Welcome to the 2007 Symposium on VLSI
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure
invite you to the 2007 Symposium on VLSI Technology which will
be held from June 12-14 in Kyoto, Japan.
This symposium has been
recognized as one of the premiere technical conferences on the
research and developments in the field of VLSI technologies and
their applications, and this year is no exception.
The Program Committee of this year has selected 86 top quality
papers addressing a wide range of topics from 218 submitted papers,
and has organized 21 technical sessions for the Kyoto symposium.
We are also delighted to have two very distinguished invited
speakers for the plenary session. Toshimi Abo of Nissan Motor Co.,
Ltd. will present a talk on “Future Vehicle Technologies
Environment and Safety” and Cary Gunn of Luxtera, Inc. will
give a
talk on “Fully Integrated VLSI CMOS and Photonics” as
advanced and exciting technologies and their applications.
Furthermore, this year we introduce a new session, called “Focus
Session” in the morning of June 13. In this session, DFM/DFY
technologies, which is presently one of the most important and
critical issues, will be presented and discussed by excellent invited
speakers. They are Hidetoshi Onodera of Kyoto University, Asen
Asenov of University of Glasgow, Michihiro Kanno of Sony
Corporation, Mark Mason of Texas Instruments, Inc.
Three Rump Sessions are planned for the evening of June 13 as a
means to facilitate informal discussion among attendees. Two of
Rump Sessions are regular sessions covering specific technology
related topics of timely interest:
1. Navigating the Roadmap to 32nm and Beyond: Breaking the
2. The Status and Prognosis for High-k/Metal-Gate Transistors.
The third is a joint Session with the Symposium on VLSI Circuits.
will focus on the variability issue with the title “Are Design
and Methodologies Measuring up to the Challenges of the DFM
A one-day Short Course, scheduled for June 11, will cover “Outlook
for 32nm CMOS Logic and Memory Technologies”. This should
an excellent opportunity for experienced as well as new engineers
broaden their technical base. The symposium registration fee covers
all of the sessions including the Rump Sessions, the symposium
proceedings, the symposium banquet, and a DVD containing all of
the contents of the Digests from the past 27 years as the 20th
anniversary gift of the VLSI Circuits Symposium. Registration for
the Short Course includes the attendance to the short course as
as a booklet containing the short course presentation materials.
detailed registration fees and hotel reservation schedules are
included in the Advance Program.
We look forward to seeing you at this very exciting symposium in
beautiful Kyoto and we are sure that you will find the conference
exciting and rewarding. |

Tohru Mogami |

Charles Dennison |
Program Chair |
Program Co-Chair |

Sunday, June 10 |

8:00-17:00 |

Registration |
June 11 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:55-12:15 |
Course [Shunju] |
13:45-17:00 |
Course [Shunju] |
18:00-20:00 |
Reception [Suzaku] |
June 12 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:30-10:15 |
1 |
Welcome and Plenary Session
[Shunju] |
10:30-12:10 |
2 |
Highlights [Shunju] |
13:30-15:10 |
3A |
Variability in SRAM [Shunju] |
3B |
Gate Dielectric Reliability and Solid-Electrode
Switch [Suzaku] |
15:25-17:30 |
4A |
Strained Silicon Technology
[Shunju] |
4B |
Analog/RF/Mixed-Signal VLSI and CMOS
Image Sensor [Suzaku] |
19:00-21:00 |
[Shunju] |
June 13 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:30-10:10 |
5A |
High-K/Metal Gate Stacks
[Shunju I] |
5B |
Advanced SRAM Technology
[Shunju II] |
10:30-12:10 |
6A |
Focus Session: DFM/DFY Technologies
[Shunju I] |
6B |
Advanced Nonvolatile Memory
I [Shunju II] |
13:30-15:10 |
7A |
Multi-Gate FETs [Shunju I] |
7B |
Source/Drain Engineering
[Shunju II] |
15:25-17:30 |
8A |
Mobility Enhancement and Characterization
[Shunju I] |
8B |
Nonvolatile Trapped Charge Memory
[Shunju II] |
20:00-22:00 |
Sessions [Suzaku, Shunju] |
June 14 |
7:00 |
Breakfast |
8:30-10:10 |
9A |
Metal/FUSI Devices [Shunju
I] |
9B |
Novel DRAM Technology I [Shunju
II] |
10:30-12:10 |
10A |
CMOS Platform/Integration Technology
[Shunju I] |
10B |
Novel DRAM Technology II
[Shunju II] |
13:30-15:10 |
11A |
Metal Gate CMOS [Shunju I] |
11B |
Variability in CMOS [Shunju
II] |
15:25-17:30 |
12A |
Advanced CMOS Devices [Shunju
I] |
12B |
Advanced Nonvolatile Memory II
[Shunju II] |

Session 1 |

Welcome and Plenary Session [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
T. Mogami, Semiconductor Leading Edge
C. Dennison, Ovonyx, Inc. |

8:30 |

1-1 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
S. Kimura, Hitachi, Ltd.
J. Woo, Univ. of California, Los Angeles |

8:55 |

1-2 |
Future Vehicle Technologies for Environment and
Safety |
Invited |
T. Abo, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. |

9:35 |

1-3 |
Fully Integrated VLSI CMOS and Photonics |
Invited |
C. Gunn, Luxtera, Inc. |

Session 2 |

Highlights [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
S.S. Chung, National Chiao Tung University
M.-R. Lin, AMD |

10:30 |

2-1 |
Integration Technology of 30nm
Generation Multi-Level NAND Flash for 64Gb NAND Flash Memory |
abstract |
D. Kwak, J. Park, K. Kim, Y. Yim, S. Ahn, Y. Park,
J. Kim, W. Jeong, J. Kim, M. Park, B. Yoo, S. Song, H. Kim, J.
Sim, S. Kwon, B. Hwang, H. Park, S. Kim, Y. Lee, H. Shin, N.
Yim, K. Lee, M. Kim, Y. Lee, J. Park, S. Park, J. Jung and K.
Kim |
Samsung Electronics Co., LTD, Korea |

