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Welcome to the 2011 Symposium on VLSI Circuits

PDFPDF of Advance Program (as of May 18)
PDFProgram Changes (as of June 8)
PDFPDF of Abstracts
PDFTechnical program at a glance

You are cordially invited to attend the 2011 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, to be held on June 15-17th, 2011, at the Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan. We are repeating last year�s successful two days� overlap with the Technology Symposium to foster greater interactions and synergies between these two key conferences. This juxtaposition is a unique feature and value that distinguishes the Symposia from other conferences. The Symposium brings together experts and experienced engineers and scientists from industry and academia around the world to discuss present and future challenges in VLSI Circuits and Technology.

Preceding the Circuits Symposium, a one-day Short Course will be held on June 14th. This short course will focus on �Design Awareness in Circuit Design� where experts will give educational talks on this timely topic of challenges and solutions for VLSI circuit designs in scaled CMOS process technology nodes. On the same day, we also have a Workshop on �Bio Inspired Computation - What Electronics can Learn from Bio.� For a single Short Course/Workshop registration fee, attendees have access to either parallel session. On the 2nd day of the conference, a luncheon talk entitled �Recent Studies about Computer-Aided Origami Design� will entertain attendees with creative ideas of paper folding, from viewpoints of traditional folk art in Japan and computational sciences towards modern art.

This year, the technical program committee reviewed 409 papers and selected 115 papers for presentation covering a range of topics from Digital Circuits and Systems, Power Management, Memories, Analog, Data Converters, Wireless and Wireline Communications, Sensors, Bio and Medical Electronics. The traditional emphasis of the Symposium has been on paper quality. This year the committee has selected very high quality papers representing the scope of the Symposium. We have also invited four distinguished speakers to describe recent advances and new challenges in the areas of Space Science and Electronics, Medical and Healthcare Services, Computing, and Wireless Communication. To complement the plenary talks and papers, we have arranged two evening sessions on interesting and provocative topics to give you an opportunity to participate in the discussions and mix with the conference attendees. The evening sessions explore: �Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Technology and New Application Opportunities� and �Will Circuit Design be a Key Issue in Biomedical Applications? (or Boring Circuits?)�. The rich technical content of the program will undoubtedly interest you, and we certainly hope that the Symposium will be a fruitful and enjoyable experience. This booklet contains the advance program together with forms for Symposium registration and hotel reservations. Please complete and return these forms or visit our website for online registration at . Although on-site registration will be available at the conference, pre-registration will facilitate Symposium planning.

We look forward to meeting with you at the Symposium in Kyoto.

Makoto Nagata

Vivek De
Program Chair Program Co-Chair


Monday, June 13 7:30-17:00 Registration
Tuesday, June 14 8:10-11:30 Short Course [Suzaku I] / Workshop [Suzaku III]
11:30-13:15 Lunch
13:15-17:30 Short Course [Suzaku I] / Workshop [Suzaku III]
20:00-22:00 Joint Rump Session [Suzaku I, II]
Wednesday, June 15
8:30-10:05 Session 1 Plenary Session I [Suzaku I, II]
10:30-12:35 Session 2 Switching DC-DC Converters [Suzaku I]
Session 3 Advanced Wireless Transceivers [Suzaku II]
Session 4 Oversampling Converters [Suzaku III]
12:35-13:55 Lunch
13:55-16:00 Session 5 Circuit and System Integration [Suzaku I]
Session 6 High Performance DACs and Amplifiers [Suzaku III]
13:55-16:00 Highlights (Technology) [Shunju]
16:10-17:50 Session 7 Embedded SRAM and Applications [Suzaku I]
Session 8 Multi Gigabit Wireline Communication [Suzaku II]
Session 9 Image Sensors [Suzaku III]
19:00-21:00 Joint Coctail/Dinner Party
Thursday, June 16
8:45-10:05 Session 10 Plenary Session II [Suzaku I, II]
10:30-12:35 Session 11 Fractional-N PLLs [Suzaku I] (10:30-12:10)
Session 12 Pipelined ADCs [Suzaku III]
12:35-14:20 Lunch Luncheon Talk [Suzaku II] (12:45-14:05)
14:20-16:00 Session 13 High Speed Digital for Interconnects [Suzaku I]
Session 14 Bio Interfaces [Suzaku III]
16:15-17:55 Session 15 Clocking Building Blocks [Suzaku I]
Session 16 Ultra Low Power Transceivers [Suzaku II]
Session 17 Bio Sensors and Applications [Suzaku III]
20:00-22:00 Rump Sessions [Suzaku I, II, III]
Friday, June 17
8:30-10:10 Session 18 High Performance Circuit Techniques [Suzaku I]
Session 19 Nonvolatile Memories [Suzaku II]
Session 20 High Speed and Low Power Receiver Techniques [Suzaku III]
10:30-12:35 Session 21 Device-Based Circuit Techniques [Suzaku I]
Session 22 DRAM and Memory Interfaces [Suzaku II] (10:30-12:10)
Session 23 Power Management for Energy Harvesting [Suzaku III]
12:35-13:55 Lunch
13:55-16:00 Session 24 Digital Processors [Suzaku I]
Session 25 Emerging ADCs [Suzaku II]
Session 26 Power Management Technique [Suzaku III]
16:15-17:55 Session 27 Signal Processing for Wireline [Suzaku I]
Session 28 Nonvolatile Memory Applications [Suzaku II]


Wednesday, June 15

Session 1

Welcome and Plenary Session I [Suzaku I, II]
Chairpersons M. Nagata, Kobe Univ.
V. De, Intel Corp.


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Invited M. Mizuno, Renesas Electronics Corp.
A. Amerasekera, Texas Instruments, Inc.


