Welcome to the 2001 Symposium on VLSI Circuits
You are cordially invited to attend the 2001 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, to be held on June 14-16th 2001, at the Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan.
The Symposium will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, establishing as a major international forum for presenting and exchanging ideas on important and exciting new developments in the VLSI circuit design. This is the first symposium in the twenty first century, and we have expanded the scope to include new concepts in LSI and physical design tools, in addition to the traditional Analog, Digital, Memory, Signal Processing and Communications circuits. Contributions to the Symposium come from both: industry and academia around the world. Preceding the Symposium on June 13th, a one-day Short Course on VLSI circuits will be held. This short course will focus on "Physical Design for Low-power and High-performance Microprocessor Circuits". Six speakers will talk about their advanced design techniques for processors. Following the tradition of the last several years, the Symposium on VLSI Circuits will be held for three days following the Symposium on VLSI Technology at the same location.
This year, the program committee reviewed 153 papers, and selected 76 papers for presentation. These papers disclose new and interesting circuit design concepts for memories, processors, communication circuits, analog, and signal processing. We certainly hope that the technical content of the program will make the Symposium a fruitful and enjoyable event for all the attendees.
We have also invited four distinguished speakers to describe recent advances and new challenges in VLSI circuits and technology; vision chips, flat panel displays for mobile applications, physics-based device models, and digital light projectors.
To complement the formal talks, we have arranged four evening rump sessions on interesting and provocative subjects to give you an opportunity to participate in the discussions with international participants. The rump session topics cover RF Circuits and Technologies, Start-ups and Big companies, Power supply circuits, and DRAM architectures.
This web site contains the advance program together with forms for the Symposium registration and hotel reservations. Please try to complete and return these forms as soon as possible. Although the on-site registration will be available at the conference, pre-registration will facilitate Symposium planning.
We look forward to meeting with you at the Symposium in Kyoto.
 Masakazu Yamashina |
 Shekhar Borkar |
Program Chair |
Program Co-Chair |

Tuesday, June 12 |

8:00-17:00 |

Registration |
Wednesday, June 13 |
7:00 |
Breakfast [Suzaku] |
8:00 |
Registration |
9:30-11:55 |
Short Course [Suzaku] |
13:15-16:35 |
Short Course [Suzaku] |
18:00-20:00 |
Reception [Suzaku] |
20:00-22:00 |
Technology and Circuits Joint Rump Session [Suzaku] |
Thursday, June 14 |
7:00 |
Breakfast [Suzaku] |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:30-10:15 |
Session 1 |
Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku] |
10:35 |
Session 2 |
RF Front End I [Suzaku] |
13:45-15:25 |
Session 3 |
High Speed Circuits [Suzaku I] |
Session 4 |
High Performance DRAM [Suzaku II] |
Session 5 |
PLLs and Frequency Synthesizers [Suzaku III] |
15:45-17:25 |
Session 6 |
Design Optimizations and New Technologies [Suzaku I] |
Session 7 |
Memory Redundancy [Suzaku II] |
Session 8 |
Variable Gain Amplifiers [Suzaku III] |
20:00-22:00 |
Rump Sessions [Suzaku I,II,III] |
Friday, June 15 |
7:00 |
Breakfast [Suzaku] |
8:30-10:00 |
Session 9 |
Plenary Session II [Shunju] |
10:20-12:00 |
Session 10 |
Multimedia and Networking [Shunju] |
13:30-15:10 |
Session 11 |
RF VCOs [Shunju I] |
Session 12 |
Nonvolatile Memories [Shunju II] |
Session 13 |
Voltage and Current Generation [Shunju III] |
15:30-17:10 |
Session 14 |
Data Transmission [Shunju I] |
Session 15 |
Emerging Technology [Shunju II] |
Session 16 |
Sensor and Filters [Shunju III] |
18:00-20:00 |
Dinner [Suzaku] |
Saturday, June 16 |
7:00 |
Breakfast [Suzaku] |
8:30-10:10 |
Session 17 |
Clock Distributions and Bus Drivers [Shunju I] |
Session 18 |
Passive Elements and Test [Shunju II] |
Session 19 |
ADC and Track/Hold [Shunju III] |
10:30-12:10 |
Session 20 |
Low Power Design [Shunju I] |
Session 21 |
Embedded RAMs [Shunju II] |
Session 22 |
RF Front End II [Shunju III] |
Wedensday, June 13 20:00-22:00 |

Joint Rump Session with Technology |
 J-R |
 Which Features of an IC Technology will Benefit Radio SOC? |
Moderators |
H. Iwai, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
S. Shichijo, TI
M. Hotta, Hitachi
A. Abidi, UCLA
 Panelists |

A. Matsuzawa, Matsushita Electric
H. Sato, Mitsubishi Electric
S.-C. Wong, TSMC
F. Behbahani, Valence Semiconductor
E. MacRobbie, Conexant Systems
R. Rofougaran, Broadcom
Integration of radio and digital functions on a single chip beyond todays cellular prototypes will enable a new generation of radio devices with potentially very large markets. To meet the targets of low cost and low power, what are reasonable levels of integration? What are the most important IC technology attributes to enable this: transistor fT, density, on-chip passives, substrate isolation, etc.? Which one mainstream technology best embodies these features?