10:55 |

2-2 |
Bit Cost Scalable Technology with Punch and
Plug Process for Ultra High Density Flash Memory |
abstract |
H. Tanaka, M. Kido, K. Yahashi*, M. Oomura*, R.
Katsumata, M. Kito, Y. Fukuzumi, M. Sato, Y. Nagata**, Y. Matsuoka,
Y. Iwata, H. Aochi and A. Nitayama |
TOSHIBA Corporation, *Center for Semiconductor
Research & Development and Process &
Manufacturing Engineering Center Toshiba Corporation, Semiconductor Company and
**Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation, Japan |

11:20 |

2-3 |
High Performance Transistors Featured in an
Aggressively Scaled 45nm Bulk CMOS Technology |
abstract |
Z. Luo, N. Rovedo, S. Ong*, B. Phoong*, M. Eller**,
H. Utomo, C. Ryou***, H. Wang, R. Stierstorfer**, L. Clevenger,
S. Kim, J. Toomey, D. Sciacca, J. Li, W. Wille, L. Zhao*, L.
Teo*, T. Dyer, S. Fang, J. Yan**, O. Kwon, O. Kwon**, D. Park,
J. Holt, J. Han**, V. Chan, J. Yuan, T. Kebede, H. Lee, S. Kim**,
S. Lee***, A. Vayshenker, Z. Yang, C. Tian, H. Ng, H. Shang,
M. Hierlemann**, J. Ku***, J. Sudijono* and M. Ieong |
IBM Semiconductor Research and Development
Center (SRDC), *Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, **Infineon
Technologies AG and***Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, USA |

11:45 |

2-4 |
Low Vt Ni-FUSI CMOS Technology Using a DyO
Cap Layer with Either Single or Dual Ni-phases |
abstract |
H.Y. Yu, S.Z. Chang*, A. Veloso, A. Lauwers, C.
Adelmann, B. Onsia, S. Van Elshocht, R. Singanamalla, M. Demand,
R. Vos, T. Kauerauf, S. Brus, X. Shi, S. Kubicek, C. Vrancken,
R. Mitsuhashi**, P. Lehnen****, J. Kittl***, M. Niwa**, K.M.
Yin*****, T. Hoffmann, S. Degendt, M. Jurczak, P. Absil and S.
Biesemans |
IMEC, *TSMC, **Matsushita, ***Texas Instruments,
****Aixtron assignee to IMEC and *****TSMC, Belgium |

Session 3A |

Variability in SRAM [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
T. Hiramoto, University of Tokyo
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics |

13:30 |

3A-1 |
SRAM Critical Yield Evaluation
Based on Comprehensive Physical / Statistical Modeling, Considering
Anomalous Non-Gaussian Intrinsic Transistor Fluctuations |
abstract |
M. Miyamura, T. Fukai*, T. Ikezawa**, R. Ueno**,
K. Takeuchi and M. Hane |
NEC Corporation, *NEC Electronics Corporation
and **NEC Informatec Systems, Japan |

13:55 |

3A-2 |
Impact of Layout, Interconnects and Variability
on CMOS Technology Roadmap |
abstract |
F. Boeuf, M. Sellier, A. Farcy and T. Skotnicki |
STMicroelectronics, France |

14:20 |

3A-3 |
1st Quantitative Failure-Rate Calculation for
The Actual Large-Scale SRAM Using Ultra-Thin Gate-Dielectric
with Measured Probability of The Gate-Current Fluctuation
and Simulated Circuit Failure-Rate |
abstract |
T. Sakoda, N. Tamura, S. Xiao, H. Minakata, Y.
Morisaki, K. Nishigaya, T. Saiki*, T. Uetake*, T. Iwasaki*, H.
Ehara*, H. Matsuyama*, H. Shimizu*, K. Hashimoto*, M. Kimoto*,
M. Kase* and K. Ikeda |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. and *Fujitsu Ltd.,
Japan |

14:45 |

3A-4 |
Layout-Design Methodology of 0.246-μm2
-Embedded 6T-SRAM for 45-nm High-Performance System LSIs |
abstract |
R. Morimoto, T. Kimura*, Y. Okayama*, T. Hirai***,
H. Maeda, K. Oshima, R. Watanabe*, H. Fukui*, Y. Tsunoda*, M.
Togo***, S. Kanai, S. Shino, T. Hoshino**, K. Shimazaki**, M.
Nakazawa, K. Nakazawa, Y. Takasu*, H. Yamasaki*, H. Inokuma*,
S. Taniguchi*, T. Fujimaki*, H. Yamada*, S. Watanabe***, S. Muramatsu***,
S. Iwasa*, K. Nagaoka, S. Mimotogi*, T. Iwamoto***, H. Nii*,
Y. Sogo, K. Ohno, K. Yoshida*, K. Sunouchi*, M. Ikeda***, M.
Iwai*, T. Kitano***, H. Naruse*, Y. Enomoto, K. Imai***, S. Yamada*,
M. Saito, T. Kuwata***, F. Matsuoka* and N. Nagashima |
Sony Corporation, *Toshiba Corporation, **Toshiba
Microelectronics Corporation and ***NEC Electronics Corporation,
Japan |

Session 3B |

Gate Dielectric Reliability and Solid-Electrode
Switch [Suzaku] |
Chairpersons |
M. Mirabedini, Silicon Integrated Solutions |

13:30 |

3B-1 |
Advanced Electrical Characterization
Toward (Sub) 1nm EOT HfSiON − Hole Trapping in PFET and
L-Dependent Effects |
abstract |
M.B. Zahid*,**, L. Pantisano*, R. Degraeve*, M.
Aoulaiche*,****, L. Trojman*,****, I. Ferain*,****, E.S. Andrés***,
G. Groeseneken*,****, J.F. Zhang**, M. Heyns*,****, M. Jurczak*
and S. De Gendt*,***** |
*IMEC, Belgium, **JMU Liverpool, UK, ***UCM
Madrid, Spain, ****ESAT, Belgium and *****Chemistry dept.,
Belgium |

13:55 |

3B-2 |
Reliability Perspective of High-k Gate Stack
Assessed by Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Breakdown |
abstract |
K. Okada, T. Horikawa*, H. Satake, S. Inumiya**,
Y. Akasaka**, F. Ootsuka**, Y. Nara**, H. Ota*, T. Nabatame and
A. Toriumi*,*** |
MIRAI-ASET, *MIRAI-ASRC, AIST, **Semiconductor
Leading Edge Technologies (Selete) and ***The University of
Tokyo, Japan |