The Hayabusa Mission - Its Seven Years Flight
J. Kawaguchi, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA), Japan


The Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud - A New Perspective on Wireless
J.M. Rabaey, University of California at Berkeley, USA
back to conference schedule
(Break 10:05-10:30)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 2

Switching DC-DC Converters [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons C. Yoo, Hanyang Univ.
J. Savoj, Xilinx


A 50.3ns Transient-Response CR-Free SIMO Power Converter with Adaptive Current Compensation
Abstract   Y. Zhang and D. Ma
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA


A 98% Cross-Talk Self-Cancellation Single-Inductor Dual-Output DC-DC Converter Using Bidirectional Power Prediction (BPP) Control in 65nm CMOS
Abstract   Y.-H. Lee*, Y.-Y. Yang*, T.-C. Huang*, C.-Y. Hsieh*, K.-H. Chen*, Y.-K. Chen**, C.-C. Huang** and Y.-H. Lin**
*National Chiao Tung University and **Realtek Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan


A Single-Inductor 8-Channel Output DC-DC Boost Converter with Time-Limited One-Shot Current Control and Single Shared Hysteresis Comparator
Abstract   J. Kim, D. S. Kim and C. Kim
Korea University, Korea


Fixed-Frequency Adaptive-On-Time Boost Converter with Fast Transient Response and Light Load Efficiency Enhancement by Auto-Frequency-Hopping
Abstract   X. Jing and P.K.T. Mok
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China


A Spurious-Free Switching Buck Converter Using a Delta-Sigma Modulation Controller with a Scalable Sampling Frequency
Abstract   M.K. Alghamdi and A.A. Hamoui
McGill University, Canada
back to conference schedule
(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 3

Advanced Wireless Transceivers [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons H. Ishikuro, Keio Univ.
A. Cathelin, STMicroelectronics


A 0.38THz Fully Integrated Transceiver Utilizing Quadrature Push-Push Circuitry
Abstract   J.-D. Park, S. Kang and A.M. Niknejad
University of California, Berkeley, USA


A 10Gb/s 45mW Adaptive 60GHz Baseband in 65nm CMOS
Abstract   C. Thakkar*, L. Kong*, K. Jung*, A. Frappé** and E. Alon*
*University of California, Berkeley, USA and **Institut Supérieur de l'Electronique et du Numérique, France


A 2.5GHz Delay-Based Wideband OFDM Outphasing Modulator in 45nm-LP CMOS
Abstract   A. Ravi, P. Madoglio, M. Verhelst, M. Sajadieh, M. Aguirre, H. Xu, S. Pellerano, I. Lomeli, J. Zarate, L. Cuellar, O. Degani, H. Lakdawala, K. Soumyanath and Y. Palaskas
Intel Corporation, USA


A Configurable Multi-Band Multi-Mode Transmitter with Spur Cancellation Through Digital Baseband
Abstract   Y. Tang, M. Chen, W. Leung, C. Narathong, M. Ranjan, K. Godbole, G. Zhang, O. Choksi, V. Panikkath, C. Holenstein, A. Hadjichristos and K. Sahota
Qualcomm, USA


A 3.5mm2, Inductor-Less Digital-Intensive Radio SoC for 300-to-950MHz ISM-Band Applications Supporting 1.0-to-240kbps Multi-Data-Rates
Abstract   T. Tokairin*, H. Saito**, H. Ishizaki*, Y. Oka*, T. Maeda*, S. Oshima**, M. Soda*, M. Okada*, S. Hori***, M. Kitsunezuka*** and M. Mizuno*
*Renesas Electronics Corporation, **Renesas Micro Systems Co., Ltd. and ***NEC Corporation, Japan
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(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 4

Oversampling Converters [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons M. Ito, Renesas Electronics Corp.
J. Lloyd, Analog Devices Inc.


A 12-ENOB 6X-OSR Noise-Shaped Pipelined ADC Utilizing a 9-bit Linear Front-End
Abstract   O. Rajaee** and U. Moon*
*Oregon State University and **Qualcomm, USA


A 32nm, 1.05V, BIST Enabled, 10-40MHz, 11-9 Bit, 0.13mm2 Digitized Integrator MASH ΔΣ ADC
Abstract   B. R. Carlton, H. Lakdawala, E. Alpman, J. Rizk, Y.W. Li, B. Perez-Esparza, V. Rivera, C.F. Nieva, E. Gordon, P. Hackney, C.-H. Jan, I.A. Young and K. Soumyanath
Intel Corporation, USA


A Continuous-Time, Jitter Insensitive ∑∆ Modulator Using a Digitally Linearized Gm-C Integrator with Embedded SC Feedback DAC
Abstract   D. Kim*, T. Matsuura** and B. Murmann*
*Stanford University, USA and **Renesas Electronics Corp., Japan


A 48-dB DR 80-MHz BW 8.88-GS/s Bandpass ∆∑ ADC for RF Digitization with Integrated PLL and Polyphase Decimation Filter in 40nm CMOS
Abstract   E. Martens, A. Bourdoux, A. Couvreur, P. Van Wesemael, G. Van der Plas, J. Craninckx and J. Ryckaert
IMEC, Belgium


A 2.8 mW ∆∑ ADC with 83 dB DR and 1.92 MHz BW Using FIR Outer Feedback and TIA-Based Integrator
Abstract   J. Gealow*, M. Ashburn*, C.-H. Lou*, S. Ho*, P. Riehl*, A. Shabra**, J. Silva* and Q. Yu*
*MediaTek Wireless, Inc., USA and **Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE
back to conference schedule
(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 5

Circuit and System Integration [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons C. Hou, TSMC
B. Nikolic , Univ. of California, Berkeley


Measurement, Analysis and Improvement of Supply Noise in 3D ICs
Abstract   P. Jain, D. Jiao, X. Wang and C.H. Kim
University of Minnesota, USA


Isolation Techniques Against Substrate Noise Coupling Utilizing Through Silicon Via (TSV) for RF/Mixed-Signal SoCs
Abstract   S. Uemura, Y. Hiraoka, T. Kai and S. Dosho
Panasonic Corporation, Japan


A Fully-Integrated Cantilever-Based DNA Detection SoC in a CMOS Bio-MEMS Process
Abstract   Y.-J. Huang*, C.-W. Huang*, T.-H. Lin*, C.-T. Lin*, L.-G. Chen*, P.-Y. Hsiao*, B.-R. Wu*, H.-T. Hsueh*, B.-J. Kuo*, H.-H. Tsai**, H.-H. Liao**, Y.-Z. Juang**, C.-K. Wang* and S.-S. Lu*
*National Taiwan University and **National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan


A 65nm CMOS Movable Parts Manager for Optical Disc System
Abstract   F. Senoue*, K. Okamoto*, S. Sakiyama*, T. Morie*, S. Dosho*, H. Nishino**, K. Tanimoto**, A. Kawabe** and H. Kobayashi**
*Panasonic Corporation and **Panasonic Corporation Semiconductor Company Corporate, Japan


20-�W Operation of an a-IGZO TFT-Based RFID Chip Using Purely NMOS �Active� Load Logic Gates with Ultra-Low-Consumption Power
Abstract   H. Ozaki, T. Kawamura, H. Wakana, T. Yamazoe and H. Uchiyama
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
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(Break 16:00-16:10)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 6

High Performance DACs and Amplifiers [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons J. Lee, National Taiwan Univ.
M. Flynn, Univ. of Michigan


A 100dB DR Ground-Referenced Single-Ended Class-D Amplifier in 65nm CMOS
Abstract   X. Jiang, J. Song, M. Wang, J. Chen, H. Zheng, S. Galal, K. Abdelfattah and T.L. Brooks
Broadcom Corporation, USA


