Inc.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG
K-W. Lee, Tohoku Univ. |

Moderators |

M. Koyanagi, Tohoku Univ.
S. Arkalgud, SEMATECH |

Panelists |
S. Borkar, Intel Corp.
J. Knickerbocker, IBM Corp.
L. Durodami, Qualcomm, Inc.
T. Kuroda, Keio Univ.
C. Berry, Amkor Technology
B. Haba, Tessera Inc. |
3D LSI integration and packaging have been discussed for decades. Is TSV just the latest buzz-word or will it become a mainstream process? The panel will discuss which applications (memory, processor, memory+processor, imager, mixed-signal, FPGA or others) are driving the development of TSV and what types of applications could benefit from TSV in the future. The panel will debate how these applications get an advantage in the marketplace from TSV, which they cannot get from other 3D LSI integration or packaging technologies in manufacturing today.
We have assembled a distinguished panel of experts who will discuss and debate these questions and more as they explore the prospects of TSV for 3D LSI and packaging.
- Does TSV offer design, test, performance, yield, thermal / power or cost advantages over existing 3D technologies?
- What are main challenges and limitations for the acceptance in mainstream applications?
- Who will offer TSV as a design solution; IDM’s, Foundries and/or OSAT’s? |

R-1 |

The Path Towards Sub 30nm Non Volatile Memories [Shunju I] |

Moderators |
R. Shirota, National Tsing Hua Univ.
J. Van Houdt, IMEC |

Panelists |

K. Schuegraf, SanDisk Corp.
C.H. Lam, IBM Corp.
H.-S. P. Wong, Stanford Univ
S. Choi, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
A. Nitayama, Toshiba Corp.
R. Liu, Macronix International Co., Ltd. |
In recent years, the demand for large density non-volatile memory has increased dramatically. This is mainly due to the tremendous growth in the market of portable devices which require large quantities of low-power (hence, preferably non-volatile) memory, such as digicam’s, MP3 players, USB sticks, cell phones, PDA’s etc. However, the enormous success of Flash memory technology in realizing multi-gigabyte memory chips has evidently triggered a lot of questions concerning its further scalability towards the sub-30nm nodes. Unlike DRAMs which densities are in most cases limited by choices made in PC architectures, the demand for ever-higherdensity Flash has no intrinsic upper limit. But can we project the roadmaps all the way down to 16nm without a fundamental change of concept? Assuming litho capabilities and high-k blocking layers will be available on time, we still have to deal with increasing interference between the charges that represent the binary information (in fact, today even smaller fractions of charges are already used in multilevel programming). Also, the absolute value of these charges becomes quite small and of the order of a few electrons. One obvious way out of these issues is to switch to a resistance-based concept such as phase change memory (PCM) or Resistance RAM (RRAM) but can these provide the same scalability and at what price? Or should we opt for 3D solutions on chip instead? These questions will be put forward and will serve as a starting point for a debate between a selected panel of experts with leading roles in the memory business. |

R-2 |

Key Technology Options for 16nm CMOS and Beyond – Breaking the Barriers [Shunju II] |

Moderators |

Y. Toyoshima, Toshiba Corp.
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics |

Panelists |
O. Faynot, CEA-LETI
W. Haensch, IBM Corp.
K. Kita, The Univ. of Tokyo
K. Uchida, Tokyo Institute of Technology
C. Wann, TSMC |
When scaling down CMOS technology towards the 16nm node, the semiconductor community is facing serious challenges. At the 32nm node continued scaling for high performance and low power CMOS technologies have been achieved with the introduction of immersion lithography combined with double patterning and resolution enhancement techniques, multiple highly optimized and additive strain techniques, and the biggest innovation since 40 years of CMOS scaling, that certainly is high-k gate dielectric and metal gate. Today, the trends in research and development indicate that at the 22nm node existing solutions will be finally further scaled and optimized, and some new still evolutionary features like Si:C material for source/drain introduced to improve device performance and scaling.
For 16nm it is expected that controlling power and variability and simultaneously improving circuit performance will become the biggest challenge. Since the further scaling of the high-k / metal gate stack imposes fundamental problems as well as strain techniques are approaching their limit, the use of new device architectures such as ultra thin body SOI, Multi-Gate FET for short channel effect control or even alternative high mobility channel materials as performance boosters are possibly required. In this regard, the 16nm node may be the revolutionary and for a long time predicted departure from the “conventional” CMOS technology scaling. As a consequence, the technology options will have an increasing impact on circuit design and layout techniques.
This panel discussion will address the key technology challenges as well as enabling options for scaling down CMOS devices towards 16nm node. Which 16nm transistor structures are the most viable for logic and SRAM application? What determines the transistor architecture – density, performance, power, variability, complexity, manufacturability? What are the emerging challenges with device parasitics? What are the potential solutions in Lithography and how do they impact the transistor architecture? Finally, how do the different technology solutions (including new device architectures, immersion and EU lithography, double patterning and resolution enhancement techniques) impact circuit design and chip layout?
The distinguished panelist will also give an outlook on the viability of the technology solutions being discussed to extend Moore’s Law beyond the 16nm node towards the end of the roadmap. |

