Welcome address from Chair
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to the 2005 Symposium on VLSI Technology which will be held on June 14 -16, 2005 in Kyoto, an ancient capital of Japan.
The Symposium has been recognized as one of the most respected and important technical conferences in the microelectronics arena and in 2005, the Symposium will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary.
Kenji Maeguchi
2005 Symposium Chair
Welcome address from Chair On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a hearty invitation to you to the 2005 Symposium on VLSI Circuits which will be held in Kyoto, Japan, where you can expect wonderful mixture of historic sites and a modern culture. The Symposium is recognized as one of the premium conferences on VLSI circuits.
Tadashi Nishimura
2005 Symposium Chair