A Ping-Pong-Pang Current-Feedback Instrumentation Amplifier with 0.04% Gain Error
Abstract   S. Sakunia*, F. Witte**, M. Pertijs* and K. Makinwa*
*Delft University of Technology and **National Semiconductor, The Netherlands


A 7.2-GSa/s, 14-bit or 12-GSa/s, 12-bit DAC in a 165-GHz fT BiCMOS Process
Abstract   K. Poulton, B. Jewett and J. Liu
Agilent Technologies, USA


A 3GS/s, 9b, 1.2V Single Supply, Pure Binary DAC with >50dB SFDR up to 1.5GHz in 65nm CMOS
Abstract   S.L. Tual*, P.N. Singh*,***, A. Bal** and C. Garnier*
*STMicroelectronics Crolles, France, **STMicroelectronics G. Noida, India and ***Wolfson Microelectronics Edinburgh, UK


A 10b 600MS/s Multi-Mode CMOS DAC for Multiple Nyquist Zone Operation
Abstract   S.Y.-S. Chen, N.-S. Kim and J. Rabaey
University of California, Berkeley, USA
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(Break 16:00-16:10)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 7

Embedded SRAM and Applications [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons M. Yamaoka, Hitachi America, Ltd.
M. Clinton, Texas Instruments, Inc.


A 40nm Fully Functional SRAM with BL Swing and WL Pulse Measurement Scheme for Eliminating a Need for Additional Sensing Tolerance Margins
Abstract   Y.-H. Chen*,**, S.- Y. Chou*, Q. Lee*, W.-M. Chan*, D. Sun*, H.-J. Liao*, P. Wang*, M.-F. Chang** and H. Yamauchi***
*TSMC, **National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and ***Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan


A 40-nm 0.5-V 20.1-�W/MHz 8T SRAM with Low-Energy Disturb Mitigation Scheme
Abstract   S. Yoshimoto*, M. Terada*, S. Okumura*, T. Suzuki**, S. Miyano**, H. Kawaguchi* and M. Yoshimoto*
*Kobe University and **Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC), Japan


A Larger Stacked Layer Number Scalable TSV-Based 3D-SRAM for High-Performance Universal-Memory-Capacity 3D-IC Platforms
Abstract   M.-F. Chang*, W.-C. Wu*, C.-S. Lin**, P.-F. Chiu**, M.-B. Chen*,**, Y.-H. Chen*,***, H.-C. Lai**, Z.-H. Lin**, S.-S. Sheu**, T.-K. Ku** and H. Yamauchi****
*National Tsing Hua University, **ITRI, ***TSMC, Taiwan and ****Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan


A Chip-ID Generating Circuit for Dependable LSI Using Random Address Errors on Embedded SRAM and On-Chip Memory BIST
Abstract   H. Fujiwara, M. Yabuuchi, H. Nakano, H. Kawai, K. Nii and K. Arimoto
Renesas Electronics Corporation, Japan
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(Joint Coctail/Dinner Party19:00-21:00)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 8

Multi Gigabit Wireline Communication [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons K. Sunaga, NEC Corp.
T. C. Carusone, Univ. of Toronto


An 8x10-Gb/s Source-Synchronous I/O System Based on High-Density Silicon Carrier Interconnects
Abstract   T.O. Dickson, Y. Liu, S.V. Rylov, B. Dang, C.K. Tsang, P.S. Andry, J.F. Bulzacchelli, H.A. Ainspan, X. Gu, L. Turlapati, M.P. Beakes, B.D. Parker, J.U. Knickerbocker and D.J. Friedman
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA


A 5.6Gb/s 2.4mW/Gb/s Bidirectional Link With 8ns Power-On
Abstract   J. Zerbe*, B. Daly*, W. Dettloff*, T. Stone*, W. Stonecypher*, P. Venkatesan*, K. Prabhu*, B. Su*, J. Ren*, B. Tsang*, B. Leibowitz*, D. Dunwell**, A.C. Carusone** and J. Eble*
*Rambus Inc, USA and **University of Toronto, Canada


An 8Gb/s Forwarded-Clock I/O Receiver with up to 1GHz Constant Jitter Tracking Bandwidth Using a Weak Injection-Locked Oscillator in 0.13µm CMOS
Abstract   S.-H. Chung*, L.-S. Kim*, S.-J. Bae**, K.-S. Ha**, J.-B. Lee** and J.S. Choi**
*KAIST and **Samsung Electronics, Korea


A 0.12mm2 5Gbps Receiver with a Level Shifting Equalizer and a Cumulative-Histogram-Based Adaptation Engine
Abstract   Y. Tomita*, H. Yamaguchi*, S. Kawahara**, T. Higuchi**, T. Yamamoto*, H. Ishida***, K. Gotoh*** and H. Tamura*
*Fujitsu Laboratories LTD., **Fujitsu LSI Solutions LTD. and ***Fujitsu Semiconductor LTD., Japan
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(Joint Coctail/Dinner Party 19:00-21:00)
Wednesday, June 15

Session 9

Image Sensors [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons Y. Kato, Panasonic Corp.
M. Whatley, Cypress Semiconductor


A Digital CDS Scheme on Fully Column-Inline TDC Architecture for An APS-C Format CMOS Image Sensor
Abstract   T. Takahashi*, H. Ui*, N. Takatori**, S. Sanada**, T. Hamamoto**, H. Nakayama**, Y. Moriyama*, M. Akahide*, T. Ueno* and N. Fukushima*
*Sony Corporation and **Sony LSI Design Incorporated, Japan


A 640×480 Image Sensor with Unified Pixel Architecture for 2D/3D Imaging in 0.11µm CMOS
Abstract   S.-J. Kim, J.D.K. Kim, S.-W. Han, B. Kang, K. Lee and C.-Y. Kim
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea


A Dual In-Pixel Memory CMOS Image Sensor for Computation Photography
Abstract   G. Wan*,**, X. Li*, G. Agranov*, M. Levoy** and M. Horowitz**
*Aptina, LLC and **Stanford University, USA


A CMOS ∑-∆ Photodetector Array for Bioluminescence-Based DNA Sequencing
Abstract   R.R. Singh, B. Li, A. Elligton and A. Hassibi
University of Texas at Austin, USA
back to conference schedule
(Joint Coctail/Dinner Party 19:00-21:00)
Thursday, June 16

Session 10

Plenary Session II [Suzaku I, II]
Chairpersons M. Nagata, Kobe Univ.
V. De, Intel Corp.