 Session 1 |
 Welcome and Plenary Session [Suzaku] |
Chairpersons |
M. Yamashina, NEC S. Borkar, Intel |
 8:30 |
 1-1 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
T. Sakurai, D. Scott |
Univ. of Tokyo, Texas Instruments |
 8:45 |
 1-2 |
Digital Vision Chips and High-Speed Vision Systems (Invited) |
M. Ishikawa and T. Komuro |
University of Tokyo |
 9:30 |
 1-3 |
Physics-Based Device Model for Circuit Simulation-BSIM (Invited) |
C. Hu |
UC Berkley |
 Session 2 |
 RF Front End I [Suzaku] |
Chairpersons |
T. Mori, Fujitsu Labs. G. Nasserbakht, Proxim |
 10:35 |
 2-1 |
Full-CMOS 2.4GHz Wideband CDMA Transmitter and Receiver with Direct Conversion Mixers and DC-Offset Cancellation |
Abstract |
K.-Y. Lee, S.-W. Lee, Y. Koo, H.-K. Huh, H.-Y. Nam, J.-W. Lee*, J. Park*, K. Lee*, D.-K. Jeong and W. Kim |
Seoul National University, Korea and *Global Communication Technology, Inc., USA |
 11:00 |
 2-2 |
Single-Chip IF Transceiver IC with Wide Dynamic Range Variable Gain Amplifiers for Wideband CDMA Applications |
Abstract |
T. Maruyama, K. Kaneki, K. Takahashi, H. Sato, T. Iga and N. Kato |
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan |
 11:25 |
 2-3 |
A 0dB-IL, 2140±30 MHz Bandpass Filter Utilizing Q-Enhanced Spiral Inductors in Standard CMOS |
Abstract |
T. Soorapanth and S.S. Wong |
Stanford University, USA |
 11:50 |
 2-4 |
A 2 GHz Merged CMOS LNA and Mixer for WCDMA |
Abstract |
A. Karimi-Sanjaani, H. Sjoland* and A.A. Abidi |
University of California, USA and *Lund University, Sweden |
 Session 3 |
 High Speed Circuits [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Motomura, NEC J. Goodman, Chrysalis-ITS |
 13:45 |
 3-1 |
Robustness of sub-70nm Dynamic Circuits: Analytical Techniques and Scaling Trends |
Abstract |
M. Anders, R. Krishnamurthy, R. Spotten* and K. Soumyanath |
Intel Corporation, USA and *Intel Corporation, Israel |
 14:10 |
 3-2 |
A 0.13 mm 6GHz 256x32b Leakage-tolerant Register File |
Abstract |
R. Krishnamurthy, A. Alvandpour, G. Balamurugan*, N. Shanbhag*, K. Soumyanath and S. Borkar |
Intel Corporation and *University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
 14:35 |
 3-3 |
480ps 64-bit Race Logic Adder |
Abstract |
S.-J. Lee, R. Woo and H.-J. Yoo |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
 15:00 |
 3-4 |
A Conditional Keeper Technique for Sub-0.13m Wide Dynamic Gates |
Abstract |
A. Alvandpour, R. Krishnamurthy, K. Soumyanath and S. Borkar |
Intel Corporation, U.S.A. |
 Session 4 |
 High Performance DRAM [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
C. Kim, Samsung Electronics H. Pon, Intel |
 13:45 |
 4-1 |
A Cell Transistor Scalable Array Architecture for High-Density DRAMs |
Abstract |
D. Takashima and H. Nakano |
TOSHIBA Corporation, JAPAN |
 14:10 |
 4-2 |
Bit Line Coupling Scheme and Electrical Fuse Circuit For Reliable Operation of High Density DRAM |
Abstract |
K. Lim, S. Kang, J. Choi, J. Joo, Y. Lee, J. Lee, S. Cho and B. Ryu |
Samsung, Korea |
 14:35 |
 4-3 |
An Area-Efficient 2GB/s 256Mb Packet-based DRAM with Daisy-Chained Redundancy Scheme |
Abstract |
B-S. Moon, J-W. Chai, J-S. Kim, S-M. Yim, S-A. Kim, C. Kim and S-I. Cho |
Samsung Electronics, Korea |
 15:00 |
 4-4 |
A 66-400 MHz, Adaptive-Lock-Mode DLL Circuit with Duty-Cycle Error Correction |
Abstract |
