General Infomation
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The 2010 Symposium on VLSI Technology and the 2010
Symposium on VLSI Circuits will be held on June 15-17 and June
16-18, 2010 respectively. The Technology Short Course will be
on June 14. The two Circuits Short Courses will be held
on June 15. All
the meetings will be held at Hilton Hawaiian Village, 2005 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
The following is a preliminary schedule. The final schedule will be available in April, 2010.

Date |

Morning and Afternoon |

Evening |

June |
14 (Mon.) |
VLSI Technology Short
Course |

15 (Tue.) |
Symposium on VLSI
Technology |
Rump Sessions / Joint Reception |
VLSI Circuits Short Courses |
Joint Reception |

16 (Wed.) |
Symposium on VLSI
Technology | Joint Banquet |
Symposium on VLSI Circuits |
Joint Banquet

17 (Thur.) |
Symposium on VLSI
Technology |

17 (Thur.) |
Symposium on VLSI
Circuits |
Rump Sessions |
Symposium on VLSI
Circuits |
To encourage open discussion of technical information, cameras,
tape recorders etc. will not be allowed in any sessions. |
The technical digest and registration materials will be distributed at registration in the Palace Lounge in the Tapa Tower. The registration desk will be open as follows: |

Symposia Registration Hours |

Sunday, June 13 |

4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. |
Monday, June 14 |
7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. |
Tuesday, June 15 |
7:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. |
Wednesday, June 16 |
7:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. |
Thursday, June 17 |
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. |
Friday, June 18 |
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. |
Please check the message board periodically. It will be located near
the registration desk. Please advise those who wish to reach you
during the day to phone the Hilton Hawaiian Village operator (+1-808-949-4321)
and request the secretariat of the VLSI Symposia
(Palace Lounge). |
All foreign participants must have a valid passport. We would like
to advise all participants, who may be required to apply for a
VISA, that the application process requires time. Please contact
the nearest US embassy as soon as possible. |
VLSI registrants will be able to join IEEE and the Electron Devices Society (EDS) at half-year rates during the duration of the conference. Credit Vouchers are only valid at the conference and must be redeemed at the EDS Membership Booth located in the Conference Registration Center.
Non-IEEE Member: If you registered and paid for the conference as a non-member, you will be receiving a Credit Voucher worth $25 towards a half-year of IEEE membership and Free EDS membership for one half-year (total value $31.00 USD).
Affiliate Member: If you are a member of another scientific/technical society, you will receive FREE EDS membership for one-half year (total value $39.50 USD), simply by checking YES in the ‘One Time Offer’ box on the VLSI Advance Registration Form or redeem the credit voucher available at the conference.
Student: If you register at the student, non-member rate you will receive a credit voucher that entitles you to one half-year of FREE IEEE and EDS memberships (total value $22.00 USD).
Current IEEE Member: FREE EDS membership for one half-year will be offered to any IEEE member attending the VLSI who is NOT currently a member of the Electron Devices Society (EDS). Just check YES in the ‘One Time Offer’ box on your Advance Registration Form or redeem the credit voucher available at the conference. If you are currently a member of EDS, you cannot use this offer to renew your membership.
EDS credit vouchers will be available at the EDS Membership Booth, which will be open during Symposia registration hourse.
Requests for partial travel expense support for students who are
presenting papers should be sent to Secretariat USA (see below
for address) no later than April 25, 2010. |
IEEE Electron
Devices Society
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
Japan Society of Applied
Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers
Widerkehr and Associates
19803 Laurel Valley Place
Montgomery Village, MD 20886 USA
Tel: +301-527-0900 ext 2.
Fax: +301-527-0994
E-mail: vlsi@vlsisymposium.org
c/o ICS Convention Design, Inc.
Sumitomo Corp., Jinbocho Bldg.5
3-24, Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8449, Japan
(address in Japanese) Tel: +81-3-3219-3541
Fax: +81-3-3219-3626
E-mail: vlsisymp@ics-inc.co.jp