Circuit Challenges for Future Computing Systems
W. J. Dally, NVIDIA and Stanford Univ., USA


Smart Devices and Services in Healthcare and Wellness
H. Nakajima*, and T. Shiga**, *Omron Corporation and **Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd., Japan
back to conference schedule
(Break 10:05-10:30)
Thursday, June 16

Session 11

Fractional-N PLLs [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons S.H. Cho, KAIST
U.-K. Moon, Oregon State Univ.


A Low Spur Fractional-N Digital PLL for 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac with 0.19 psrms Jitter
Abstract   C.-W. Yao, L. Lin, B. Nissim, H. Arora and T. Cho
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. USA


A -104dBc/Hz In-Band Phase Noise 3GHz All Digital PLL with Phase Interpolation Based Hierarchical Time to Digital Convertor
Abstract   D. Miyashita, H. Kobayashi, J. Deguchi, S. Kousai and M. Hamada
Toshiba Corporation, Japan


A 3.6GHz 1MHz-Bandwidth ∆∑ Fractional-N PLL with a Quantization-Noise Shifting Architecture in 0.18µm CMOS
Abstract   W.-H. Chiu and T.-H. Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan


A 2 GHz Fractional-N Digital PLL with 1b Noise Shaping ∆∑ TDC
Abstract   D.-W. Jee, Y.-H. Seo, H.-J. Park and J.-Y. Sim
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea
back to conference schedule
(Lunch 12:35-14:20)
Thursday, June 16

Session 12

Pipelined ADCs [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons S. Dosho, Panasonic Corp.
C.-M. Hung, MStar Semiconductor, Inc.


A 12b 3GS/s Pipeline ADC with 500mW and 0.4 mm2 in 40nm Digital CMOS
Abstract   C.-Y. Chen and J. Wu
Broadcom Corporation, USA


An 11b 300MS/s 0.24pJ/Conversion-Step Double-Sampling Pipelined ADC with On-Chip Full Digital Calibration for All Nonidealities Including Memory Effects
Abstract   T. Miki, T. Morie, T. Ozeki and S. Dosho
Panasonic Corporation, Japan


A 22-mW 7b 1.3-GS/s Pipeline ADC with 1-Bit/Stage Folding Converter Architecture
Abstract   T. Yamase*, H. Uchida** and H. Noguchi*
*NEC Corporation and **NEC Engineering, Ltd., Japan


A 10b 320 MS/s 40 mW Open-Loop Interpolated Pipeline ADC
Abstract   M. Miyahara, H. Lee, D. Paik and A. Matsuzawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan


A 16-mW 8-Bit 1-GS/s Subranging ADC in 55nm CMOS
Abstract   Y.-H. Chung*,** and J.-T. Wu*
*National Chiao-Tung University and **MediaTek Inc. Taiwan
back to conference schedule
(Lunch 12:35-14:20)
Thursday, June 16,
(Separate Registration Required)

Luncheon Talk [Suzaku II]
Organizer: K. Kobayashi, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Recent Studies about Computer Aided Origami Design
J. Mitani, Univ. of Tsukuba

Recent Studies about Computer Aided Origami Design

Origami is well known as the Japanese traditional art of folding paper. Today, origami is loved by all generations not only in Japan but also in the world. The manipulation of folding a square sheet of paper along a straight line has a deep relation to geometry. Origami has been the target of interest for mathematicians. The ridges and valleys appear when a sheet of paper is folded and unfolded again. We can obtain a lot of insights on origami by studying its pattern, called the crease pattern. Through the achievement of our predecessors, we now have plenty of knowledge about the geometry of origami. In 1980s, techniques for designing a crease pattern for making intended form were investigated, and they spread widely. As the results, amazingly realistic and complicated origami pieces, such as insects, animals, dinosaurs and so on, had been created. Since the computers had become popular, some software for designing origami appeared on the Web. We can say that the new era of origami has begun. One of remaining challenges is designing curved-origami which has curved folds. In this talk, recent studies about computer aided origami design and some interesting topics about origami will be presented.

*To register for the Luncheon Talk please refer to the registration form for fee information.
back to conference schedule
Thursday, June 16

Session 13

High Speed Digital for Interconnects [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons M. Igarashi, Sony Corp.
J. Wieser, National Semiconductor Corp.


The 10G-EPON OLT and ONU LSIs for the Coexistence of 10G-EPON and GE-PON toward the Next FTTH Era
Abstract   M. Urano, T. Kawamura, S. Ohteru, H. Suto, K. Kawai, R. Kusaba, N. Miura, J. Kato, A. Miyazaki, T. Hatano, S. Yasuda, N. Tanaka, S. Shigematsu, M. Nakanishi and T. Shibata
NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Japan


A 2.37Gb/s 284.8mW Rate-Compatible (491,3,6) LDPC-CC Decoder
Abstract   C.-L. Chen, Y.-H. Lin, H.-C. Chang and C.-Y. Lee
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


A 1.1 GOPS/mW FPGA Chip with Hierarchical Interconnect Fabric
Abstract   C.C. Wang, F.-L. Yuan, H. Chen and D. Marković
University of California, Los Angeles, USA


SWIFT: A 2.1Tb/s 32�32 Self-Arbitrating Manycore Interconnect Fabric
Abstract   S. Satpathy, R. Dreslinski, T.-C. Ou, D. Sylvester, T. Mudge and D. Blaauw
University of Michigan, USA
back to conference schedule
(Break 16:00-16:15)
Thursday, June 16

Session 14

Bio Interfaces [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons C.-Y. Lee, National Chiao Tung Univ.
K. Chang, Xilinx


A Configurable and Low-Power Mixed Signal SoC for Portable ECG Monitoring Applications
Abstract   H. Kim*, R.F. Yazicioglu*, S. Kim*, N. Van Helleputte*, A. Artes**, M. Konijnenburg**, J. Huisken**, J. Penders** and C. Van Hoof*,**,
*IMEC, Belgium and **IMEC-nl/Holst center, The Netherlands


A 96-Channel Full Data Rate Direct Neural Interface in 0.13�m CMOS
Abstract   R.M. Walker*, H. Gao*, P. Nuyujukian*, K. Makinwa**, K.V. Shenoy*, T. Meng* and B. Murmann*
*Stanford University, USA and **Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


BioBolt: A Minimally-Invasive Neural Interface for Wireless Epidural Recording by Intra-Skin Communication
Abstract   S.-I. Chang, K. AlAshmouny, M. McCormick, Y.-C. Chen and E. Yoon
University of Michigan, USA


A Photovoltaic-Driven and Energy-Autonomous CMOS Implantable Sensor
Abstract   S. Ayazian*, E. Soenen** and A. Hassibi*
*University of Texas at Austin and **TSMC, USA
back to conference schedule
Thursday, June 16

