Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
June 11-14, 2013

Sponsored by
Japan Society of Applied Physics, IEEE Electron Devices Society and Solid State Circuits Society
In Cooperation with
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

Travel Info / Hotel Reservation

The symposia are returning back to Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto in 2013. Kyoto, an old capital of Japan, has never failed to fascinate foreign as well as domestic travelers with its historic monuments.

The following websites provides extensive information about the city where vast culture, tradition and modernity co-exit.
Kyoto Convention Bureau
Kyoto Visitor's Guide
Kyoto City Web

The following websites are also useful for your travel planning.
Kansai-International Airport (the closest international airport to Kyoto)
Narita International Airport
Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport)
Chubu Centrair International Airport

Enjoy your memorable holidays in Kyoto and its surrounding Kansai area before and after the Symposia!