Session 5A |

Nanowire FETs [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
S. Hayashi, Panasonic Corp.
W. Xiong, Texas Instruments, Inc. |

8:30 |

5A-1 |
High Hole Mobility in Multiple Silicon Nanowire Gate-All-Around pMOSFETs on (110) SOI |
abstract |
J. Chen, T. Saraya and T. Hiramoto |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |

8:55 |

5A-2 |
Gate-All-Around Quantum-Wire Field-Effect Transistor with Dopant Segregation at Metal- Semiconductor-Metal Heterostucture |
abstract |
H.-S. Wong*,**, L.-H. Tan**, L. Chan***, G.-Q. Lo**, G. Samudra* and Y.-C. Yeo* |
*National University of Singapore, **Institute of Microelectronics and ***Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd, Singapore |

9:20 |

5A-3 |
Sub-10 nm Gate-All-Around CMOS Nanowire Transistors on Bulk Si Substrate |
abstract |
M. Li, K.H. Yeo, S.D. Suk, Y.Y. Yeoh, D.-W. Kim, T.Y. Chung, K.S. Oh and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea |

9:45 |

5A-4 |
A Novel Thin BOX SOI Technology Using Bulk Si Wafer for System-on-Chip (SoC) Application |
abstract |
C.W. Oh, H.J. Bae, J.K. Ha, S.J. Park, B.K. Park, D.-W. Kim, T.Y. Chung, K.S. Oh and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

Session 5B |

Source / Drain Contact Technology [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Akasaka, Tokyo Electron Ltd.
M. Mueller, NXP Semiconductors |

8:30 |

5B-1 |
Selective Phase Modulation of NiSi Using N-Ion Implantation for High Performance Dopant- Segregated Source/Drain n-Channel MOSFETs |
abstract |
W.-Y Loh*, P.Y. Hung*, B.E. Coss*, P. Kalra*, I. Ok*, G. Smith*, C.-Y. Kang*, S.-H. Lee***, J. Oh*, B. Sassman*, P. Majhi**, P. Kirsch*, H-H. Tseng* and R. Jammy* |
*SEMATECH, **Intel assignee. and ***Univ. of Texas, USA |

8:55 |

5B-2 |
Ultimate Contact Resistance Scaling Enabled by an Accurate Contact Resistivity Extraction Methodology for Sub-20 nm Node |
abstract |
H.-N. Lin, W.-W. Hsu, W.-C. Lee and C.H. Wann |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd., Taiwan |

9:20 |

5B-3 |
CMOS Band-Edge Schottky Barrier Heights Using Dielectric-Dipole Mitigated (DDM) Metal/Si for Source/Drain Contact Resistance Reduction |
abstract |
B.E. Coss*,**** W.-Y. Loh*, J. Oh*, G. Smith*, C. Smith*, H. Adhikari**, B. Sassman*, S. Parthasarathy*,*****, J. Barnett*, P. Majhi***, R.M. Wallace****, J. Kim**** and R. Jammy* |
*SEMATECH, **AMD assignee, ***Intel assignee, ****Univ. of Texas at Dallas and *****Univ. of Florida, USA |

9:45 |

5B-4 |
Single Silicide Comprising Nickel-Dysprosium Alloy for Integration in p- and n-FinFETs with Independent Control of Contact Resistance by Aluminum Implant |
abstract |
M. Sinha*,**, R.T.P. Lee*, S.N. Devi*, G.-Q. Lo**, E.F. Chor* and Y.-C. Yeo* |
*National University of Singapore (NUS) and **Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore |

Session 6A |

Variability I [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Masahara, AIST
T.-J.King Liu, Univ. of California, Berkeley |

10:30 |

6A-1 |
Analysis of Extra VT Variability Sources in NMOS Using Takeuchi Plot |
abstract |
T. Tsunomura*, A. Nishida*, F. Yano*, A.T. Putra***, K. Takeuchi*, S. Inaba*, S. Kamohara*, K. Terada**, T. Mama***, T. Hiramoto*,*** and T. Mogami* |
*MIRAI-Selete, **Hiroshima City University and ***The University of Tokyo, Japan |