14:20 |

3B-3 |
Physical Understanding of Strain Effects on
Gate Oxide Reliability of MOSFETs |
abstract |
T. Irisawa*, T. Numata*, E. Toyoda***, N. Hirashita,
T. Tezuka, N. Sugiyama* and S. Takagi** |
*MIRAI-ASET, **MIRAI-AIST and ***Toshiba Ceramics,
Japan |

14:45 |

3B-4 |
A Ta2O5 Solid-Electrolyte
Switch with Improved Reliability |
abstract |
T. Sakamoto*,**, N. Banno*,**, N. Iguchi*, H.
Kawaura*, H. Sunamura*, S. Fujieda*, K. Terabe**,***, T. Hasegawa**,***
and M. Aono**,*** |
*NEC Corp., **ICORP, Japan Science & Technology
Agency (JST) and ***National Institute of Material Science,
Japan |

Session 4A |

Strained Silicon Technology [Shunju] |
Chairpersons |
T. Yamashita, Renesas Technology Corp.
F. Nouri, Applied Materials, Inc. |

15:25 |

4A-1 |
Beneath-The-Channel Strain-Transfer-Structure
(STS) and Embedded Source/Drain Stressors for Strain and Performance
Enhancement of Nanoscale MOSFETs |
abstract |
K.-W. Ang, J. Lin, C.-H. Tung*, N. Balasubramanian*,
G. Samudra and Y.-C. Yeo |
National University of Singapore and *Institute
of Microelectronics, Singapore |

15:50 |

4A-2 |
Strained Si Channel MOSFETs with Embedded Silicon
Carbon Formed by Solid Phase Epitaxy |
abstract |
Y. Liu, O. Gluschenkov, J. Li, A. Madan, A. Ozcan,
B. Kim, T. Dyer, A. Chakravarti, K. Chan*, C. Lavoie*, I. Popova,
T. Pinto, N. Rovedo, Z. Luo, R. Loesing, W. Henson and K. Rim |
IBM Semiconductor Research and Development
Center (SRDC) and *IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA |

16:15 |

4A-3 |
Novel Channel-Stress Enhancement Technology
with eSiGe S/D and Recessed Channel on Damascene Gate Process |
abstract |
J. Wang, Y. Tateshita, S. Yamakawa, K. Nagano,
T. Hirano, Y. Kikuchi, Y. Miyanami, S. Yamaguchi, K. Tai, R.
Yamamoto, S. Kanda, T. Kimura, K. Kugimiya, M. Tsukamoto, H.
Wakabayashi, Y. Tagawa, H. Iwamoto, T. Ohno, M. Saito, S. Kadomura
and N. Nagashima |
SONY Corporation, Japan |

16:40 |

4A-4 |
Record-High Performance 32 nm Node pMOSFET
with Advanced Two-Step Recessed SiGe-S/D and Stress Liner Technology |
abstract |
N. Yasutake, A. Azuma, T. Ishida, N. Kusunoki*,
S. Mori**, H. Itokawa**, I. Mizushima**, S. Okamoto* T. Morooka,
N. Aoki, S. Kawanaka, S. Inaba and Y. Toyoshima |
Toshiba Corporation Semiconductor Company,
*System LSI Division and **Process & Manufacturing Engineering
Center, Japan |

17:05 |

4A-5 |
Impact of Mobility Boosters (XsSOI, CESL, TiN
Gate) on the Performance of 100 or 100
Oriented FDSOI cMOSFETs for the 32nm Node |
abstract |
F. Andrieu, O. Faynot, F. Rochette*, J.-C. Barbé,
C. Buj, Y. Bogumilowicz, F. Allain, V. Delaye, D. Lafond, F.
Aussenac, S. Feruglio*, J. Eymery, T. Akatsu***, P. Maury**,
L. Brévard, L. Tosti, H. Dansas, E. Rouchouze**, J.-M.
Hartmann, L. Vandroux, M. Cassé, F. Boeuf**, C. Fenouillet-Béranger,
F. Brunier***, I. Cayrefourcq***, C. Mazuré***, G. Ghibaudo*
and S. Deleonibus |
and ***SOITEC, France |
(Dinner: 19:00-21:00 [Shunju]) |

Session 4B |

Analog / RF / Mixed-Signal VLSI and CMOS Image
Sensor [Suzaku] |
Chairpersons |
H. Matsuhashi, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
C. Bulucea, National Semiconductor Corp. |

15:25 |

4B-1 |
SOI CMOS Technology with 360GHz
fT NFET, 260GHz fT PFET, and Record Circuit
Performance for Millimeter-Wave Digital and Analog Systemon-Chip
Applications |
abstract |
S. Lee, J. Kim, D. Kim, B. Jagannathan, C. Cho,
J. Johnson, B. Dufrene, N. Zamdmer, L. Wagner, R. Williams, D.
Fried, K. Rim, J. Pekarik, S. Springer, J.-O. Plouchart and G.
Freeman |
IBM Semiconductor Research and Development
Center, USA |

15:50 |

4B-2 |
Technology Scaling and Device Design for 350
GHz RF Performance in a 45nm Bulk CMOS Process |
abstract |
H. Li, B. Jagannathan*, J. Wang*, T.-C. Su*, S.
Sweeney, J.J. Pekarik, Y. Shi, D. Greenberg*, Z. Jin, R. Groves*,
L. Wagner* and S. Csutak |
IBM System and Technology Group, Burlington,
VT and *Hopewell Junction, USA |

16:15 |

4B-3 |
Reliable 3D Damascene MIM Architecture Embedded
into Cu Interconnect for a Ta2O5 Capacitor
Record Density of 17 fF/μm2 |
abstract |
M. Thomas*,**, A. Farcy*, C. Perrot*, E. Deloffre*,
M. Gros-Jean*, D. Benoit*, C. Richard*, P. Caubet*, S. Guillaumet*,
R. Pantel*, M. Cordeau***, J. Piquet****, C. Bermond****, B.
Fléchet****, B. Chenevier** and J. Torres* |
*STMicroelectronics, **LMGP, ***CEA-LETI and
****LAHC, France |