Y. Okuda, M. Horiguchi and Y. Nakagome |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |
 Session 5 |
 PLLs and Frequency Synthesizers [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
T. Kamei, Oki Electric G. Nasserbakht, Proxim |
 13:45 |
 5-1 |
A Stabilization Technique for Phase-Locked Frequency Synthesizers |
Abstract |
T.-C. Lee and B. Razavi |
University of California, USA |
 14:10 |
 5-2 |
A Fully-Integrated CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with Charge-Averaging Charge Pump and Dual-Path Loop Filter for PCS- and Cellular-CDMA Wireless Systems |
Abstract |
Y. Koo, H. Huh, Y. Cho, J. Lee*, J. Park*, K. Lee*, D.-K. Jeong and W. Kim |
Seoul National University, Korea and *Global Communication Technology, Inc., USA |
 14:35 |
 5-3 |
1-GHz and 2.8-GHz CMOS Injection-locked Ring Oscillator Prescalers |
Abstract |
R.J. Betancourt-Zamora, S. Verma and T.H. Lee |
Stanford University, USA |
 15:00 |
 5-4 |
Automatic Calibration of Modulated S - D Frequency Synthesizers |
Abstract |
D.R. McMahill and C.G. Sodini |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 Session 6 |
 Design Optimizations and New Technologies [Suzaku I] |
Chairpersons |
H. Kabuo, Matsushita Electric S. Borkar, Intel |
 15:45 |
 6-1 |
Autonomous-Decentralized Low-power System LSI Using Self-Instructing Predictive Shutdown Method |
Abstract |
T. Shimizu, F. Arakawa and T. Kawahara |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |
 16:10 |
 6-2 |
ASIC Design Methodology with On-Demand Library Generation |
Abstract |
H. Onodera, M. Hashimoto and T. Hashimoto |
Kyoto University, Japan |
 16:35 |
 6-3 | Scaling trends of Cosmic Rays induced Soft Errors in static latches beyond 0.18m |
Abstract |
T. Karnik, B. Bloechel, K. Soumyanath, V. De and S. Borkar |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 17:00 |
 6-4 |
Single-Electron Pass-Transistor Logic and its Application to a Binary Adder |
Abstract |
Y. Ono and Y. Takahashi |
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan |
 Session 7 |
 Memory Redundancy [Suzaku II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Hiraki, Hitachi D. Scott, Texas Instruments |
 15:45 |
 7-1 |
A Post-Package Bit-Repair Scheme Using Static Latches with Bipolar-Voltage Programmable Antifuse Circuit for High-Density DRAMs |
Abstract |
K.-S. Min, J.-T. Park, S.-P. Lee, Y.-H. Kim, T.-H. Yang, J.-D. Joo, K.-M. Lee, J.-K. Wee and J.-Y. Chung |
Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. Ltd., Korea |
 16:10 |
 7-2 |
A New Column Redundancy Schene for Yield Improvement of High Speed DRAMs with Multiple Bit Pre-fetch Structure |
Abstract |
J.-G. Lee, Y.-H. Jun, K.-H. Kyung, C. Yoo, Y.-H. Cho and S.-I. Cho |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea |
 16:35 |
 7-3 |
A system LSI memory redundancy technique using an ie-Flash (inverse-gate-electrode flash) programming circuit |
Abstract |
M. Yamaoka, K. Yanagisawa, S. Shukuri, K. Norisue* and K. Ishibashi |
Hitachi, Ltd. and *Hitachi ULSI Systems Co., Ltd., Japan |
 Session 8 |
 Variable Gain Amplifiers [Suzaku III] |
Chairpersons |
A. Wada, Sanyo Electric K. Azadet, Agere Systems |
 15:45 |
 8-1 |
A 50-MHz 98-dB Dynamic-Range dB-Linear Programmable-Gain Amplifier with 2-dB Gain Steps for 3-V Power Supply |
Abstract |
K. Nah and B. Park |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea |
 16:10 |
 8-2 |
A Temperature Stable CMOS Variable Gain Amplifier with 80-dB Linearly Controlled Gain Range |
Abstract |
T. Yamaji, N. Kanou and T. Itakura |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |
 16:35 |
 8-3 |
A Variable Gain IF Amplifier with -67dBc IM3-Distortion at 1.4Vpp Output in 0.25mm CMOS |
Abstract |
K. Philips and E.C. Dijkmans |
Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands |
Thursday, June 14 20:00-22:00 |

Rump Sessions |
 Organizers |
M. Hiraki, Hitachi B. Gieseke, AMD |
R-1 |
Will Start-Ups Outperform Big Companies? |
 Organizers/Moderators |
K. Azadet, Agere Systems
N. Lu, Etron
 Panelists |
M. Fukuma, NEC
T. Iizuka, THine Electronics
G. Kano, Kochi Univ. of Technol.
S. Kohyama, Toshiba
B. Ackland, Agere Systems
V.G. Oklobdzija, Integration
C. Sodini, MIT
Start-ups are more agile, more focused, often have higher growth potential in the stock market than large companies. They are more competitive in recruiting, their equity can be a very lucrative source of revenue for employees. They can afford to fail and therefore can afford taking high risk.
On the other hand, big companies are more solid and less susceptible to stock market fluctuations, they can own and evelop new sophisticated technology, they are more diversified and have more stable revenue growth. They have well-developed sales channels, better capacity in large-scale manufacturing, more loyal employees.
As they grow, start-ups acquire smaller companies, while big companies spin-off to become smaller. Which is the best model in the new millennium?
 R-2 |
Power Supply for Future System LSIs |
 Organizers |
S. Kosonocky, IBM
T. Kuroda, Keio University
 Moderators |
S. Kosonocky, IBM
M. Matsui, Toshiba
 Panelists |
M. Hamada, Toshiba
H. Mizuno, Hitachi
S. Sakiyama, Matsushita Electric
L. Clark, Intel
B.K. Kates, AMD
D. Stout, IBM
System integration is increasing rapidly in deep submicron designs, along with power dissipation. While voltage scaling is the most useful lever in decreasing active power in many circuits, but the power supply cannot scale as fast for some circuits. Constraints in d.c. power, analog circuits and memory circuits will force different optimal power supply levels for these circuits. Novel approaches in distribution and management of these supplies is necessary to optimize chip area, performance and power dissipation. How much dynamic power management will be necessary for these future devices ? Will power management limit what can be efficiently integrated on a single chip?
 R-3 |
Diverse DRAM Architectures: Why and Who Wins? |
Organizers |
H. Pon, Intel
M. Motomura, NEC
Moderators |
B. Martino, Motorola
 Panelists |
H. Ikeda, Elpida Memory
C. Kim, Samsung Electronics
T. Sugiura, Advantest
M. Taguchi, Fujitsu
J. Halbert, Intel
S. Polzin, AMD
Today, several DRAM architectures are available such as rambus DRAM, DDR-SDRAM, FCRAM, VC-DRAM, etc., and many arguing factors are discussed for the trade-off between cost and performance. This issue will be different from several various application areas broadening from high-end server to desktop PC, and consumer markets. So, we want to discuss which DRAM architecture will be the best for increasing the system performance while having low cost to fit many purposes.