10:55 |

6A-2 |
Impact of Uniaxial Strain on Channel Backscattering Characteristics and Drain Current Variation for Nanoscale PMOSFETs |
abstract |
W. Lee*, J.J.-Y. Kuo*, W.P.-N. Chen*, P. Su* and M.-C. Jeng** |
*National Chiao Tung University and **Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd., Taiwan |

11:20 |

6A-3 |
Physical Understanding of Vth and Idsat Variations in (110) CMOSFETs |
abstract |
M. Saitoh*, N. Yasutake*, Y. Nakabayashi*, K. Uchida** and T. Numata* |
*Toshiba Corporation and **Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |

11:45 |

6A-4 |
A New Methodology for Evaluating VT Variability Considering Dopant Depth Profile |
abstract |
A.T. Putra*, T. Tsunomura**, A. Nishida**, S. Kamohara**, K. Takeuchi**, S. Inaba**, K. Terada*** and T. Hiramoto*,** |
*The University of Tokyo, **MIRAI-Selete and ***Hiroshima City University, Japan |


6A-5 |
Comprehensive Analysis of Variability Sources of FinFET Characteristics |
abstract |
T. Matsukawa, S. O’uchi, K. Endo, Y. Ishikawa, H. Yamauchi, Y.X. Liu, J. Tsukada, K. Sakamoto and M. Masahara |
Nanoelectronics Research Institute, AIST, Japan |

Session 6B |

Special Session-Beyond CMOS [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
T. Hiramoto, The Univ. of Tokyo
A. Seabaugh, Notre Dame University |

10:30 |

6B-1 |
Hybrid CMOS/Magnetic Tunnel Junction Approach for Nonvolatile Integrated Circuits |
Invited |
H. Ohno, Tohoku Univ. |

10:55 |

6B-2 |
Graphene Nanostructures for Device Applications |
Invited |
J. Appenzeller, Purdue Univ. |

11:20 |

6B-3 |
Gate Modulation of Graphene Contacts – on the Scaling of Graphene FETs |
abstract |
Z. Chen* and J. Appenzeller** |
*IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and **Purdue University, USA |

11:45 |

6B-4 |
Nonvolatile Solid-Electrolyte Switch Embedded Into Cu Interconnect |
abstract |
T. Sakamoto*, M. Tada*, N. Banno*, Y. Tsuji*, Y. Saitoh*, Y. Yabe*, H. Hada*, N. Iguchi* and M. Aono** |
*NEC Corp. and **MANA, NIMS, Japan |
12:10 |

6B-5 |
Collective-Effect State Variables for Post-CMOS Logic Applications |
abstract |
A. Chen*, A.P. Jacob**, C.Y. Sung***, K.L. Wang****, A. Khitun**** and W. Porod***** |
*Advanced Micro Devices, **Intel Corporation, ***IBM T J. Watson Research Center, ****University of California, Los Angeles and *****University of Notre Dame, USA |

Session 7 |

Highlights [Shunju I, II] |
Chairpersons |
S.S. Chung, National Chiao Tung Univ.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

13:55 |

7-1 |
Pipe-Shaped BiCS Flash Memory with 16 Stacked Layers and Multi-Level-Cell Operation for Ultra High Density Storage Devices |
abstract |
R. Katsumata*, M. Kito*, Y. Fukuzumi*, M. Kido*, H. Tanaka*, Y. Komori*, M. Ishiduki*, J. Matsunami*, T. Fujiwara*, Y. Nagata***, L. Zhang**, Y. Iwata*, R. Kirisawa*, H. Aochi* and A. Nitayama* |
*Toshiba Corporation, Semiconductor Company,**Toshiba Corporation and ***Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation, Japan |

14:20 |

7-2 |
Extremely Scaled Gate-First High-k/Metal Gate Stack with EOT of 0.55 nm Using Novel Interfacial Layer Scavenging Techniques for 22nm Technology Node and Beyond |
abstract |
K. Choi*, H. Jagannathan**, C. Choi***, L. Edge**, T. Ando***, M. Frank***, P. Jamison***, M. Wang***, E. Cartier***, S. Zafar***, J. Bruley***, A. Kerber*, B. Linder***, A. Callegari***, Q. Yang***, S. Brown***, J. Stathis***, J. Iacoponi*, V. Paruchuri** and V. Narayanan*** |
*Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., **IBM Research Division and ***IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, USA |