16:40 |

4B-4 |
BSIM-MG: A Versatile Multi-Gate FET Model for
Mixed-Signal Design |
abstract |
M.V. Dunga*, C.-H. Lin*, D.D. Lu*, W. Xiong**,
C.R. Cleavelin**, P. Patruno***, J.-R. Hwang****, F.-L. Yang****,
A.M. Niknejad* and C. Hu* |
*University of California, Berkeley, **Texas
Instruments Inc., USA, ***SOITECH S.A., France and ****Taiwan
Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Taiwan |

17:05 |

4B-5 |
Dedicated Process Architecture and the Characteristics
of 1.4 μm Pixel CMOS Image Sensor with 8M Density |
abstract |
C.-R. Moon, J.-C. Shin, J. Kim, Y.K. Lee, Y.-J.
Cho, Y.-Y. Yu, S.-H. Hwang, D.-C. Park, B.J. Park, H.-Y. Kim,
S.-H. Lee, J. Jung*, S.-H. Cho, K. Lee, K. Koh, D. Lee and K.
Kim |
Samsung Electronics Co. and *Sejong University,
Korea |
(Dinner: 19:00-21:00 [Shunju]) |

Session 5A |

High-K / Metal Gate Stacks [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Niwa, Semiconductor Company, Matsushita
Electric Ind., Co., Ltd.
S. Biesemans, IMEC |

8:30 |

5A-1 |
Fermi-Level Pinning Position Modulation
by Al- Containing Metal Gate for Cost-Effective Dual- Metal/Dual-High-k
abstract |
M. Kadoshima*, Y. Sugita*, K. Shiraishi**, H.
Watanabe***, A. Ohta****, S. Miyazaki****, K. Nakajima*****,
T. Chikyow*****, K. Yamada******, T. Aminaka*, E. Kurosawa*,
T. Matsuki*, T. Aoyama*, Y. Nara* and Y. Ohji* |
*Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies Inc.
(Selete), **University of Tsukuba, ***Osaka University, ****Hiroshima
University, *****National Institute for Material Science and
******Waseda University, Japan |

8:55 |

5A-2 |
Dipole Moment Model Explaining nFET Vt Tuning
Utilizing La, Sc, Er, and Sr Doped HfSiON Dielectrics |
abstract |
P. Sivasubramani, T.S. Böscke*, J. Huang,
C.D. Young, P.D. Kirsch**, S.A. Krishnan, M.A. Quevedo-Lopez***,
S. Govindarajan*, B.S. Ju, H.R. Harris****, D.J. Lichtenwalner*****,
J.S. Jur*****, A.I. Kingon*****, J. Kim******, B.E. Gnade******,
R.M. Wallace******, G. Bersuker, B.H. Lee** and R. Jammy** |
SEMATECH, *Qimonda, **IBM, ***TI, ****AMD,
*****North Carolina State University and ******University of
Texas at Dallas, USA |

9:20 |

5A-3 |
Re-examination of Flat-Band Voltage Shift for
High-k MOS Devices |
abstract |
K. Iwamoto*, A. Ogawa*, Y. Kamimuta*, Y. Watanabe*,
W. Mizubayashi**, S. Migita**, Y. Morita**, M. Takahashi*, H.
Ito*, H. Ota**, T. Nabatame* and A. Toriumi**,*** |
*MIRAI-ASET, **MIRAI-ASRC and ***The University
of Tokyo, Japan |

9:45 |

5A-4 |
VFB Roll-off in HfO2 Gate
Stack after High Temperature Annealing Process
- A Crucial
Role of Out-diffused Oxygen from HfO2 to Si - |
abstract |
K. Akiyama*, W. Wang**, W. Mizubayashi**, M. Ikeda*,
H. Ota**, T. Nabatame* and A. Toriumi**,*** |
*MIRAI-ASET, **MIRAI-ASRC and ***The University
of Tokyo, Japan |

Session 5B |

Advanced SRAM Technology [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
J. H. Lee, MagnaChip Semiconductor Ltd.
T. Grider, Texas Instruments |

8:30 |

5B-1 |
0.7 V SRAM Technology with Stress-Enhanced
Dopant Segregated Schottky (DSS) Source/Drain Transistors for
32 nm Node |
abstract |
H. Onoda, K. Miyashita, T. Nakayama, T. Kinoshita,
H. Nishimura*, A. Azuma**, S. Yamada and F. Matsuoka |
Semiconductor Company, Toshiba Corporation,
*Process and Manufacturing Engineering Center and **Center
for Semiconductor R&D, Japan |

8:55 |

5B-2 |
A Robust SOI SRAM Architecture by Using Advanced
ABC Technology for 32nm Node and Beyond LSTP Devices |
abstract |
Y. Hirano, M. Tsujiuchi, K. Ishikawa*, H. Shinohara,
T. Terada, Y. Maki, T. Iwamatsu, K. Eikyu, T. Uchida, S. Obayashi,
K. Nii, Y. Tsukamoto, M. Yabuuchi, T. Ipposhi, H. Oda and Y.
Inoue |
Renesas Technology Corp. and *Renesas Semiconductor
Engineering, Japan |

9:20 |

5B-3 |
Laser-induced Epitaxial Growth (LEG) Technology
for High Density 3-D Stacked Memory with High Productivity |
abstract |
Y.-H. Son, J.-W. Lee, P. Kang, M.-G. Kang, J.B.
Kim, S.H. Lee, Y.-P. Kim, I.S. Jung, B.C. Lee, S.Y. Choi, U.I.
Chung, J.T. Moon and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea |

9:45 |

5B-4 |
High Speed and Highly Cost effective 72M bit
density S3 SRAM Technology with Doubly Stacked Si Layers, Peripheral
only CoSix layers and Tungsten Shunt W/L Scheme for Standalone
and Embedded Memory |
abstract |
S.-M. Jung, H. Lim, C. Yeo, K. Kwak, B. Son, H.
Park, J. Na, J.-J. Shim, C. Hong and K. Kim |
Samsung Electronics, Korea |

Session 6A |

Focus Session: DFM / DFY Technologies [Shunju
I] |
Chairpersons |
H. Wakabayashi, Sony Corp.
C. Dennison, Ovonyx, Inc. |

10:30 |

6A-1 |
Simulation of Statistical Variability
in Nano MOSFETs |
A. Asenov |
The University of Glasgow, UK |

