Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
June 11-14, 2013
Sponsored by
Japan Society of Applied Physics, IEEE Electron Devices Society and Solid State Circuits Society
In Cooperation with
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Author's Guide
For Technology Late News submission, please read the following instruction and proceed to the bottom of this webpage to access the online submission form.
Submission to the Symposia on VLSI Technology and VLSI Circuits is now closed.
Dear Author(s):
Welcome to the 2013 Symposia on VLSI Technology & Circuits. We appreciate your interest in submitting a paper to the Symposium. On this page, you will find all the necessary information and forms for the preparation of your submitted paper. The accepted papers will be included in the Digest of Technical Papers as received, without opportunity for further changes.
Before submitting your paper, please read the Pre-publication Policy for the Symposia. Click here for the policy.
Important Notice
Preparing Your Submission
Online Paper Submission
Open for Tech. Late News Only
Notification of Review Result
Joint technology and circuits focus sessions comprising invited and contributed papers will be offered in special areas of joint interest.
- Design Enablement including Co-optimization and BEOL RC
- 3D-system and Packaging
- Emerging Memory
For the Technology Symposium, paper submissions highlighting major innovations and advances in materials, processes, devices, integration, reliability and modeling in these areas are strongly encouraged.
For the Circuits Symposium, paper submissions highlighting major innovations and advances in circuits, designs, tools and methodologies in these joint topic areas are strongly encouraged.
The 2013 Symposium on VLSI Technology welcomes submission of papers on all aspects of IC technology.
The scope of the symposium is:
- New concepts and breakthroughs in VLSI processes and devices including Memory, Logic, I/O, RF, Analog, Mixed-Signal, High-Voltage, Imager, and MEMS.
- Advanced gate stacks and interconnects in VLSI processes and devices
- Advanced lithography and fine-patterning technologies for high-density VLSI
- New functional devices beyond CMOS with a path for VLSI implementation
- Packing of VLSI devices including 3D-system integration
- Advanced device analysis, materials and modeling for VLSIs
- Reliability related to the above devices
- Theories and fundamentals related to the above devices
- New concepts and technologies for VLSI manufacturing
- Heterogeneous integration of non-Si substrates/materials on Si substrate
The scope of the Symposium on VLSI Circuits includes innovations and advances in following areas.
Special focus will be also placed on VLSI systems and solutions for smarter society.
- RF and wireless communication circuits and architecture, including CMOS RF and mm-wave, and digital implementations
- Wireline transceiver and I/O design, spanning chip-to-chip to long-reach applications
- Digital VLSI circuits and system techniques for processor, memory, and complex SOC architectures and implementations
- Clock generation and distribution for high frequency digital and mixed-signal applications
- Analog and mixed signal circuits such as data converters, PLL, amplifiers, filters, and sensing FE
- Memory circuits and architectures for SRAM, DRAM, and non-volatile, including emerging memories
- Power management technologies, including circuits for voltage regulators and voltage references, VLSI systems for battery management, power saving, energy harvesting, and renewable energy
- Application oriented circuits and VLSI systems, including biomedical and healthcare, electric vehicles, power grids, and sensor networks
Important Notice.>>TOP
Papers will be considered on the basis of originality, innovation, and advancing the field. Prototype implementation and measured results will be considered favorably in the ratings.
*Your complete paper must occupy no more than two pages including illustrations.
Submitted papers, which exceed this length, will not be accepted for review. Each page can contain about 700 words and two illustrations (assuming each illustration is two-column format). A page could contain as many as six illustrations if they are sized accordingly.
When preparing the final pages, please follow carefully the instructions in the Author's Guide. Please avoid the use of special Asian fonts in the main body text, figures, charts, and tables in the paper submission. The authors can use the first page for text and the second page for pictures.
*You must have approval from your organization before submitting your paper to the VLSI Symposia.
The VLSI Symposia views as an unprofessional practice the withdrawal of a paper once it has been submitted by the author, accepted by the Program Committee, and widely announced in the Advance Program. Withdrawal of a paper or failure to present a paper at the Symposia after the Advance Program is distributed jeopardizes both the Symposia credibility and the author's professional reputation.
Preparing Your Submission>>TOP
Below is the link to the Author's Guide that provides a detailed description of camera-ready paper preparation.
PDF of Author's Guide
Word Document of Author's Guide
The paper must be in final form, and if accepted, will be published without any modifications.
150 Word Abstract
The abstract is a brief synopsis of your paper. It will be used by the Symposium Technical Program Committee in press releases and pre-Symposium publicity. The abstract should be typed in the Technical Paper Submission Form directly. You must enter plain ASCII text only, and you may not exceed 150 words. Neither tables nor figures may appear in the abstract.
Creating PDF via IEEE PDF eXpress® Plus
Once you have read all the above instructions, you MUST create a PDF file of your submission by using IEEE PDF eXpress® Plus. All submissions MUST be IEEE Xplore® compliant and the only way to insure this is to use the following link to create a PDF of your submission. Once you have completed this step, only then can you move on to the VLSI Submission site and submit your paper.
IEEE PDF eXpress® Plus: www.pdf-express.org/plus
Log-In ID
To submit to the Technology Symposium, use the Conference ID "vlsit2013xp". Instruction
To submit to the Circuits Symposium, use the Conference ID "vlsic2013xp". Instruction
Online Paper Submission>>TOP
Once you created a PDF file of your submission through IEEE PDF eXpress®, click on the appropriate link to the Symposium you are submitting to.
Before you submit your PDF file:
Verify that the margins in your paper are sufficient according to the Author's Guide, and all fonts in your PDF file are embedded through IEEE PDF eXpress®.
Check that the font size of the main text in your paper is no less than 10pt and that your paper meets all other font size specifications in the authors guide.
Be aware that if your paper is published prior to the Symposia, it will be withdrawn from the Symposia.
Make sure you have approval of your affiliation to submit and present your paper at the Symposia.
To revise your submissions
If you wish to revise an already submitted paper, please revisit the Online Paper Submission Form, enter the conference ID and Password issued via auto-generated email at the time of submission, and alter your submission with a new file. You can revise or confirm your submission as many times as you wish up until the deadline. To cancel your submission, you should inform the Secretariat in writing.
Online Paper Submission for Technology Late New Papers is Now Open.
Deadline: 11:59 P.M. JST (2:59 P.M. GMT / 6:59 A.M. PST), March 26, 2013
Papers received after the submission deadline will not be accepted for review.
Notification of Review Result>>TOP
If accepted for presentation, the content of the paper must not be announced or published prior to the Symposia.
The Technical Program Committee will review all submitted papers and authors will receive notification of the Committee's decision around the end of March 2013.
Copyright Transfer Form
Copyright Transfer Form must be submitted to the VLSI secretariat, once your paper is accepted. Detailed information will be given in the acceptance letter.
We thank you for your interest in the Symposia on VLSI Technology & Circuits. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Office at vlsisymp[at]ics-inc.co.jp (Japan and Asia) or vlsi[at]symposium.org (North America and EU)
Symposium on VLSI Technology | |
Toshiro Hiramoto - Program Chair | Raj Jammy - Program Co-Chair |
Symposium on VLSI Circuits | |
Hideyuki Kabuo - Program Chair | Jeffery Gealow - Program Co-Chair |