Session 15

Clocking Building Blocks [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons H.-J. Park, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
A. Emami, CalTech


A 0.63ps Resolution, 11b Pipeline TDC in 0.13µm CMOS
Abstract   Y.-H. Seo, J.-S. Kim, H.-J. Park and J.-Y. Sim
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea


553-GHz Signal Generation in CMOS Using a Quadruple-Push Oscillator
Abstract   D. Shim*, D. Koukis*, D.J. Arenas*, D.B. Tanner* and Kenneth K. O.**
*University of Florida and **University of Texas at Dallas, USA


High-PSRR All-Digital Delay Locked Loop with Burst Update Mode and Power Noise Damping Scheme
Abstract   Y. Kim, J. Jang, J. Moon, S. Lee, D. Kwon, H. Choi, G. Park and B. Chung
Hynix Semiconductor, Korea


A Programmable MEMS-Based Clock Generator with Sub-ps Jitter Performance
Abstract   F.S. Lee*, J. Salvia*, C. Lee**, S. Mukherjee*, R. Melamud*, N. Arumugam*, S. Pamarti***, C. Arft*, P. Gupta*, S. Tabatabaei*, B. Garlepp**, H.-C. Lee*, A. Partridge*, M.H. Perrott**** and F. Assaderaghi*
*SiTime, **Silicon Laboratories, ***University of California, Los Angeles, USA and ****Masdar Institute, UAE
back to conference schedule
Thursday, June 16

Session 16

Ultra Low Power Transceivers [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons K. Agawa, Toshiba Corp.
J. Savoj, Xilinx


A Battery-Less WiFi-BER Modulated Data Transmitter with Ambient Radio-Wave Energy Harvesting
Abstract   H. Ishizaki*, H. Ikeda*, Y. Yoshida**, T. Maeda*, T. Kuroda** and M. Mizuno*
*Renesas Electronics Corporation and **Keio University, Japan


315MHz Energy-Efficient Injection-Locked OOK Transmitter and 8.4µW Power-Gated Receiver Front-End for Wireless Ad Hoc Network in 40nm CMOS
Abstract   L. Liu, T. Sakurai and M. Takamiya
The University of Tokyo, Japan


A 550µW Inductorless Bandpass Quantizer in 65nm CMOS for 1.4-to-3GHz Digital RF Receivers
Abstract   D. Lachartre
CEA, LETI, France


A 1mm3 2Mbps 330fJ/b Transponder for Implanted Neural Sensors
Abstract   M. Mark, Y. Chen, C. Sutardja, C. Tang, S. Gowda, M. Wagner, D. Werthimer and J. Rabaey
University of California, Berkeley, USA
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Thursday, June 16

Session 17

Bio Sensors and Applications [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons M. Ikeda, The Univ. of Tokyo
B. Nauta, Univ. of Twente


A 0.5-V Sub-mW Wireless Magnetic Tracking Transponder for Radiation Therapy
Abstract   W.-F. Loke*, W.-H. Chen*, T. Maleki*, M.A. Khater*, B. Ziaie*, L. Papiez** and B. Jung*
*Purdue University and **UT Southwestern Medical School, USA


A 256 Channel Magnetoresistive Biosensor Microarray for Quantitative Proteomics
Abstract   D.A. Hall*, R.S. Gaster*, S.J. Osterfeld*, K. Makinwa**, S.X. Wang* and B. Murmann*
*Stanford University, USA and **Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Magnetic Relaxation Detector for Microbead Labels in Biomedical Assays
Abstract   P. Liu, K. Skucha, Y. Duan, M. Megens, J. Kim, I. Izyumin, S. Gambini and B. Boser
University of California, Berkeley, USA


Low Power Control IC for Efficient High-Voltage Piezoelectric Driving in a Flying Robotic Insect
Abstract   M. Karpelson, R.J. Wood and G.-Y. Wei
Harvard University, USA
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Thursday, June 16

Rump Sessions
Organizers K. Nose, Renesas Electronics Corp.
K. Chang, Xilinx
R-1 Special Evening Session : NVM Technology and New Application Opportunities [Suzaku I, II]

H. Yamauchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
M. Bauer, Micron Technology, Inc.

M. Bauer, Micron Technology, Inc.

FLASH : K-T. Park, Samsung Electronics
PCM : E. Doller, Micron Technology, Inc.
MRAM : K. Tsuchida, Toshiba Corp.
RRAM : K. Takeuchi, The Univ. of Tokyo
FRAM : T. Moise, Texas Instruments
NAND Flash is the industry incumbent NVM.  However new materials either being developed or are in production are frequently being compared to Flash.   We need to start considering attributes of all memory types, which applications they are best suited for,  and what new applications all NVM types may enable.  This session will include five experts representing different NVM technologies: PCM, MRAM, FRAM and RRAM and the incumbent NAND Flash.  Each speaker will: 1) describe the memory technology from a cell perspective, then how it works in an array, followed by the resulting characteristics such as latency, power, retention, endurance, and cost. 2) Consider key applications for their technology being explicit about why the technology is the best fit and why a company would be compelled to invest in such a technology.   This is not to be a discussion of on which technology is then next NAND replacement.  The intent is to answer questions such as:  Does the technology a good fit for existing applications?  Will it drive new applications?  Can one NVM technology complement another for an overall better solution than either one on its own?
We consider one technology at a time:  Speaker presents his technology for 20 minutes then open the discussion for feedback or opinion from the other four panelists, and finally questions from the audience.  Then on to the next topic until all five technologies have been discussed.
R-2 Will Circuit Design be a Key Issue in Biomedical Applications? (or Boring Circuits?) [Suzaku III]

A. Cathelin, STMicroelectronics
M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo

A. Cathelin, STMicroelectronics

J. Ohta, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
J. Rabaey, Univ. of California, Berkeley
K. Shepard, Columbia Univ.
M. Flynn, Univ. of Michigan
H. Takahashi, The Univ. of Tokyo
C.-C. Wu, National Taiwan Univ. Hospital
M. M. Maharbiz, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Since one decade now there is growing interest for bio-medical applications among IC designers. Several directions are explored such as:

  • improving existing electronics medical aid by miniaturization/ lowering power consumption/ improving reliability
  • supporting medical aid in new fields by advanced IC technology
  • new exploratory fields that are possible only by advantageous medical and microelectronics joint research

We have assembled a distinguished panel of experts who will discuss and debate on these topics. At the end of the day, the goal of this collaborative panel is to draw answers to the following questions:

- Will circuit design be a key issue in biomedical applications and which IC technology to use?
- Which are the technologies to bring together for succeeding circuits in biomedical field?
- What should circuit designers do in biomedical applications?
- Is consumer product type qualification enough/ sufficient for medical application products?
- Which are the ethic problems to be solved before launching mass production bio-medical products?