14:45 |

7-3 |
High Performance 32nm SOI CMOS with Highk/ Metal Gate and 0.149μm² SRAM and Ultra Low-k Back End with Eleven Levels of Copper |
abstract |
B. Greene*, Q. Liang*, K. Amarnath**, Y. Wang*, J. Schaeffer***, M. Cai*, Y. Liang*, S. Saroop*, J. Cheng**, A. Rotondaro*, S-J. Han*, R. Mo*, K. McStay*, S. Ku*, R. Pal**, M. Kumar*, B. Dirahoui*, B. Yang**, F. Tamweber*, W-H. Lee*, M. Steigerwalt*, H. Weijtmans**, J. Holt*, L. Black**, S. Samavedam***, M. Turner***, K. Ramani**, D. Lee**, M. Belyansky*, M. Chowdhury***, D. Aimé***, B. Min***, H. van Meer**, H. Yin*, K. Chan*, M. Angyal*, M. Zaleski***, O. Ogunsola*, C. Child**, L. Zhuang*, H. Yan*, D. Permana**, J. Sleight*, D. Guo*, S. Mittl*, D. Ioannou*, E. Wu*, M. Chudzik*, D-G. Park*, D. Brown**, S. Luning**, D. Mocuta*, E. Maciejewski*, K. Henson* and E. Leobandung* |
*IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center (SRDC), **Advanced Micro Devices Inc, ***Freescale Semiconductor, USA |


7-4 |
Characteristics of sub 5nm Tri-Gate Nanowire MOSFETs with Single and Poly Si Channels in SOI Structure |
abstract |
S.D. Suk, M. Li, Y.Y. Yeoh, K.H. Yeo, J. K. Ha, H. Lim, H.W. Park, D.-W. Kim, T.Y. Chung, K.S. Oh and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

Session 8A |

Variability II [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
E. Morifuji, Toshiba Corp.
K. Parekh, Micron |

16:10 |

8A-1 |
Comprehensive Design Methodology of Dopant Profile to Suppress Gate-LER-Induced Threshold Voltage Variability in 20nm NMOSFETs |
abstract |
H. Fukutome*,****, Y. Hori**, L. Sponton***, K. Hosaka*, Y. Momiyama*, S. Satoh*, R. Gull***, W. Fichtner**** and T. Sugii* |
*Fujitsu Microelectronics Limited.,
**Fujitsu Quality Laboratory, Japan, ***Synopsys Switzerland LLC and ****ETH Zurich, Switzerland |

16:35 |

8A-2 |
Post-Fabrication Self-Convergence Scheme for Suppressing Variability in SRAM Cells and Logic Transistors |
abstract |
M. Suzuki, T. Saraya, K. Shimizu, T. Sakurai and T. Hiramoto |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |


8A-3 |
Low Voltage (Vdd~0.6 V) SRAM Operation Achieved by Reduced Threshold Voltage Variability in SOTB (Silicon on Thin BOX) |
abstract |
R. Tsuchiya, N. Sugii, T. Ishigaki, Y. Morita, H. Yoshimoto, K. Torii and S. Kimura |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |

17:25 |

8A-4 |
Reduction of RTA-Driven Intra-Die Variation Via Model-Based Layout Optimization |
abstract |
J.C. Scott*, O. Gluschenkov**, B. Goplen***, H. Landis***, E. Nowak***, F. Clougherty***, A. Mocuta**, T. Hook**, N. Zamdmer**, C.W. Lai****, M. Eller*****, D. Chidambarrao**, J. Yu**, P. Chang**, J. Ferris***, S. Deshpande**, Y. Li**, H. Shang**, G. Hefferon**, R. Divakaruni**, E. Crabbé** and X. Chen** |
*IBM Almaden Research Center, **IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center, ***IBM Systems and Technology Group, ****Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited and *****Infineon Technologies, USA |
(Joint Dinner 19:00-21:00) |

Session 8B |

Advanced Source / Drain Engineering [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
T. Yamashita, Renesas Technology Corp.
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics |

16:10 |

8B-1 |
Sophisticated Methodology of Dummy Pattern Generation for Suppressing Dislocation Induced Contact Misalignment on Flash Lamp Annealed eSiGe Wafer |
abstract |
O. Fujii*, T. Sanuki*, Y. Oshiki*, T. Itani*, T. Kugimiya*, N. Nakamura*, M. Tamura**, T. Sato*, I. Mizushima*, H. Yoshimura*, M. Iwai* and F. Matsuoka* |
*Toshiba Corporation and **Toshiba Information Systems Corporation, Japan |

16:35 |

8B-2 |
Design of High-Performance and Highly Reliable nMOSFETs with Embedded Si:C S/D Extension Stressor (Si:C S/D-E) |
abstract |
S.S. Chung*, E.R. Hsieh*, P.W. Liu**, W.T. Chiang**, S.H. Tsai**, T.L. Tsai**, R.M. Huang**, C.H. Tsai**, W.Y. Teng**, C.I. Li**, T.F. Kuo**, Y.R. Wang**, C.L. Yang**, C.T. Tsai**, G.H. Ma**, S.C. Chien** and S.W. Sun** |
*National Chiao Tung University and **United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Taiwan |

