2001 VLSI Circuits Short Course
"Physical Design for Low-Power and High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits"
Wednesday, June 13 (Suzaku)

Organizers: |

M. Matsui, Toshiba
G. Taylor, Intel

9:30 |

Opening |
9:40 |
Overview of Physical Design |
10:00 |
Interconnect Design of Athlon™ Microprocessors
J. Moench, AMD |
11:00 |
Substrate-Bias Techniques for SH4
K. Ishibashi, Hitachi |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:15 |
High-Performance SOI Digital Design:from Devices to Circuits
C.-T. K Chuang, IBM |
14:15 |
Low-Power and High-Performance
Circuit Design of General Purpose DSPs
H. Takahashi, TI-Japan |
15:15 |
Break |
15:30 |
Embedded DRAM SOCs and its Application
for MPEG4 Codec LSIs
S. Miyano, Toshiba |
16:30 |
Circuit Design of XScale™ Microprocessors
L. Clark, Intel |
17:30 |
Conclusion |