back to conference schedule
Tuesday, June 14

Joint Rump Session
Title: Low Voltage - How Low can we go with Technology and Design Solutions? [Suzaku I, II]

S. Dosho, Panasonic Corp.
M. Clinton, Texas Instruments, Inc.
N. Kasai, Tohoku Univ.
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics

K. Ishimaru, Toshiba Corp.
K. Zhang, Intel Corp.

F. Boeuf, STMicroelectronics
B. Calhoun, Univ. of Virginia
M. Ieong, TSMC
K. Rim, IBM Corp.
S. Kosonocky, AMD
A. Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology
S. Paak, Samsung Electronics
H. Shinohara, STARC
Continually lowering IC voltage levels has been critical to continued device scaling for a long time, but now many circuit designers are finding it increasingly difficult to design robust circuits with the lower voltage levels. Is it possible that Moore’s Law will end due to our inability to reduce voltage levels, and not because of our inability to further scale transistors? We have assembled a distinguished panel to debate some of the following questions, and much more:
  • What role does technology play in requiring lower operating voltages? What is the role of circuit design?
  • Lower operating voltages cause problems (and benefits) for circuit designers, are there technology solutions to some of these problems? Conversely, if voltage levels are not scaled this will cause device problems and is it possible that there are circuit solutions to these technology problems?
  • Are voltage levels low enough today, or how much lower can we expect them to go in the future?
*This session will be held at 20:00 - 22:00 on Tuesday, June 14.
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Friday, June 17

Session 18

High Performance Circuit Techniques [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons H. Kabuo, Panasonic Corp.
J. Chang, TSMC


A 27% Active-Power-Reduced 40-nm CMOS Multimedia SoC with Adaptive Voltage Scaling Using Distributed Universal Delay Lines
Abstract   Y. Ikenaga*, M. Nomura*, S. Suenaga*, H. Sonohara*, Y. Horikoshi*, T. Saito*, Y. Ohdaira**, Y. Nishio***, T. Iwashita**, M. Satou**, K. Nishida*, K. Nose*, K. Noguchi*, Y. Hayashi* and M. Mizuno*
*Renesas Electronics Corporation, **Renesas Mobile Corporation and ***Renesas Micro Systems Co., Ltd., Japan


LC2: Limited Contention Level Converter for Robust Wide-Range Voltage Conversion
Abstract   Y. Kim, D. Sylvester and D. Blaauw
University of Michigan, USA


Adaptive Robustness Tuning for High Performance Domino Logic
Abstract   B. Giridhar*, D. Fick*, M. Fojtik*, S. Satpathy*, D. Bull**, D. Sylvester* and D. Blaauw*
*University of Michigan, USA and **ARM, United Kingdom


A 381 fs/bit, 51.7 nW/bit Nearest Hamming-Distance Search Circuit in 65 nm CMOS
Abstract   H.J. Mattausch, M. Yasuda, A. Kawabata, W. Imafuku and T. Koide
Hiroshima University, Japan
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(Break 10:10-10:30)
Friday, June 17

Session 19

Nonvolatile Memories [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons K. Kajigaya, Elpida Memory, Inc.
M. Bauer, Micron Technology, Inc.


A 21nm High Performance 64Gb MLC NAND Flash Memory with 400MB/s Asynchronous Toggle DDR Interface
Abstract   C. Kim, J. Ryu, T. Lee, H. Kim, J. Lim, J. Jeong, S. Seo, H. Jeon, B. Kim, I. Lee, D. Lee, P. Kwak, S. Cho, Y. Yim, C. Cho, W. Jeong, J.-M. Han, D. Song, K. Kyung, Y.-H. Lim and Y.-H. Jun
Samsung Electronics, Korea


A Fast Rewritable 90nm 512Mb NOR �B4-Flash� Memory with 8F2 Cell Size
Abstract   T. Ogura, M. Mihara, Y. Kawajiri, K. Kobayashi, T. Sakaniwa, K. Nishikawa, S. Shimizu, S. Shukuri, N. Ajika and M. Nakashima
GENUSION, Inc., Japan


4-Times Faster Rising VPASS(10V), 15% Lower Power VPGM (20V), Wide Output Voltage Range Voltage Generator System for 4-Times Faster 3D-Integrated Solid-State Drives
Abstract   T. Hatanaka and K. Takeuchi
The University of Tokyo, Japan


A 512Mb Phase-Change Memory (PCM) in 90nm CMOS Achieving 2b/cell
Abstract   G.F. Close*, U. Frey*,****, J. Morrish**, R. Jordan**, S. Lewis**, T. Maffitt**, M. Breitwisch***, C. Hagleitner*, C. Lam*** and E. Eleftheriou*
*IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland, **IBM Essex Junction, ***IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA and ****RIKEN, Japan
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(Break 10:10-10:30)
Friday, June 17

Session 20

High Speed and Low Power Receiver Techniques [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons S. Mutoh, NTT Corp.
A. Emami, CalTech


A 20-Gb/s, 0.66-pJ/bit Serial Receiver with 2-Stage Continuous-Time Linear Equalizer and 1-Tap Decision Feedback Equalizer in 45nm SOI CMOS
Abstract   J.E. Proesel and T.O. Dickson
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA


A 40Gb/s Adaptive Receiver with Linear Equalizer and Merged DFE/CDR
Abstract   C.-L. Hsieh and S.-I. Liu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan


A 2.6mW/Gbps 12.5Gbps RX with 8-Tap Switched-Cap DFE in 32nm CMOS
Abstract   T. Toifl*, C. Menolfi*, M. Ruegg**, R. Reutemann**, A. Prati**, D. Gardellini**, M. Br�ndli*, M. Kossel*, P. Buchmann*, P.A. Francese* and T. Morf*
*IBM Research GmbH and **Miromico, Switzerland


A 4.4uW Wake-Up Receiver Using Ultrasound Data Communications
Abstract   K. Yadav, I. Kymissis and P.R. Kinget
Columbia University, USA
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(Break 10:10-10:30)
Friday, June 17

Session 21

Device-Based Circuit Techniques [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons K. Kobayashi, Kyoto Institute of Technology
G. Lehmann, Infineon Technologies AG


A True Random Number Generator Using Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown
Abstract   N. Liu, N. Pinckney, S. Hanson, D. Sylvester and D. Blaauw
University of Michigan, USA


On-Chip Combined C-V/I-V Transistor Characterization System in 45-nm CMOS
Abstract   S. Realov and K.L. Shepard
Columbia University, USA