 Session 9 |
 Plenary Session II [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
M. Yamashina, NEC S. Borkar, Intel |
 8:30 |
 9-1 |
Development Trend of LTPS TFT LCD for Mobile Applications (Invited) |
Abstract |
K. Yoneda |
SANYO Electric |
 8:30 |
 9-2 |
Digital Light Projectors (Invited) |
Abstract |
P. VanKessel |
Texas Instruments |
 Session 10 |
 Multimedia and Networking [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
M. Matsui, Toshiba C.-T. Chuang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Ctr. |
 10:20 |
 10-1 |
A 120mW Embedded 3D Graphics Rendering Engine with 6Mb Logically Local Frame-Buffer and 3.2GByte/s Run-time Reconfigurable Bus for PDA-Chip |
Abstract |
R. Woo, C.-W. Yoon, J. Kook, S.-J. Lee, K. Lee, Y.-H. Park and H.-J. Yoo |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
 10:45 |
 10-2 |
Low Power Motion Compensation Block IP with embedded DRAM Macro for Portable Multimedia Applications |
Abstract |
C.-W. Yoon, J. Kook, R. Woo, S.-J. Lee, K. Lee and H.-J. Yoo |
KAIST, Korea |
 10:10 |
 10-3 |
Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic LSI - PCA-1 |
Abstract |
H. Ito, R. Konishi, H. Nakada, K. Oguri*,
A. Nagoya, N. Imlig, K. Nagami, T. Shiozawa and M. Inamori |
NTT Network Innovation Laboratories and *Nagasaki University, Japan |
 11:35 |
 10-4 |
A 1GHz Power Efficient Single Chip Multiprocessor System For Broadband Networking Applications |
Abstract |
S. Santhanam, R. Allmon, R. Blake, N. Bunger, B. Campbell, M. Carlson, Z. Chen, J. Cheng,
T. Do, D. Dobberpuhl, J. Ingino, D. Kidd,
D. Kruckemyer, J. Lee, D. Murray, S. Nishimoto, L. O'Donnell, M. Oykher, M. Panich, M. Pearce, D. Priore, R. Rogermoser, D. Suh,
V. Sundaresan, E. Supnet, V.V. Kaenel, G. Yee and C. Vo |
Broadcom Corporation, USA |
 Session 11 |
 RF VCOs [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
D.-K. Jeong, Seoul National Univ. L.D. McIlrath, MIT |
 13:30 |
 11-1 |
A 1.57 GHz Fully integrated Very Low Phase Noise Quadrature VCO |
Abstract |
P. Vancorenland and M. Steyaert |
ESAT-MICAS, Belgium |
 13:55 |
 11-2 |
An optimally coupled 5 GHz quadrature LC oscillator |
Abstract |
P. van de Ven, J. van der Tang*,
D. Kasperkovitz and A. van Roermund* |
Philips Research Laboratories and *Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands |
 14:20 |
 11-3 |
A Highly-Tunable 12 GHz Quadrature LC-VCO in SiGE BiCMOS Process |
Abstract |
A.L. Coban, K. Ahmed and C. Chang |
Conexant Systems, Inc., USA |
 14:45 |
 11-4 |
A 1.8 GHz CMOS VCO with Reduced Phase Noise |
Abstract |
P. Andreani and H. Sjoland |
Lund University, Sweden |
 Session 12 |
 Nonvolatile Memories [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kotani, Tohoku Univ. J. Bowles, AMD |
 13:30 |
 12-1 |
A Novel Sensing Scheme for a MRAM with a 5% MR Ratio |
Abstract |
K. Yamada, N. Sakai, Y. Ishizuka and
K. Mameno |
SANYO Electric Co., LTD., Japan |
 13:55 |
 12-2 |
A Pulse-Tuned Charge Controlling Scheme for Uniform Main and Reference Bitline Voltage Generation on 1T1C FeRAM |
Abstract |
H.-B. Kang, H.-W. Kye, D.-J. Kim, G.-I. Lee,
J.-H. Park, J.-K. Wee, S.-S. Lee, S.-K. Hong,
N.-S. Kang and J.-Y. Chung |
Hyundai Electronics, Korea |
 14:20 |
 12-3 |
A Bit-Line GND Sense Technique for Low-Voltage Operation FeRAM |
Abstract |
S. Kawashima, T. Endo, A. Yamamoto,