10:55 |

6A-2 |
Empirical Characteristics and Extraction of
Overall Variations for 65-nm MOSFETs and Beyond |
M. Kanno, A. Shibuya, M. Matsumura, K. Tamura,
H. Tsuno, S. Mori, Y. Fukuzaki, T. Gocho, H. Ansai and N. Nagashima |
Sony Corporation, Japan |

11:20 |

6A-3 |
DFM EDA Technology: A Lithographic Perspective |
M.E. Mason |
Texas Instruments Incorporated, USA |

11:45 |

6A-4 |
Toward Variability-Aware Design |
H. Onodera |
Kyoto University, Japan |

Session 6B |

Advanced Nonvolatile Memory I [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
T. Nakamura, Rohm Co., Ltd.
A. Lacaita, Politecnico di Milano |

10:30 |

6B-1 |
Novel Heat Dissipating Cell Scheme
for Improving a Reset Distribution in a 512M Phase-change Random
Access Memory (PRAM) |
abstract |
D.H. Kang, J.S. Kim, Y.R. Kim, Y.T. Kim, M.K.
Lee, Y.J. Jun, J.H. Park, F. Yeung, C.W. Jeong, J. Yu, J.H. Kong,
D.W. Ha, S.A. Song*, J. Park*, Y.H. Park, Y.J. Song, C.Y. Eum,
K.C. Ryoo, J.M. Shin, D.W. Lim, S.S. Park, J.H. Kim, W.I. Park,
K.R. Sim, J.H. Cheong, J.H. Oh, J.H. Park, J.I. Kim, Y.T. Oh,
K.W. Lee, S.P. Koh, S.H. Eun, N.B. Kim, G.H. Koh, G.T. Jeong,
H.S. Jeong and K. Kim |
Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. and *Samsung Advanced
Institute of Technology, Korea |

10:55 |

6B-2 |
An Integrated Phase Change Memory Cell With
Ge Nanowire Diode For Cross-Point Memory |
abstract |
Y. Zhang, S.B. Kim, J.P. McVittie, H. Jagannathan,
J.B. Ratchford, C.E.D. Chidsey, Y. Nishi and H.-S.P. Wong |
Stanford University, USA |

11:20 |

6B-3 |
Novel Lithography-Independent Pore Phase Change
Memory |
abstract |
M. Breitwisch, T. Nirschl*, C.F. Chen***, Y. Zhu,
M.H. Lee, M. Lamorey****, G.W. Burr******, E. Joseph, A. Schrott,
J.B. Philipp**, R. Cheek, T.D. Happ**, S.H. Chen***, S. Zaidi**,
P. Flaitz*****, J. Bruley*****, R. Dasaka, B. Rajendran, S. Rossnagel,
M. Yang, Y.C. Chen***, R. Bergmann**, H.L. Lung*** and C. Lam |
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, *Infineon
Technologies, **Qimonda, ***Macronix, ****IBM Essex Junction,
*****IBM Fishkill, ******IBM Almaden Research Center, USA |

11:45 |

6B-4 |
Highly Scalable Phase Change Memory with CVD
GeSbTe for Sub 50nm Generation |
abstract |
J.I. Lee, H. Park, S.L. Cho, Y.L. Park, B.J. Bae,
J.H. Park, J.S. Park, H.G. An, J.S. Bae, D.H. Ahn, Y.T. Kim,
H. Horii, S.A. Song*, J.C. Shin, S.O. Park, H.S. Kim, U.-I. Chung,
J.T. Moon and B.I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and *Samsung
Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea |

Session 7A |

Multi-Gate FETs [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
M. Masahara, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
T.J. King Liu, Univ. of California |

13:30 |

7A-1 |
A Low-Power Multi-Gate FET CMOS
Technology with 13.9ps Inverter Delay, Large-Scale Integrated
High Performance Digital Circuits and SRAM |
abstract |
K. von Arnim, E. Augendre**, C. Pacha*, T. Schulz,
K.T. San**,***, F. Bauer*, A. Nackaerts**, R. Rooyackers**, T.
Vandeweyer**, B. Degroote**, N. Collaert**, A. Dixit**, R. Singanamalla**,
W. Xiong***, A. Marshall***, C.R. Cleavelin***, K. Schrüfer*
and M. Jurczak** |
Infineon Technologies Leuven, Belgium, *Infineon
Technologies, Germany, **IMEC, Belgium and ***Texas Instruments,

13:55 |

7A-2 |
Novel Epitaxial Nickel Aluminide-Silicide with Low
Schottky-Barrier and Series Resistance for
Enhanced Performance of Dopant-Segregated
Source/Drain N-channel MuGFETs |
abstract |
R.T.P. Lee, T.-Y. Liow, K.-M. Tan, A.E.-J. Lim,
C.-S. Ho***, K.-M. Hoe**, M.Y. Lai*, T. Osipowicz***, G.-Q. Lo**,
G. Samudra, D.-Z. Chi* and Y.-C. Yeo |
National University of Singapore, *Institute
of Materials Research and Engineering, **Institute of Microelectronics
and ***National University of Singapore, Singapore |

14:20 |

7A-3 |
Highly Manufacturable FinFETs with Sub-10nm
Fin Width and High Aspect Ratio Fabricated with Immersion Lithography |
abstract |
M.J.H.van Dal, N. Collaert*, G. Doornbos, G. Vellianitis,
G. Curatola, B.J. Pawlak, R. Duffy, C. Jonville, B. Degroote*,
E. Altamirano*, E. Kunnen*, M. Demand*, S. Beckx*, T. Vandeweyer*,
C. Delvaux*, F. Leys*, A. Hikavyy*, R. Rooyackers*, M. Kaiser**,
R.G.R. Weemaes**, S. Biesemans*, M. Jurczak*, K. Anil*, L. Witters*
and R.J.P. Lander |
NXP Semiconductors, *IMEC, Belgium and **Philips
Research Europe, The Netherlands |

14:45 |

7A-4 |
Novel, Effective and Cost-Efficient Method
of Introducing Fluorine into Metal/Hf-based Gate Stack in MuGFET
and Planar SOI Devices with Significant BTI Improvement |
abstract |
A. Shickova*,**, N. Collaert*, P. Zimmerman***,
M. Demand*, E. Simoen*, G. Pourtois*, A. De Keersgieter*, L.
Trojman*,**, I. Ferain*,**, F. Leys*, W. Boullart*, A. Franquet*,
B. Kaczer*, M. Jurczak*, H. Maes*,** and G. Groeseneken*,* |
*IMEC, **K.U.Leuven and ***Intel Corporation,
Belgium |