Electrical Monitoring of Gate and Active Area Mask Misalignment Error
Abstract   A. Bansal*, A. Singhee*, E. Acar* and G. Costrini**
*IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and **IBM Systems & Technology Group, USA


A 80kS/s 36µW Resistor-Based Temperature Sensor Using BGR-Free SAR ADC with a Unevenly-Weighted Resistor String in 0.18µm CMOS
Abstract   C.-K. Wu, W.-S. Chan and T.-H. Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan


PBTI/NBTI Monitoring Ring Oscillator Circuits with On-Chip Vt Characterization and High Frequency AC Stress Capability
Abstract   J.-J. Kim*, R.M. Rao*, J. Schaub**, A. Ghosh**, A. Bansal*, K. Zhao***, B.P. Linder* and J. Stathis*
*IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, **IBM Austin Research Lab and ***IBM SRDC, USA
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(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Friday, June 17

Session 22

DRAM and Memory Interfaces [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons R. Takemura, Hitachi, Ltd.
J. Zerbe, Rambus


3D Stackable 32nm High-K/Metal Gate SOI Embedded DRAM Prototype
Abstract   J. Golz, J. Safran, B. He, D. Leu, M. Yin, T. Weaver, A. Vehabovic, Y. Sun, A. Cestero, B. Himmel, G. Maier, C. Kothandaraman, D. Fainstein, J. Barth, N. Robson, T. Kirihata, K. Rim and S. Iyer
IBM Systems and Technology Group, USA


In-Substrate-Bitline Sense Amplifier with Array-Noise- Gating Scheme for Low-Noise 4F 2 DRAM Array Operable at 10-fF Cell Capacitance
Abstract   Y. Yanagawa, T. Sekiguchi, A. Kotabe, K. Ono and R. Takemura
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan


A 12.8-Gb/s/Link Tri-Modal Single-Ended Memory Interface for Graphics Applications
Abstract   A. Amirkhany, J. Wei, N. Mishra, J. Shen, W. Beyene, T. Chin, C. Huang, V. Gadde, K. Kaviani, P. Le, Mahabaleshwara, C. Madden, S. Mukherjee, L. Raghavan, K. Saito, D. Secker, F. Shuaeb, S. Srinivas, T. Wu, C. Tran, A. Vaidyanathan, K. Vyas, M. Jain, K. Chang and C. Yuan
Rambus Inc., USA


A Tri-Modal 20Gbps/link Differential/DDR3/GDDR5 Memory Interface
Abstract   K. Kaviani, T. Wu, A. Amirkhany, J. Wei, J. Shen, C. Chen, T. Chin, W. Beyene, D. Dressler, V. Gadde, C. Huang, P. Le, Mahabaleshwara, C. Madden, N. Mishra, L. Raghavan, K. Saito, D. Secker, X. Shi, F. Shuaeb, S. Srinivas, C. Tran, A. Vaidyanath, K. Vyas, M. Jain, K. Chang and C. Yuan
Rambus Inc., USA
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(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Friday, June 17

Session 23

Power Management for Energy Harvesting [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons M. Takamiya, The Univ. of Tokyo
B. Nikolic, Univ of California, Berkeley


Platform Architecture for Solar, Thermal and Vibration Energy Combining with MPPT and Single Inductor
Abstract   S. Bandyopadhyay and A.P. Chandrakasan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


A Reconfigurable SITITO Boost/Buck Regulator with Sub-Threshold Cross-Regulation-Free Dual-Mode Control for Energy-Harvesting Applications
Abstract   M. Du, H. Lee and J. Liu
University of Texas at Dallas, USA


A Battery-Free 225 nW Buck Converter for Wireless RF Energy Harvesting with Dynamic On/Off Time and Adaptive Phase Lead Control
Abstract   C.-Y. Hsieh*, Y.-H. Lee*, Y.-Y. Yang*, T.-C. Huang*, K.-H. Chen*, C.-C. Huang** and Y.-H. Lin**
*National Chiao Tung University and **Realtek Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan


A Fully-Integrated System Power Aware LDO for Energy Harvesting Applications
Abstract   M. Lüders*, B. Eversmann**, J. Gerber**, K. Huber**, R. Kuhn**, D. Schmitt-Landsiedel* and R. Brederlow**
*Munich University of Technology and **Texas Instruments, Germany


A 13.56MHz CMOS Rectifier with Switched-Offset for Reversion Current Control
Abstract   Y. Lu*, W.-H. Ki* and J. Yi**
*HKUST and **Texas Instruments, China
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(Lunch 12:35-13:55)
Friday, June 17

Session 24

Digital Processors [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons H. Kabuo, Panasonic Corp.
K. Wilcox, AMD


A 45nm 48-Core IA Processor with Variation-Aware Scheduling and Optimal Core Mapping
Abstract   S. Dighe*, S. Gupta**, V. De*, S. Vangal*, N. Borkar*, S. Borkar* and K. Roy**
*Intel Corporation and **Purdue University, USA


A 75�W, 16-Channel Neural Spike-Sorting Processor with Unsupervised Clustering
Abstract   V. Karkare, S. Gibson, C.-H. Yang, H. Chen and D. Marković
University of California, Los Angeles, USA


A 7.4mW 200MS/s Wideband Spectrum Sensing Digital Baseband Processor for Cognitive Radios
Abstract   T.-H. Yu, C.-H. Yang, D. Čabrić and D. Marković
University of California, Los Angeles, USA


Fully Integrated CMOS SoC for 3D Blu-Ray Player Applications
Abstract   C.-C. Ju, T.-M. Liu, S.-H. Lin, C.-C. Yang, T.-H. Wei, H. Lin, C.C. Chiou, C. Tsai, T. Lin, R. Su, A. Lin, M.N. Tsou, J. Lee, S.H. Tai, C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Chen, H.-M. Lin, C.-Y. Cheng, F. Chiu, Y.-C. Chang, P.H. Liu, C.C. Yu, E. Tsai, Y.C. Fang, K. Peng, J.-B. Yang, D.-P. Liu, K.-H. Chen, B.-W. Hsieh, Y.-C. Lien, W.H. Tu, C.H. Chou, T.H. Kang, L.-C. Wang, T.C. Hsiao, V. Lin, H. Hsieh, C.-S. Wu and J. Chen
Mediatek Inc., Taiwan


A 52mW Full HD 160-Degree Object Viewpoint Recognition SoC with Visual Vocabulary Processor for Wearable Vision Applications
Abstract   Y.-C. Su, K.-Y. Huang, T.-W. Chen, Y.-M. Tsai, S.-Y. Chien and L.-G. Chen
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
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(Break 16:00-16:15)
Friday, June 17

Session 25

Emerging ADCs [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons M. Yoshioka, FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.
I. Fujimori, Broadcom Corp.