K. Nakabayashi, M. Nakazawa, K. Morita and M. Aoki |
Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, JAPAN |
 14:45 |
 12-4 |
A 512 Kbit low-voltage NV-SRAM with the size of a conventional SRAM |
Abstract |
T. Miwa, J. Yamada, H. Koike, T. Nakura,
S. Kobayashi, N. Kasai and H. Toyoshima |
NEC Corporation, Japan |
 Session 13 |
 Voltage and Current Generation [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Ohtomo, NTT S. Kosonocky, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center |
 13:30 |
 12-1 |
An Efficient Digital Sliding Controller for Adaptive Power Supply Regulation |
Abstract |
J. Kim and M. Horowitz |
Stanford University, USA |
 13:55 |
 13-2 |
A 1.8V Single-Inductor Dual-Output Switching Converter for Power Reduction Techniques |
Abstract |
D. Ma, W.-H. Ki, C.-Y. Tsuj and P.K.T. Mok |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China |
 14:20 |
 13-3 |
A 0.6-V Voltage Reference Circuit Based on S-VTH Architecture in CMOS/SIMOX |
Abstract |
M. Ugajin and T. Tsukahara |
NTT Telecommunications Energy Laboratories, Japan |
 14:45 |
 13-4 |
Sub-1 V Process-Compensated MOS Current Generation Without Voltage Reference |
Abstract |
S. Narendra, D. Klowden and V. De |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 Session 14 |
 Data Transmission [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Ohtomo, NTT A. Abidi, Univ. of California |
 15:30 |
 14-1 |
A Single-Chip 12.5Gbaud Transceiver for Serial Data Communication |
Abstract |
D. Friedman, M. Meghelli, B. Parker, J. Yang, H. Ainspan and M. Soyuer |
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA |
 15:30 |
 14-2 |
An 84-mW 4-Gb/s Clock and Data Recovery Circuit for Serial Link Applications |
Abstract |
M.-J.E. Lee, W.J. Dally, J.W. Poulton*,
P. Chiang and S.F. Greenwood |
Stanford University and *UNC at Chapel Hill, USA |
 16:20 |
 14-3 |
An SOI CMOS LVDS Driver and Receiver Pair |
Abstract |
B. Young |
Motorola, USA |
 16:45 |
 14-4 |
A 15-GHz Wireless Interconnect Implemented in a 0.18-mm CMOS Technology Using Integrated Transmitters, Receivers, and Antennas |
Abstract |
B.A. Floyd, C.-M. Hung and K.K. O |
University of Florida, USA |
 Session 15 |
 Emerging Technology [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Hiraki, Hitachi B. Gieseke, AMD |
 15:30 |
 15-1 |
Effects of Power-Supply Parasitic Components on Substrate Noise Generation in Large-Scale Digital Circuits |
Abstract |
M. Nagata, T. Ohmoto, Y. Murasaka, T. Morie and A. Iwata |
Hiroshima University, Japan |
 15:55 |
 15-2 |
Parametric Yield Enhancement System via Circuit Level Device Optimization using Statistical Circuit Simulation |
Abstract |
M. Miyama, S. Kamohara, K. Okuyama and
Y. Oji |
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |
 16:20 |
 15-3 |
A Floating-Body Charge Monitor Circuit for Partially Depleted SOI CMOS |
Abstract |
J.B. Kuang, M.J. Saccamango and
S. Ratanaphanyarat |
 Session 16 |
 Sensor and Filters [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
A. Hyogo, Science Univ. of Tokyo L.D. McIlrath, MIT |
 15:30 |
 16-1 |
A Pixel-Level Automatic Calibration Circuit Scheme for Sensing Initialization of a Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor LSI |
Abstract |
H. Morimura, S. Shigematsu, T. Shimamura*,
K. Machida* and H. Kyuragi* |
NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Laboratories and *NTT Telecommunications Energy Laboratories, Japan |
 15:55 |
 16-2 |
A 200MHz 7th-order Equiripple Continuous-Time Filter by design of nonlinearity suppression in 0.25mm CMOS Process |
Abstract |
T. Morie, H. Fujiyama and S. Dosho |
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, Japan |
 16:20 |
 16-3 |
A Micropower Log-Domain Filter Using Enhanced Lateral PNPs in a 0.25mm CMOS Process |
Abstract |
N. Krishnapura and Y. Tsividis* |
Celight Inc. and *Columbia University, USA. |
 Session 17 |
 Clock Distributions and Bus Drivers [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Kobayashi, Kyoto Univ. G. Taylor, Intel |
 8:30 |
 17-1 |
A Low-Swing Clock Double-Edge Triggered Flip-Flop |
Abstract |
C. Kim and S.-M. Kang |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
 8:55 |
 17-2 |
On-die Clock Jitter Detector for High Speed Microprocessors |
Abstract |
R. Kuppuswamy, K. Callahan, K. Wong,
D. Ratchen and G. Taylor |
Intel Corp., USA |
 9:20 |
 17-3 |
P-boosted Source Followers: A Robust Energy-efficient Bus Driver Technique |
Abstract |
R. Krishnamurthy, K. Soumyanath and D. Ayers |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 9:45 |
 17-4 |
Two schemes to reduce interconnect delay in bi-directional and uni-directional buses |
Abstract |
K. Nose and T. Sakurai |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
 Session 18 |
 Passive Elements and Test [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
M. Motomura, NEC K. Azadet, Agere Systems |
 8:30 |
 18-1 |
Accurate Analysis of On-Chip Inductance Effects and Implications for Optimal Repeater Insertion and Technology Scaling |
Abstract |
K. Banerjee and A. Mehrotra* |
Stanford University and *University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
 8:55 |
 18-2 |
Silicon Integrated High Performance Inductors in a 0.18mm CMOS Technology for MMIC |
Abstract |
H.-M. Hsu, J.-G. Su*, S.-C. Wong, Y.-C. Sun, C.-Y. Chang*, T.-Y.Huang*, C.C. Tsai,
C.H. Lin, R.S. Liou, R.Y. Chang, T.H. Yeh, C.H. Chen, C.F. Huang, H.D. Huang and
C.W. Chen |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., and *National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
 9:20 |
 18-3 |
Design and Characterization of Vertical Mesh Capacitors in Standard CMOS |
Abstract |
K.T. Christensen |
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark |
 9:45 |
 18-4 |
A JTAG Based AC Leakage Self Test |
Abstract |
T. Rahal-Arabi and G. Taylor |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 Session 19 |
 ADC and Track/Hold [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
T. Mori, Fujitsu Labs. C.-T. Chuang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
 8:30 |
 19-1 |
A 1V operational, 20Ms/s and 57dB of S/N, Current-mode CMOS Sample-and-hold IC |
Abstract |
Y. Sugimoto |
Chuo University, Japan |
 8:55 |
 19-2 |
An 8-bit 30MS/s 18mW ADC with 1.8V single power supply |
Abstract |
T. Sigenobu, M. Ito and T. Miki |
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan |
 9:20 |
 19-3 |
A 12-bit Mismatch-Shaped Pipeline A/D Converter |
Abstract |
A. Shabra and H.-S. Lee |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 9:45 |
 19-4 |
An 8-GHz Bandwidth 1-GS/s GaAs HBT Dual Track-and-Hold |
Abstract |
J.P.A. van der Wagt and M. Teshome |