17:00 |

8B-3 |
26 nm Gate Length CMOSFETs with Aggressively Reduced Silicide Position by Using Carbon Cluster Co-Implanted Raised Source/Drain Extension Structure |
abstract |
K. Yako, T. Yamamoto, K. Uejima, T. Hase and M. Hane |
NEC Electronics Corp., Japan |

17:25 |

8B-4 |
The Fabrication of Low Leakage Junction with Ultra Shallow Profile by the Combination Annealing of 10-ms Low Power and 2-ms High Power FLA |
abstract |
T. Onizawa, S. Kato, T. Aoyama, K. Ikeda and Y. Ohji |
Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies, Japan |
(Joint Dinner 19:00-21:00) |

Session 9A |

Process Technology [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
C.H. Wann, TSMC
B.V. Schravendijk, Novellus Systems, Inc. |

8:30 |

9A-1 |
GeOI and SOI 3D Monolithic Cell Integrations for High Density Applications |
abstract |
P. Batude*, M. Vinet*,
A. Pouydebasque*,
C. Le Royer*,
B. Previtali*,
C. Tabone*,
L. Clavelier*,
S. Michaud*,
A. Valentian*,
O. Thomas*,
O. Rozeau*,
P. Coudrain**,
C. Leyris**, K. Romanjek*, X. Garros*, L. Sanchez*, L. Baud*, A. Roman*, V. Carron*,
H. Grampeix*, E. Augendre*, A. Toffoli*, F. Allain*, P. Grosgeorges*, V. Mazzochi*,
L. Tosti*, F. Andrieu*, J.-M. Hartmann*, D. Lafond*, S. Deleonibus* and O. Faynot* |
*CEA/LETI and **STMicroelectronics, France |

8:55 |

9A-2 |
Scratch-Free Dielectric CMP Slurry with 5-nm Colloidal Ceria Abrasive |
abstract |
D. Ryuzaki, Y. Hoshi, Y. Machii,
N. Koyama, H. Sakurai and T. Ashizawa |
*Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan |

9:20 |

9A-3 |
Reliability of a 300-mm-Compatible 3DI Technology Based on Hybrid Cu-Adhesive Wafer Bonding |
abstract |
R.R. Yu*, F. Liu*, R.J. Polastre*, K.-N. Chen*, X.H. Liu*, L. Shi*, E.D. Perfecto**, N.R. Klymko**, M.S. Chace**, T.M. Shaw*, D. Dimilia*, E.R. Kinser**, A.M. Young*, S. Purushothaman*, S.J. Koester* and W. Haensch* |
*IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and **IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center, USA |

9:45 |

9A-4 |
Impact of Backside Cu Contamination in the 3D Integration Process |
abstract |
K. Hozawa, K. Takeda and K. Torii |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |

Session 9B |

Non-classical Transisters [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Mochizuki, NEC Corp.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

8:30 |

9B-1 |
Programming Characteristics of the Steep Turn- On/Off Feedback FET (FBFET) |
abstract |
C.W. Yeung, A. Padilla, T.-J. King Liu and C. Hu |
University of California, Berkeley, USA |

8:55 |

9B-2 |
Germanium-Source Tunnel Field Effect Transistors with Record High ION/IOFF |
abstract |
S.H. Kim, H. Kam, C. Hu and T.-J. King Liu |
University of California, Berkeley, USA |

9:20 |

9B-3 |
Possibilities for VDD = 0.1V Logic Using Carbon- Based Tunneling Field Effect Transistors |
abstract |
Y. Gao, T. Low and M. Lundstrom |
Purdue University, USA |

9:45 |

9B-4 |
A Metallic-CNT-Tolerant Carbon Nanotube Technology Using Asymmetrically-Correlated CNTs (ACCNT) |
abstract |
A. Lin, N. Patil, H. Wei, S. Mitra and H.-S.P. Wong |
Stanford University, USA |
Session 10A |

NAND Flash Memory [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
S.S. Chung, National Chiao Tung Univ.
J. Lutze, Sandisk Corp. |

10:30 |

10A-1 |
Novel Vertical-Stacked-Array-Transistor (VSAT) for Ultra-High-Density and Cost-Effective NAND Flash Memory Devices and SSD (Solid State Drive) |
abstract |
J. Kim*, A.J. Hong*, S. Min Kim*, E.B. Song*, J.H. Park*, J. Han**, S. Choi**, D. Jang**, J.-T. Moon** and K.L.Wang* |
*University of California, Los Angeles, USA and **Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