Session 7B |

Source / Drain Engineering [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Tada, Tokyo Electron Ltd.
J. Hutchby, SRC |

13:30 |

7B-1 |
Technology Breakthrough of Low
Temperature, Low Defect, and Low Cost SiGe Selective Epitaxial Growth
(L3 SiGe SEG) Process for 45nm Node and Beyond |
abstract |
Y. Shimamune, M. Fukuda*, M. Koiizuka*, A. Katakami,
A. Hatada, K. Ikeda, Y. Kim, K. Kawamura*, N. Tamura, T. Mori*,
A. Moriya**, Y. Hashiba**, Y. Inokuchi**, Y. Kunii** and M. Kase* |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., *Fujitsu Ltd. and
**Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., Japan |

13:55 |

7B-2 |
Enhanced Performance of Strained CMOSFETs Using
Metallized Source/Drain Extension (M-SDE) |
abstract |
H.-W. Chen, C.-H. Ko, T.-J. Wang, C.-H. Ge, K.
Wu and W.-C. Lee |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,
Ltd., Taiwan, ROC |

14:20 |

7B-3 |
Novel Thin Sidewall Structure for High Performance
Bulk CMOS with Charge-Assisted Source-Drain-Extension |
abstract |
H. Ohta, H. Fukutome, T. Sakuma, A. Hatada, K.
Ohkoshi*, K. Ikeda, T. Miyashita, T. Mori* and T. Sugii |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. and *Fujitsu Limited,
Japan |

14:45 |

7B-4 |
Advantages of a New Scheme of Junction Profile
Engineering with Laser Spike Annealing and Its Integration
into a 45-nm Node High Performance CMOS Technology |
abstract |
T. Yamamoto, T. Kubo*, T. Sukegawa*, A. Katakami,
Y. Shimamune, N. Tamura, H. Ohta, T. Miyashita, S. Sato, M. Kase*
and T. Sugii |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. and *Fujitsu Ltd.,
Japan |

Session 8A |

Mobility Enhancement and Characterization [Shunju
I] |
Chairpersons |
T. Yamashita, Renesas Technology Corp.
K. Schruefer, Infineon Technologies AG |

15:25 |

8A-1 |
Stress Dependence and Poly-Pitch
Scaling Characteristics of (110) PMOS Drive Current |
abstract |
B.(F) Yang, K. Nummy*, A. Waite, L. Black,
H. Gossmann, H. Yin*, Y. Liu*, B. Kim*,
S. Narasimha*, P. Fisher, H.V. Meer, J. Johnson*,
D. Chidambarrao*, S.D. Kim*, C. Sheraw*,
D. Wehella-Gamage*, J. Holt*, X. Chen*, D. Park*,
C.Y. Sung*, D. Schepis*, M. Khare*, S. Luning and
P. Agnello* |
Advanced Micro Devices and *IBM Systems and
Technology Group, USA |

15:50 |

8A-2 |
Will Strain be Useful for 10nm Quasi-Ballistic
FDSOI Devices? An Experimental Study |
abstract |
V. Barral*,**, T. Poiroux*, F. Rochette*, M. Vinet*,
S. Barraud*, O. Faynot*, L. Tosti*, F. Andrieu*, M. Cassé*,
B. Prévitali*, R. Ritzenthaler*, P. Grosgeorges*, E. Bernard*,
G. LeCarval*, D. Munteanu**, J.L. Autran** and S. Deleonibus* |
*CEA/LETI MINATEC and **L2MP, France |

16:15 |

8A-3 |
New Findings on Coulomb Scattering Mobility
in Strained-Si nFETs and its Physical Understanding |
abstract |
O. Weber and S. Takagi |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |

16:40 |

8A-4 |
Stress Engineering for High-k FETs: Mobility
and Ion Enhancements by Optimized Stress |
abstract |
M. Saitoh, S. Kobayashi and K. Uchida |
Toshiba Corporation, Japan |

17:05 |

8A-5 |
High-Field Electron Mobility in Biaxially-tensile
Strained SOI: Low Temperature Measurement and Correlation with
the Surface Morphology |
abstract |
O. Bonno, S. Barraud, F. Andrieu, D. Mariolle,
F. Rochette*, M. Cassé, J.M. Hartmann, F. Bertin and O.
Faynot |
CEA/LETI Minatec and *IMEP, France |

Session 8B |

Nonvolatile Trapped Charge Memory [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
R. Yamada, Hitachi Ltd.
K.-M. Chang, Freescale |

15:25 |

8B-1 |
Band Engineered Charge Trap Layer
for highly Reliable MLC Flash Memory |
abstract |
Z.L. Huo, J. Yang, S.H. Lim, S.J. Baik, J. Lee,
J.H. Han, I.-S. Yeo, U.-I. Chung, J.T. Moon and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., LTD., Korea |

15:50 |

8B-2 |
A Novel Gate-Injection Program/Erase P-Channel
NAND-Type Flash Memory with High (10M Cycle) Endurance |
abstract |
H.-T. Lue, E.-K. Lai, S.-Y. Wang, L.-W. Yang,
T. Yang, K.-C. Chen, K.-Y. Hsieh, R. Liu and C.-Y. Lu |
Macronix International Co. Ltd, Taiwan |

16:15 |

8B-3 |
Gate-All-Around Twin Silicon Nanowire SONOS
Memory |
abstract |
S.D. Suk, K.H. Yeo, K.H. Cho, M. Li, Y.Y. Yeoh,
K.-H. Hong, S.-H. Kim, Y.-H. Koh, S. Jung, W.J. Jang, D.-W. Kim,
D. Park and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

16:40 |

8B-4 |
A Nanowire Transistor for High Performance
Logic and Terabit Non-Volatile Memory Devices |
abstract |
H. Lee, S.-W. Ryu, J.-W. Han, L.-E. Yu, M. Im,
C. Kim, S. Kim, E. Lee, K.-H. Kim, J.-H. Kim, D.-i. Bae, S.C.
Jeon*, K.H. Kim*, G.S. Lee*, J.S. Oh*, Y.C. Park*, W.H. Bae*,
J.J. Yoo*, J.M. Yang*, H.M. Lee* and Y.-K. Choi |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
and *Korean National Nanofab Center, Korea |