Rockwell Science Center, USA |
 Session 20 |
 Low Power Design [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
K. Seno, Sony S. Borkar, Intel |
 10:30 |
 20-1 |
Comparative Performance, Leakage Power and Switching Power of Circuits in 150nm PD-SOI and Bulk Technologies Including Impact of SOI History Effect |
Abstract |
S. Narendra, J. Tschanz, A. Keshavarzi,
S. Borkar and V. De |
Intel Corporation, USA |
 10:55 |
 20-2 |
A 0.5V Power-Supply Scheme for Low Power LSIs using Multi-Vt SOI CMOS Technology |
Abstract |
T. Fuse, A. Kameyama, M. Ohta and K. Ohuchi |
Toshiba Corporation, JAPAN |
 11:20 |
 20-3 |
A 0.9-mA Standby Current DSP Core Using Improved ABC-MT-CMOS with Charge Pump Circuit |
Abstract |
H. Notani, M. Koyama, R. Mano, H. Makino and Y. Matsuda |
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan |
 11:45 |
 20-4 |
A 63mW-Standby-Power Microcontroller with On-Chip Hybrid Regulator Scheme |
Abstract |
M. Hiraki, T. Ito, K. Ashiga*, A. Fujiwara,
T. Ohashi*, T. Hamano** and T. Noda |
Hitachi, Ltd., *Hitachi Device Engineering Co., Ltd. and **Hitachi ULSI Systems Co., Ltd., Japan |
 Session 21 |
 Embedded RAMs [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
N.C.C. Lu, Etron Technology J. Bowles, AMD |
 10:30 |
 21-1 |
Quasi-Worst-Condition Built-In-Self-Test Scheme for 4-Mb Loadless CMOS Four-Transistor SRAM Macro |
Abstract |
K. Takeda, Y. Aimoto, K. Nakamura,
S. Masuoka, K. Ishikawa, K. Noda, T. Takeshima and T. Murotani |
NEC Corporation, JAPAN |
 10:55 |
 21-2 |
A 800MHz Single Cycle Access 32entry Fully Associative TLB With A 240ps Access Match Circuit |
Abstract |
M. Sumita |
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd., Japan |
 11:20 |
 21-3 |
A Reconfigurable Multilevel Parallel Graphics Cache Memory with 75 GB/s Parallel Cache Replacement Bandwidth |
Abstract |
S.-J. Park, J.-S. Kim, R. Woo, S.-J. Lee,
K.-M. Lee, T.-H. Yang*, J.-Y. Jung* and
H.-J. Yoo |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and *HYUNDAI Electronics, Korea |
 11:45 |
 21-4 |
A 6.25 ns Random Access 0.25 mm Embedded DRAM |
Abstract |
P. DeMone, M. Dunn, D. Haerle, J.-K. Kim,
D. Macdonald, P. Nyasulu, D. Perry, S. Smith, T. Wojcicki and Z. Zhang |
MOSAID Technologies Incorporated, Canada |
 Session 22 |
 RF Front End II [Shunju III] |
Chairpersons |
T. Miki, Mitsubishi Electric J. Goodman, Chrysalis-ITS |
 10:30 |
 22-1 |
A Fully-Integrated 900-MHz CMOS Wireless Receiver with On-Chip RF and IF Filters and 79-dB Image Rejection |
Abstract |
C. Guo, C.-W. Lo, Y.-W. Choi, I. Hsu, T. Kan, D. Leung, A. Chan and H.C. Luong |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |
 10:55 |
 22-2 |
A Single-Chip 2.4GHz Direct-Conversion CMOS Transceiver with GFSK Modem for Bluetooth Application |
Abstract |
S.-W. Lee, K.-Y. Lee, E. Song, Y.-J. Jung,
H. Jeong, J.-M. Kim, H.-J. Lim*, J.-W. Lee*,
J. Park*, K. Lee*, S.-I. Chae, D.-K. Jeong and W. Kim |
Seoul National University, Korea and *Global Communication Technology, Inc., USA |
 11:20 |
 22-3 |
Concurrent Dual-Band CMOS Low Noise Amplifiers and Receiver Architectures |
Abstract |
H. Hashemi and A. Hajimiri |
California Institute of Technology, USA |
 11:45 |
 22-4 |
Fully Integrated 2.2mW CMOS Front-End for a 900 MHz Zero-IF Wireless Receiver |
Abstract |
S. Mahdavi and A.A. Abidi |
University of California, USA |