10:55 |

10A-2 |
Multi-Layered Vertical Gate NAND Flash Overcoming Stacking Limit for Terabit Density Storage |
abstract |
W. Kim, S. Choi, J. Sung, T. Lee, C. Park, H. Ko, J. Jung, I. Yoo and Y. Park |
Samsung Electronics Co., LTD., Korea |

11:20 |

10A-3 |
20nm-Node Planer MONOS Cell Technology for Multi-Level NAND Flash Memory |
abstract |
T. Yaegashi*, T. Okamura*, W. Sakamoto*, Y. Matsunaga*, T. Toba*, K. Sakuma**, K. Gomikawa*, K. Komiya*, H. Nagashima*, H. Akahori*, K. Sekine*, T. Kai*, Y. Ozawa*, M. Sugi*, S. Watanabe*, K. Narita*, M. Umemura*, H. Kutsukake*, M. Sakuma*, H. Maekawa*, Y. Ishibashi*, K. Sugimae*, H. Koyama*, T. Izumida*, M. Kondo*, N. Aoki* and T. Watanabe* |
*Semiconductor Company, Toshiba Corporation and **Advanced LSI Technology Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation, Japan |

11:45 |

10A-4 |
Vertical Cell Array Using TCAT(Terabit Cell Array Transistor) Technology for Ultra High Density NAND Flash Memory |
abstract |
J. Jang, H.-S. Kim, W. Cho, H. Cho, J. Kim, S.I. Shim, Y. Jang, J.-H. Jeong, B.-K. Son, D.W. Kim, K. Kim, J.-J. Shim, J.S. Lim, K.-H. Kim, S.Y. Yi, J.-Y. Lim, D. Chung, H.-C. Moon, S. Hwang, J.-W. Lee, Y.-H. Son, U-I. Chung and W.-S. Lee |
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea |
(Lunch 12:35-14:20 *Circuits Luncheon Talk 12:45-14:05) |
Session 10B |

Special Session-Explorative Research [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Mochizuki, NEC Corp.
T.-J. King Liu, Univ. of California, Berkeley |

10:30 |

10B-1 |
Guiding Principles Toward Future Gate Stacks Given by the Construction of New Physical Concepts |
Invited |
K. Shiraishi, Univ. of Tsukuba |

10:55 |

10B-2 |
Applications of Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques in Gate Stack Scaling |
Invited |
S. Stemmer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |

11:20 |

10B-3 |
Charged Defects Reduction in Gate Insulator with Multivalent Materials |
abstract |
M. Kouda*, N. Umezawa**, K. Kakushima*, P. Ahmet*, K. Shiraishi***, T. Chikyow**, K. Yamada**** and H. Iwai* |
*Tokyo Institute of Technology, **National Institute for Materials Science, ***University of Tsukuba and ****Waseda University, Japan |

11:45 |

10B-4 |
Correlation Among Crystal Defects, Depletion Regions and Junction Leakage in Sub-30-nm Gate- Length MOSFETs: Direct Examinations by Electron Holography |
abstract |
N. Ikarashi*, K. Yako**, K. Uejima**, T. Yamamoto**, T. Ikezawa*** and M. Hane** |
*NEC Corporation, **NEC Electronics Corporation and ***NEC Informatec Systems Corporation, Japan |

12:10 |

10B-5 |
A Direct Observation on the Structure Evolution of Memory-Switching Phenomena Using In-Situ TEM |
abstract |
D. Cha*, S.J. Ahn**, S.Y. Park*, H. Horii**, D.H. Kim**, Y.K. Kim**, S.O. Park**, U.I. Jung**, M.J. Kim* and J. Kim* |
*University of Texas at Dallas, USA and **Samsung Electronics Co, Korea |
(Lunch 12:35-14:20 *Circuits Luncheon Talk 12:45-14:05) |
Session 11A |

CMOS Device Integration [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
H. Wakabayashi, Sony Corp.
S. Biesemans, IMEC |

14:20 |

11A-1 |
A Scalable and Highly Manufacturable Single Metal Gate/High-k CMOS Integration for Sub- 32nm Technology for LSTP Applications |
abstract |
C.S. Park*, M.M. Hussain*, J. Huang*, C. Park*, K. Tateiwa**, C. Young*, H.K. Park*, M. Cruz*, D. Gilmer*, K. Rader*, J. Price*, P. Lysaght*, D. Heh*, G. Bersuker*, P.D. Kirsch*, H.-H. Tseng* and R. Jammy* |
*SEMATECH and **Panasonic Assignee, USA |