A 0.5V 1.1MS/sec 6.3fJ/conversion-step SAR-ADC with Tri-Level Comparator in 40nm CMOS
Abstract   A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, T. Kuroda and H. Ishikuro
Keio University, Japan


A 1-V, 8b, 40MS/s, 113µW Charge-Recycling SAR ADC with a 14µW Asynchronous Controller
Abstract   J.-H. Tsai, Y.-J. Chen, M.-H. Shen and P.-C. Huang
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


Digitally Synthesized Stochastic Flash ADC Using Only Standard Digital Cells
Abstract   S. Weaver*, B. Hershberg** and U.-K. Moon**
*Intel Corporation and **Oregon State University, USA


A Reconfigurable 1GSps to 250MSps, 7-bit to 9-bit Highly Time-Interleaved Counter ADC in 0.13µm CMOS
Abstract   S. Danesh*,**, J. Hurwitz**, K. Findlater**, D. Renshaw* and R. Henderson*
*Edinburgh University and **Gigle Networks, UK


A 71dB SFDR Open Loop VCO-Based ADC Using 2-Level PWM Modulation
Abstract   S. Rao, B. Young, A. Elshazly, W. Yin, N. Sasidhar and P.K. Hanumolu
Oregon State University Corvallis, USA
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(Break 16:00-16:15)
Friday, June 17

Session 26

Power Management Technique [Suzaku III]
Chairpersons K. Nose, Renesas Electronics Corp.
G. Van der Plas, IMEC


Dual-Loop System of Distributed Microregulators with High DC Accuracy, Load Response Time Below 500ps, and 85mV Dropout Voltage
Abstract   Z. Toprak-Deniz*, J. Bulzacchelli*, T. Rasmus**, J. Iadanza**, W. Bucossi**, S. Kim*, R. Blanco**, C. Cox**, M. Chhabra**, C. Leblanc**, C. Trudeau** and D. Friedman*
*IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and **IBM Systems and Technology Group, USA


MEMS-Switch-Based Power Management with Zero-Power Voltage Monitoring for Energy Accumulation Architecture on Dust-Size Wireless Sensor Nodes
Abstract   T. Shimamura, M. Ugajin, K. Kuwabara, K. Takagahara, K. Suzuki, H. Morimura, M. Harada and S. Mutoh
NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Japan


A 210 nW 29.3 ppm/°C 0.7 V Voltage Reference with a Temperature Range of -50 to 130°C in 0.13 µm CMOS
Abstract   J. Lee and S.H. Cho
KAIST, Korea


A Voltage-Reference-Free Pulse Density Modulation (VRF-PDM) 1-V Input Switched-Capacitor 1/2 Voltage Converter with Output Voltage Trimming by Hot Carrier Injection and Periodic Activation Scheme
Abstract   X. Zhang*, Y. Pu*, K. Ishida*, Y. Ryu**, Y. Okuma**, P.-H. Chen*, K. Watanabe**, T. Sakurai* and M. Takamiya*
*The University of Tokyo and **Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC), Japan


A Fast-Transient DVS-Capable Switching Converter with ∆IL-Emulated Hysteretic Control
Abstract   H. Chen and D. Ma
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
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(Break 16:00-16:15)
Friday, June 17

Session 27

Signal Processing for Wireline [Suzaku I]
Chairpersons K. Sunaga, MediaTek Wireless, Inc.
J. Gealow, NEC Corp.


A Laser Ranging Radar Transceiver with Modulated Evaluation Clock in 65nm CMOS Technology
Abstract   W.-L. Lee, K.-C. Wu, J.-Y. Jiang and J. Lee
National Taiwan University, Taiwan


10Gb/s Serial I/O Receiver Based on Variable Reference ADC
Abstract   E.-H. Chen, R. Yousry, T. Ali and C.-K.K. Yang
University of California, Los Angeles, USA


10 Gbps, 530 fJ/b Optical Transceiver Circuits in 40 nm CMOS
Abstract   F. Liu*, D. Patil***, J. Lexau*, P. Amberg*, M. Dayringer*, J. Gainsley*, H.F. Moghadam*, X. Zheng*, J.E. Cunningham*, A.V. Krishnamoorthy*, E. Alon** and R. Ho*
*Oracle Labs, **University of California, Berkeley and ***Rambus, USA


A Direct Sampling Multi-Channel Receiver for DOCSIS 3.0 in 65nm CMOS
Abstract   E. Janssen*, K. Doris*, A. Zanikopoulos*, G. van der Weide*, M. Vertregt*, O. Jamin**, F. Courtois**, N. Blard**, M. Kristen**, S. Bertrand**, F. Riviere**, F. Deforeit**, G. Blanc**, Y. Penning**, F. Lefebvre**, D. Viguier**, M. Dubois**, V. Vrignaud**, C. Cazettes**, L. Schaller** and G. Jenvrin**
*NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, The Netherlands and **NXP Semiconductors, Caen, France
back to conference schedule
Friday, June 17

Session 28

Nonvolatile Memory Applications [Suzaku II]
Chairpersons H. Yamauchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
O. Jungroth, Intel Corp.


A 45nm 1Mb Embedded STT-MRAM with Design Techniques to Minimize Read-Disturbance
Abstract   J.P. Kim, T. Kim, W. Hao, H.M. Rao, K. Lee, X. Zhu, X. Li, W. Hsu, S.H. Kang, N. Matt and N. Yu
Qualcomm Incorporated, USA


Fully Parallel 6T-2MTJ Nonvolatile TCAM with Single-Transistor-Based Self Match-Line Discharge Control
Abstract   S. Matsunaga*, A. Katsumata*, M. Natsui*, S. Fukami**, T. Endoh*, H. Ohno* and T. Hanyu*
*Tohoku University and **NEC Corporation, Japan


A Content Addressable Memory Using Magnetic Domain Wall Motion Cells
Abstract   R. Nebashi*, N. Sakimura*, Y. Tsuji*, S. Fukami*, H. Honjo*, S. Saito*, S. Miura*, N. Ishiwata*, K. Kinoshita*, T. Hanyu**, T. Endoh**, N. Kasai**, H. Ohno** and T. Sugibayashi*
*NEC Corporation and **Tohoku University, Japan


A Non-volatile Look-Up Table Design Using PCM (Phase-Change Memory) Cells
Abstract   C.-Y. Wen*, J. Li**, S. Kim**, M. Breitwisch**, C. Lam**, J. Paramesh* and L.T. Pileggi*
*Carnegie Mellon University and **IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
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Call For Papers Technical Program Short Courses Committees Best Student Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award Short Courses/Work shop