17:05 |

8B-5 |
Quantum Confinement Effect for Efficient Hole
Injection in MONOS-Type Nonvolatile Memory - the Role of Ultrathin
i-Si/P+ Poly-Si Stacked Gate Structure Fabricated by Laser
Spike Annealing |
abstract |
I. Yanagi, T. Mine, A. Shima, S. Saito, D. Hisamoto
and Y. Shimamoto |
Hitachi Ltd., Japan |

Rump Sessions: [Suzaku]
Organizers |
Meishoku Masahara, AIST
Robert Chau, Intel Corporation |

J-R |

Are Design Tools and Methodologies Measuring up to the
Challenges of the DFM Era? |

Organizers |

S. Odanaka, Osaka University
R. Rios, Intel
S. Kumashiro, NEC Electronics
A. Bhavnagarwala, IBM |

Moderators |

M. Hane, NEC
K. Zhang, Intel |

Panelists |

H. Masuda, Renesas
M. Patyra, Intel
C. Radens, IBM
A. Amerasekera, Texas Instruments
J. Farrell, AMD
H. Yoshimura, Toshiba |
Compact models play a key role
in DFM era, especially in
variability-aware LSI design. There are questions as to the
capabilities of these models, effectiveness in design, and credibility
when design is concurrent with process development. The panel
addresses some key questions.
- Are empirical Spice models sufficient or do we need to invest
better physical models for new materials and device architecture?
- Can we trust these models calibrated with limited process data?
- How do we accurately account for variations when design is
concurrent to process development?
- How do we properly distinguish between systematic and random
- Can we trust physical OPC, etching, and CMP models for
- Do the Spice variation models even matter when there are so many
other sources of errors such as tool limitations, crude static
assumptions, MCF approximations, and the exclusion of MIS and
crosstalk? |

R-1 |

Navigating the Roadmap to 32nm and Beyond:
Breaking the Barriers [Shunju I, II] |

Moderators |
Inaba, Toshiba
R. Arghavani, AMAT |

Panelists |

G. Shahidi, IBM
M. Liang, TSMC
Y. Toyoshima, Toshiba
Y. Nishi, Stanford Univ.
R. Chau, Intel
T. Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics |
The transition to sub-90 nm
node shifted a paradigm in logic LSI.
Traditional device scaling methods failed to boost sufficient
performance to uphold Moore’s Law. The 90 nm node, therefore,
debuted with uniaxial strain engineering to improve device
performance. The final scaled gate oxynitride dielectric (<5
layers thick) was also introduced.
The 65 nm node continued this scaling path with more enhanced
stress inducing films in the front end. Gate dielectric was only
slightly scaled at this node.
Initial 45 nm node announcements indicate the introduction
of immersion lithography, multiple strain inducing films, which
use the
additivity aspect of various strain inducing films, and PVD hard
masks which enhance CD control. The introduction of high-κ gate
dielectric and metal gate at 45 nm node is hailed as the “biggest
change to computer chips in 40 years”.
Extrapolation of existing device trends shows significant
barriers to the 32 nm technology node. Uniaxial process-induced
engineering methods, based on new families of ultra-high stress
inducing films combined with embedded SiGe or embedded Si:C
structure at the source/drain, hold promise for achieving 32 nm
device targets. Other process area advances may assist in hitting
mark such as: low resistivity contacts, dual silicides, low-κ spacers,
single wafer cleans to reduce defect density and eCMP methods with
chemistries to reduce variability in lithography and etch.
This panel discussion addresses various technologies and
lead 32 nm enabling options for further improving CMOS performance.
Which sub 32 nm transistor structures are most viable for logic
SRAM applications? What does the future hold for High-κ and
Metal gate? What are the emerging challenges in device parasitics?
What material selection guidelines will keep compatibility between
generations? How to control the device characteristic variability?
The distinguished panelists will also debate the viability
of the above techniques to extend Moore’s Law toward 32 nm
node and

R-2 |

The Status and Prognosis for High-κ/ Metal Gate
Transistors [Shunju III] |

Moderators |

Y. Nara, Selete
J.C. Lee, The University of Texas at Austin |

Panelists |
Bohr, Intel
U-I. Chung, Samsung
K. Imai, NEC Electronics
M. Khare, IBM
Y. Tsunashima, Toshiba |
Silicon dioxide has been used
as gate dielectrics and now scaled to
~1.2nm thick in typical 65nm process. As gate dielectrics are scaled,
leakage currents increase (note: 1.2nm SiO2 consists of only 5
atomic layers). Thus, high-κ (high permittivity) dielectrics
been proposed as alternatives for gate dielectrics application
in order to address the leakage problem, while maintaining high capacitance.
The most common high-κ material studied so far is hafnium-based
dielectric (e.g. HfO2, HfSixOy). However, high-κ gate dielectrics
not compatible with polysilicon gate electrodes commonly used in
today’s integrated circuit technology. The combination leads
to Fermi level pinning and phonon scattering problems. Thus, metal
gate electrodes with appropriate work functions (one for NMOSFET
and one for PMOSFET) would have to be used. Metal gate
electrodes also improve the transistor characteristics by avoiding
so-called poly-depletion effects. However, implementing high-κ
dielectrics and metal gate into CMOS technology is by no means
easy task. One has to address many technical issues such as
deposition methods, dielectrics reliability, charge trapping and
interface quality. Recently, semiconductor companies have
announced a successful implementation of high-κ metal gate
into their 45nm technology. Our panelists will present and discuss their
view on the “status and prognosis for high-κ / metal
transistors”. We will address the following questions:
-When will high-κ / metal gate products be first introduced
in the
market and for what applications?
-When will high-κ / metal gate products be more than 50% of
-What are the remaining issues for high-κ/ metal gate process?
-What is the most suitable process for high-κ / metal gate
deposition methods, materials, gate-first or gate-last)?
-What is the cost of implementation of high-κ / metal gate
-What is the biggest leverage of high-κ / metal gate process,
performance increase, power reduction or scaling? |

Session 9A |

Metal / FUSI Devices [Shunju I] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Takao, Fujitsu Ltd.
D. Nayak, Xilinx Inc. |