14:45 |

11A-2 |
A Highly Manufacturable 28nm CMOS Low Power Platform Technology with Fully Functional 64Mb SRAM Using Dual/Tripe Gate Oxide Process |
abstract |
S.-Y. Wu, J.J. Liaw, C.Y. Lin, M.C. Chiang, C.K. Yang, J.Y. Cheng, M.H. Tsai, M.Y. Liu, P.H. Wu, C.H. Chang, L.C. Hu, C.I. Lin, H.F. Chen, S.Y. Chang, S.H. Wang, P.Y. Tong, Y.L. Hsieh, K.H. Pan, C.H. Hsieh, C.H. Chen, C.H. Yao, C.C Chen, T.L. Lee, C.W. Chang, H.J. Lin, S.C. Chen, J.H. Shieh, M.H. Tsai, S.M. Jang, K.S. Chen, Y. Ku, Y.C. See and W.J. Lo |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Taiwan |

15:10 |

11A-3 |
Fully Depleted Extremely Thin SOI Technology Fabricated by a Novel Integration Scheme Featuring Implant-Free, Zero-Silicon-Loss, and Faceted Raised Source/Drain |
abstract |
K. Cheng*, A. Khakifirooz*, P. Kulkarni*, S. Kanakasabapathy*, S. Schmitz*, A. Reznicek*, T. Adam*, Y. Zhu**, J. Li***, J. Faltermeier*, T. Furukawa*, L. F. Edge*, B. Haran*, S.-C. Seo*, P. Jamison*, J. Holt***, X. Li***, R. Loesing***, Z. Zhu***, R. Johnson*, A. Upham*, T. Levin*, M. Smalley*, J. Herman*, M. Di*, J. Wang*, D. Sadana**, P. Kozlowski*, H. Bu*, B. Doris* and J. O’Neill* |
*IBM Research at Albany Nanotech, **IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and ***IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center, USA |

15:35 |

11A-4 |
The Study of Mobility-Tinv Trade-off in Deeply Scaled High-k / Metal Gate Devices and Scaling Design Guideline for 22nm-Node Generation |
abstract |
M. Goto, S. Kawanaka, S. Inumiya, N. Kusunoki, M. Saitoh, K. Tatsumura, A. Kinoshita, S. Inaba and Y. Toyoshima |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
Session 11B |

Novel Memory [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
S. Ohnishi, Sharp Corp.
K.-M. Chang, Freescale |

14:20 |

11B-1 |
High-Density and High-Speed 128Mb Chain FeRAMTM with SDRAM-Compatible DDR2 Interface |
abstract |
Y. Shimojo, A. Konno, J. Nishimura, T. Okada, Y. Yamada, S. Kitazaki, H. Furuhashi, S. Yamazaki, K. Yahashi, K. Tomioka, Y. Minami, H. Kanaya, S. Shuto, K. Yamakawa, T. Ozaki, H. Shiga, T. Miyakawa, S. Shiratake, D. Takashima, I. Kunishima, T. Hamamoto and A. Nitayama |
Semiconductor Company, Toshiba Corporation, Japan |

14:45 |

11B-2 |
Parallel Multi-Confined (PMC) Cell Technology for High Density MLC PRAM |
abstract |
G.H. Oh, Y.L. Park, J.I. Lee, D.H. Im, J.S. Bae, D.H. Kim, D.H. Ahn, H. Horii, S.O. Park, H.S. Yoon, I.S. Park, Y.S. Ko, U-In. Chung and J.T. Moon |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea |
15:10 |

11B-3 |
Performance Breakthrough in NOR Flash Memory with Dopant-Segregated Schottky-Barrier (DSSB) SONOS Devices |
abstract |
S.-J. Choi*, J.-W. Han*, S. Kim*, D.-I. Moon*, M.-G. Jang**, J.S. Kim***, K.H. Kim***, G.S. Lee***, J.S. Oh***, M.H. Song***, Y.C. Park***, J.W. Kim*** and Y.-K. Choi* |
*KAIST, **ETRI and ***National Nanofab Center, Korea |

15:35 |

11B-4 |
A Novel Buried-Channel FinFET BE-SONOS NAND Flash with Improved Memory Window and Cycling Endurance |
abstract |
H.-T. Lue, Y.-H. Hsiao, P.-Y. Du, S.-C. Lai, T.-H. Hsu, S.P. Hong, M.T. Wu, F.H. Hsu, N.Z. Lien, C.-P. Lu, J.-Y. Hsieh, L.-W. Yang, T. Yang, K.-C. Chen, K.-Y. Hsieh, R. Liu and C.-Y. Lu |
Macronix International Co., Ltd., Taiwan |
Session 12A |