8:30 |

9A-1 |
Band-Engineered Low PMOS VT with
High-K/Metal Gates Featured in a Dual Channel CMOS Integration
Scheme |
abstract |
H.R. Harris*, P. Kalra****, P. Majhi*, M. Hussain,
D. Kelly, J. Oh, D. He, C. Smith, J. Barnett, P.D. Kirsch***,
G. Gebara*****, J. Jur******, D. Lichtenwalner******, A. Lubow*******,
T.P. Ma*******, G. Sung********, S. Thompson********, B.H. Lee***,
H.-H. Tseng and R. Jammy*** |
SEMATECH, *AMD, **Intel, ***IBM, ****Univ.
of California-Berkeley, *****ATDF, ******NC State Univ., *******Yale
Univ. and ********Univ. of Florida, USA |

8:55 |

9A-2 |
A Novel Hafnium Carbide (HfCx) Metal Gate Electrode
for NMOS Device Application |
abstract |
W.S. Hwang, C. Shen, X.P. Wang, D.S.H. Chan and
B.J. Cho |
National University of Singapore, Singapore |

9:20 |

9A-3 |
Addressing Key Concerns for Implementation
of Ni FUSI into Manufacturing for 45/32 nm CMOS |
abstract |
A. Shickova*, T. Kauerauf*, A. Rothschild, M.
Aoulaiche*, S. Sahhaf*, B. Kaczer, A. Veloso, C. Torregiani*,
L. Pantisano, A. Lauwers, M. Zahid*,*******, T. Rost**, H. Tigelaar***,
M. Pas***, J. Fretwell****, J. McCormack****, T. Hoffmann, C.
Kerner, T. Chiarella, S. Brus, Y. Harada*****, M. Niwa*****,
V. Kaushik******, H. Maes*, P.P. Absil, G. Groeseneken*, S. Biesemans
and J.A. Kittl** |
IMEC, *KU Leuven, Belgium, **Texas Instruments
assignee to IMEC, ***Texas Instruments, ****KLATencor, USA,
*****Matsushita, ******Freescale assignees to IMEC, Japan and
*******JMU, UK |

9:45 |

9A-4 |
Gate First Metal-Aluminum-Nitride PMOS Electrodes
for 32nm Low Standby Power Applications |
abstract |
H.-C. Wen, S.C. Song, C.S. Park, C. Burham*****,
G. Bersuker, K. Choi, M.A. Quevedo-Lopez*, B.S. Ju, H.N. Alshareef*,
H. Niimi*, H.B. Park**, P.S. Lysaght, P. Majhi***, B.H. Lee****
and R. Jammy**** |
SEMATECH, *Texas Instruments, **SAMSUNG, ***Intel
, ****IBM Assignees at SEMATECH and *****The University of
Texas at Austin, USA |

Session 9B |

Novel DRAM Technology I [Shunju II] |
Chairpersons |
J. T. Moon, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
K. Parekh, Micron |

8:30 |

9B-1 |
Improved Cell Performance for Sub-50
nm DRAM with Manufacturable Bulk FinFET Structure |
abstract |
D.-H. Lee, S.-G. Lee, J.R. Yoo, G.-H. Buh, G.H.
Yon, D.-W. Shin, D.K. Lee, H.-S. Byun, I.S. Jung, T.-S. Park,
Y.G. Shin, S. Choi, U.-I. Chung, J.-T. Moon and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea |

8:55 |

9B-2 |
A Novel DRAM Cell Transistor Featuring a Partially-insulated
Bulk FinFET (Pi-FinFET) with a Pad-Polysilicon Side Contacts
(PSC) |
abstract |
S.Y. Han, J.M. Park, S.O. Sohn, J.B. Lee, K.S.
Chae, C.H. Jeon, J.S. Park, S.D. Kim, W.J. Kim, S. Yamada, Y.P.
Kim, H.S. Park, N.M. Cho, H.H. Kim, M.S. Lee, Y.S. Lee, W. Yang,
D. Park and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

9:20 |

9B-3 |
Floating Body DRAM Characteristics of Silicon-On-ONO
(SOONO) Devices for System-on-Chip (SoC) Applications |
abstract |
C.W. Oh, N.Y. Kim, H.J. Song, S.I. Hong, S.H.
Kim, Y.L. Choi, H.J. Bae, D.U. Choi, Y.S. Lee, D.-W. Kim, D.
Park and B.-I. Ryu |
Samsung Electronics Co., Korea |

9:45 |

9B-4 |
Low Voltage/Sub-ns Operation Bulk Thyristor-SRAM (BT-RAM)
Cell with Double Selective Epitaxy Emitters
(DEE) |
abstract |
T. Sugizaki, M. Nakamura, M. Yanagita, M. Shinohara,
T. Ikuta, T. Ohchi, K. Kugimiya, S. Kanda, K. Yagami and T. Oda |
Sony Corporation, Japan |
Session 10A |

CMOS Platform / Integration Technology [Shunju
I] |
Chairpersons |
Y. Mochizuki, NEC Corp.
B. van Schravendijk, Novellus Systems, Inc. |

10:30 |

10A-1 |
Dependable Integration of Full-Porous
Low-k Interconnect and Low-leakage/ Low-cost Transistor for
45nm LSTP Platform |
abstract |
K. Sukegawa, T. Yamamoto, H. Kudo, T. Kubo*, T.
Sukegawa*, H. Ehara*, H. Ochmizu, M. Fukuda, Y. Mizushima, Y.
Shimoda*, M. Tajima*, M. Oryoji*, Y. Nakata, H. Watatani, H.
Sakai*, A. Asneil*, S. Sakai, H. Matsuyama*, H. Kurata, A. Tsukune,
N. Shimizu, T. Futatsugi, S. Satoh, M. Kase* and T. Sugii |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. and *Fujitsu Limited,
Japan |

10:55 |

10A-2 |
A Cost-Effective LOP/LSTP Integrated CMOS Platform
Utilizing Multi-Thickness SiON Gate Dielectrics with Hafnium
for 45-nm Node |
abstract |
G. Tsutsui, S. Maruyama, T. Abe, H. Nakamura and
T. Fukase |
NEC Electronics Corporation, Japan |

11:20 |

10A-3 |
Manufacturability and Speed Performance Demonstration
of Porous ULK (k=2.5) for a 45nm CMOS Platform |
abstract |
E. Richard, R. Fox*, C. Monget | |