Floating Body DRAM and MRAM [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
S. Ohnishi, Sharp Corp.
W. Mueller, Qimonda |

16:15 |

12A-1 |
SPRAM with Large Thermal Stability for High Immunity to Read Disturbance and Long Retention for High-Temperature Operation |
abstract |
K. Ono*, T. Kawahara*, R. Takemura*, K. Miura*, M. Yamanouchi*, J. Hayakawa*, K. Ito*, H. Takahashi*, H. Matsuoka*, S. Ikeda** and H. Ohno** |
*Hitachi, Ltd. and **Tohoku University, Japan |

16:40 |

12A-2 |
Low-Current Perpendicular Domain Wall Motion Cell for Scalable High-Speed MRAM |
abstract |
S. Fukami*, T. Suzuki*, K. Nagahara*, N. Ohshima*, Y. Ozaki**, S. Saito*, R. Nebashi*, N. Sakimura*, H. Honjo*, K. Mori*, C. Igarashi*, S. Miura*, N. Ishiwata* and T. Sugibayashi* |
*NEC Corporation and **NEC Electronics Corporation, Japan |

17:05 |

12A-3 |
Vertical Capacitor-less Thyristor Cell for 30nm Stand-Alone DRAM |
abstract |
S. Slesazeck*, J. Holz*, R. Hagenbeck**, A. Milia*, G. Guerrero*, J. Hartwich* and W. Mueller* |
*Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG and **Qimonda AG, Germany |

17:30 |

12A-4 |
Highly Scalable Z-RAM with Remarkably Long Data Retention for DRAM Application |
abstract |
T.-S. Jang*, J.-S. Kim*, S.-M. Hwang*, Y.-H. Oh*, K.-M. Rho*, S.-J. Chung*, S.-O. Chung*, J.-G. Oh*, S. Bhardwaj**, J. Kwon**, D. Kim**, M. Nagoga**, Y.-T. Kim*, S.-Y. Cha*, S.-C. Moon*, S.-W. Chung*, S.-J. Hong* and S.-W. Park* |
*Hynix Semiconductor Inc., Korea and **Innovative Silicon Inc., USA |
Session 12B |

High Mobility Devices [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
H. Kurata, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
R. Jammy, SEMATECH |

16:15 |

12B-1 |
Mechanisms for Low On-State Current of Ge (SiGe) nMOSFETs: A Comparative Study on Gate Stack, Resistance, and Orientation-Dependent Effective Masses |
abstract |
J. Oh*, I. Ok*, C.-Y. Kang*, M. Jamil**, S.-H. Lee**, W.-Y. Loh*, J. Huang*, B. Sassman,* L. Smith***, S. Parthasarathy****, B. E. Coss*****, W.-H. Choi******, H.-D. Lee******, M. Cho*******, S.K. Banerjee**, P. Majhi*, P.D. Kirsch*, H.-H. Tseng* and R. Jammy* |
*SEMATECH, **Univ. of Texas at Austin, ***Synopsys, ****Univ. of Florida, *****Univ. of Texas at Dallas, ******Chungnam National Univ. and *******GIST, USA |

16:40 |

12B-2 |
High Velocity Si-Nanodot : A Candidate for SRAM Applications at 16nm Node and Below |
abstract |
G. Bidal*,**, F. Boeuf*, S. Denorme*, N. Loubet*, J.L. Huguenin*,**, P. Perreau***, D. Fleury*,**, F. Leverd*, S. Lagrasta*, S. Barnola***, T. Salvetat*** , B. Orlando*, R. Beneyton*, L. Clement*, R. Pantel*, S. Monfray*, G. Ghibaudo** and T. Skotnicki* |
*STMicroelectronics, **IMEP, Minatec INPG and ***CEA-LETI/Minatec, France |

17:05 |

12B-3 |
High Mobility Metal S/D III-V-On-Insulator MOSFETs on a Si Substrate Using Direct Wafer Bonding |
abstract |
M. Yokoyama*, T. Yasuda**, H. Takagi**, H. Yamada***, N. Fukuhara***, M. Hata***, M. Sugiyama*, Y. Nakano*, M. Takenaka* and S. Takagi* |
*The University of Tokyo, **National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and ***Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan |

17:30 |

12B-4 |
Strained In0.53 Ga0.47As n-MOSFETs: Performance Boost with in-situ Doped Lattice-Mismatched Source/Drain Stressors and Interface Engineering |
abstract |
H.-C. Chin, X. Gong, X. Liu, Z. Lin and Y.-C. Yeo. |
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore |